Matt Hardy Vacates The TNA World Title


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Yes seriously.


There's this ongoing story about Ethan issuing an injunction or whatever and Matt wouldn't be on TV for a month. Therefore, he's vacated the title so the champion can be on Impact.

How can they possibly keep being this stupid?
Wait, is this legit? The video sure did look legit.

If it is, the angle is somehow getting worse, so at least TNA is accomplishing something.
I haven't followed TNA since they started to pipe crowd noise in during the TV broadcast...but did they really just have their world title switch hands at their biggest show of the year, only to vacate it off-screen two days later?
I'm so confused.

I read a theory that it's because they want to cobble together footage from previous shows with Ethan as champion to make their upcoming episodes instead of filming new footage.

If they're to the point where they can't have Matt stand in front of a white wall anywhere to cut promos, they're dead where they stand.
I hate to be negative about TNA as I don't watch it anymore and I haven't for a long time, but there is really only one thing that comes to mind in reading this newest development.

I haven't followed TNA since they started to pipe crowd noise in during the TV broadcast...but did they really just have their world title switch hands at their biggest show of the year, only to vacate it off-screen two days later?

Yes. This is a step down from when they would do a rematch and switch the title back years ago.
Yes. This is a step down from when they would do a rematch and switch the title back years ago.
At least we got 2 Sting vs Kurt Angle matches out of that stupidity. We didn't get anything here and know we aren't getting anything.
Despite the stupidity of running BFG w/no original followup footage I was willing to give TNA some credit for the "injunction" idea to cover their asses. While it wasn't perfect they did come up with a plan. I expect the next few weeks to include some excellent ring work from previously filmed matches and "backstage" interviews to advance storylines. I was picturing '80s styles Super Stars and Challenge shows. Something w/a traditional feel. I feel let down as a mofo.
Despite the stupidity of running BFG w/no original followup footage I was willing to give TNA some credit for the "injunction" idea to cover their asses. While it wasn't perfect they did come up with a plan. I expect the next few weeks to include some excellent ring work from previously filmed matches and "backstage" interviews to advance storylines. I was picturing '80s styles Super Stars and Challenge shows. Something w/a traditional feel. I feel let down as a mofo.

Or they could have, you know, let Carter win and saved these headaches.
Or they could have, you know, let Carter win and saved these headaches.

Oh that would've been too simple. The minds driving the ship just needed that magic moment for the Carolina kid. Why he was even in the match was mind boggling.

If anything the most interesting thing to me, TNA related, is going to be seeing how they play this mess out over the next month or so. I feel like its going to wrestling's version of America's Funniest Videos. The only difference will be those people on AFV get paid when it is all said and done.
That couch fabric looks familiar. Did he make his old V1 pants out of that or turn those pants into a couch?
I've said it before, this is the exact reason why I never want TNA to fold. You couldn't make this stuff up if you tried.
I said it in the non spam thread. At least let EC3 beat Matt Hardy to a pulp and take the belt or something like that ala Abyss and RVD from years ago. That was stupid but at least it sort of made sense
I got lucky and managed to break the news before most Spanish outlets, lso it was pretty funny to spread the articlue around and get "what the fuck?" about 50 times.
So TNA watches RAW after WrestleMania, hears Heyman mention the notion of getting an injunction to get the belt back, and 7 months later TNA decided it's a good idea to actually do the idea, except with a face voluntarily relinquishing the title he worked years for over the THREAT of being stripped of the title via Injunction.

"Hey I worked my entire life for this belt, but since you don't want me to have it I'm going to give it up voluntarily without any fight."

So now TNA has a whiny heel ex champ (perfectly fine) and a cowardly face ex champ that didn't want the belt anymore (the exact opposite of perfectly fine). Couple that with a lack of a champ and no firm plans to get a new champ aside from a series of matches that will determine still unknown, and you have nothing.

BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE! At Bound for Glory they had a Gauntlet match to determine a #1 contender in Tyrus. So there's a #1 Contender for a vacant championship. Maybe he's in the "series" but knowing them he won't be.
Looks like we are getting a BFG type World Series Tournament to name a new champion. They will be using previously filmed footage to splice together the tournament. As stupid as this idea sounds how funny/cool would it be to see them use the best matches in the company's history while trying to pass them off as new?

First Round. First Match. Daniels vs. Styles vs. Joe. Who will pick that all important first victory?
1. TNA continues to never allow a long reign by a face champion. What's the longest a face has held the title? Two or three months?

2. TNA doesn't have 32 people on their roster to put in a series. Who are they kidding with that number?

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