Matt Hardy-Bringing value to the ECW championship?


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What do you think of Matt Hardy winning the ECW title?I,think it's a good idea to have someone other then Mark Henry as the champion.I,would love to see John Morrison vs Matt Hardy after Mark Henry faces Matt Hardy!.Now,my question is this does he devalue the ECW title or bring value to the title?Does,he bring any Prestige to title?Or,he won't bring any to it?
i think matt hardy winning the ecw championship is good in the long term for the belt. while mark henry was champ really there was olny one wrestler who was going to be a worthy challenger and that was matt hardy, while now matt hardy can fued with mark henry, the miz, charvo, and john morrison. to me it gives the belt more competition
He doesn't devalue it, but he doesn't raise it's prestigue up either, yet. The ECW title became devalued after Johnny Nitro won it and then became even more devalued after Chavo won it. I figured WWE would put the title on Matt Hardy this way to prolonge the feud with Henry. After Hardy disposes of him I would love to see him feud with Morrison, and maybe Miz later. I think Hardy/Morrison could draw more interest in ECW. Now as for Hardy, I don't see anything wrong with him as champion, he's been with the company a long time and paid his dues and is reliable, and he's had some awesome feuds with many wrestlers, like Edge, Kane, MVP, Helms. I think Hardy with time could give the ECW title more worth and value, but for now I'll wait and see. I hope he does do well.
Matt Hardy is fine as ECW Champion. He's been around for a long time and should have at least one world title to his credit. I know that he'll bring more excitement to the ring than Mark Henry. A potential future feud with John Morrison would be cool, but I personally want to see Elijah Burke back in the mix. There's so much that could be done. Give it some time and hopefully the ECW title will blossom once again.
the ECW title was develaued a long time ago. First it was devalued when RVD lost it, then all the unworthy champions after the Big Show. It was completely devalued when the title was changed to an ugly silver title (can't call it ECW gold). Matt Hardy could only do good to that title. Cena changed the WWE title. Hopefully Matt Hardy would make it his own even though the title changed a short time ago. Matt Hardy is a worthy champion for now.
Just how exactly does Matt Hardy upgrade the title? Does anybody remember his ONLY midcard title reign, and how he was a bore and they took the title off him very fast?

Look. I know Matt has a lot of fans. Why they love him so much, I have no idea, as to me, he's incredibly generic. But I know we'll get people in this thread that do the same old "I'm a big fan and I think its about time he got the title and he's the best thing on ECW and I love him and uh oh I just creamed myself" thing. Before they flock here, I just want to say, I'm not opposed to Matt being ECW champion 100%, I just don't think he's worth it, and I don't want to see him as champion for long. I don't feel like watching him face useless people like Knox and Chavo. At the same time, I don't want him beating Miz, Morrison, and the good people all the time, as they don't benefit from it.

As I said with the US title...I'd give him 2 months, tops, before the WWE realizes that Matt's better as a title chaser rather than a title holder, and they give it to someone else.
I find it hard to take the ECW title seriously when it changes hands so frequently. Matt Hardy makes the fifth title change in the last year. The average reign is approximately 3 months. In order for the title to regain some prestige, we need a champion that holds the belt for some time.

Hardy’s not starting his reign the most credible way. He pinned The Miz to become champion. A clean win over the World’s Strongest Champion Mark Henry would have been a big deal. Anyone else notice the live crowd was pretty quiet during the ECW Scramble match even when Hardy won? That isn't what you want or expect for your new champion. Then there’s his Twist of Fate finisher and the way it often comes from out of nowhere. That doesn’t makes Hardy look strong, rather more like a fluke.

Now I like Matt, honestly I do. He’s more than capable of putting on solid, exciting matches. But he’s not the most charismatic and his mic skills are substandard. He’s so much more interesting as the passionate, never say die challenger.

I have a feeling Matt will be a boring champion and not really do anything memorable, just like his short-lived US title run. The ratings are going to start dropping off. (ECW was getting 1.4 and 1.5 ratings with Henry as champion, higher numbers than the previous four ECW champions.) I give Hardy's reign 3 months, 4 tops.
I agree no fate flat hardy as I refer to him is a bore on roids. he only has fans cuz of the hardy boyz days and he really wasn't that impressive then. he lacks personality mic skills and the ability to tell a story in the ring. his styles forces match to end quick becuz after a certain amount of time they begin to blend in wit the paint on thhe wall. I still dnt understand y he or his bro r push as "top" competitors their both spot monkeys and flatt is a pooor excuse of that. he will not add any prestige to the title only one that could have loss the belt. henry as generic as he is at least is believable as an equal to the other brands champs. m(fl)att hardy drenched in mid card status and instantly make the ecw belt less valuable than the crusierweight when horn had it. matt looks like a former tough enuff trainer that the threw a bone for scouting maven thee next rock lol. as orton said monday-he is simply worthless
i would like to think that matt hardy would bring something in the form of value to the ecw title. but that is exactly what i thought when kane won the ecw title. personally i dont think even someone like hhh or undertaker could bring value to the ecw title. It's not so much the champion who brings value to a title. it's also the contenders and challengers for the title. matt hardy simply cant give the ecw title value because of the competition he has. John morrison is IMO the best competition that matt hardy has on ecw. in my honest opinion, the only way that the ecw title can be revalued is to move edge, randy orton, undertaker and hhh to ecw to fight over the title and we know thats not gonna happen.

Honestly... I thought Mark Henry with Atlas was doing just fine as the ECW champion and it already had value, happy for Matt but I did not think Henry was all that bad of a champion, it is hard to push a big guy as champ when he does not have much challengers his size and you don't want smaller guys to just get easy wins over him

that is why they had the scramble thing so basically they will say "Henry never lost the title" or something like that:blush:
He doesn't devalue it or bring value to it. Only a serious main eventer could bring value to it atm. He's a pretty good wrestler, but he's also a bit boring, and he can't really make the ECW title more valuable.

The ECW title is a high midcard title, and isn't really taken seriously anymore. It has been that way ever since Lashley lost it. The best we could get out of this is a feud with Morisson, but they'll probably continue this feud with Henry until we suicide because it's so boring :lmao:. But seriously, they'll continue the feud for a while, and then he'll move on to a feud with Morisson.
This is an interesting one because as we know that wwe is just trying to get a top name to get the title to bring in viewers... Matt hardy is alittle boring sometimes but I think he has gotten better... I don't think henry did a bad job either may I say.. And you kno what, yeah, I think hardy and henry will continue a fued but what's good about these two is that it can be split into two different fueds and ecw can finally have something else going for them.. Finly was or maybe still in a fued wit knoxx but where is that going? Henry wanting gold will face probably morrison or even finly for awhile for number one spot while morrison or miz or another superstar faces hardy for the ecw title.. I am lookin forward to what's gonna happen and hardy as champ is awesome cause in january I said that either or both hardys was gonna win main gold and I think its about damn time for matt... I will be watching to see what happens.. I give it till after wrestlemania before he loses the title :)
Matt Hardy is popular enough to carry an ECW title reign, he doesnt devalue the belt by winning it but he only won it last night so I cant say that he brings value to it either.

This is a wait and see situation as I have high hopes for Matt and think that he wont do a bad job as champion of a brand, he could have good fueds with Mark Henry (thats right I said it) John Morrison, The Miz and Chavo Guerrero, as said before Matt being champion opens up more legitimate contenders to take the belt from him as Mark Henry only ever had one.
before we really can judge and say whether he brings value to the title we have to see his first couple of title defences, and one of those must be at a ppv. yeah his mike skills aren't that great, by why the hell is Tony Atlas hanging around Mark Henry, the former World Strongest Champiyah, because his mike skills are just as average, if not worse. The way Hardy won can lead to some good fueds and angles, with Mark Henry, trying to regain his ECW champiyahchip belt(with extender), or with morrision, another former champ who feels that he was screwed by not making the scramble. The point is as much as i like both the Hardyz, they aren't the best wrestlers, but Matt is the more technically sound of the two(although Jeff has become less and less of a spot monkey lately), and if creative get off their asses a little, can help him move on from the most fighting champion bit that he did when he had the US champ, and help him to restore prestige to the title, cause he sells enought merchandise already, so why not help turn him into a decent champ so he can impress everyone on the forums as much as those kids and Hardy Boyz fans. Matt has the potential to be a really interesting champion, and if the WWE is looking to return ECW to a genuine land of extreme, than utilising Hardy as champ could be the catalyst they need to crank up the E
Ever since Matt Hardy was drafted to ECW the ratings have increased a fair bit. ECW now seems to average 1.3-1.5.

So overall I say Matt Hardy can only bring more value to the ECW title. Not as much as if say Triple H won it, but it can only get better from here.

Good for Matt Hardy though.
I don't think he brings a whole lot of value to the belt, but when guys like Punk, Henry, & Chavo have won it, he certaintly doesnt hurt the title. Matt Hardy is fairly popular and has a pretty big fan following(not as big as Jeff's though). Right now I think he is the perfect fit for the champion since he has been around for a while and unlike Henry he can help wrestlers improve in the ring. He also now has the chance to feud with up in coming heel superstars like Morrison & Miz.
I've been saying it for weeks now. Mark Henry is the most entertaining piece of talent on ECW right now, and the WWE dropped the ball on this one. Instead of continuing to build up Henry as a monster of a champion, which he was well on his way to being, they gave in to the screaming women and the young boys and took the title off of the only deserving star on the show. Atlas and Henry were GOLD over the past few weeks. Did anyone watch ECW when Hardy was talking smack about the ECW scramble participants, and he got to Henry and almost shit himself over the look he got from him? Henry hasn't shown that much charisma in ALL of his years in this company.

The problem with Henry for me had always been his constant feuds with other big men. Let's face it, Henry vs. Kane/Khali could never work. And it didn't. But over the past few weeks, Henry has played his big man role as good as anyone has for a while, dominating the smaller ECW roster. People will say that Henry's enjoyable matches with Hardy on ECW were a result of Hardy, but I say they were all about Henry. I don't hate Hardy, I've just never taken him seriously. I don't care for the little engine that could thing that he has going for him, and he is the less talented of the Hardy brothers. Therefore, if not for his apparent loyalty to the company or just his longevity, he has been granted a title reign. I'm not crazy about it. I would have loved to have seen if Henry could contnue his run.
With Matt Hardy winning the title, I can see some value come to the title depending on how well Matt holds and defends the title. Also, if creative books this title reign properly. Matt could bring this title some real justice, not saying that Henry didn't do it, but it is just Henry hasn't really made me like him much since the Attitude era and that's speaking alot.

Matt Hardy will make for some interesting feuds, like John Morrison, The Miz, and maybe Henry again down the line.

But Only time will tell if that is going to be what happens...
I agree that we can't judge him right now on how he will be as a champion, he just won the belt last night, so give him a break... but in my opinion I feel he will boost the title a little bit. Yeah he last title reign wasn't the best, but that was then and this is now. Matt may not be the best on the mic, but neither was Henry, however he has a strong work ethic and doesn't back down, I feel they will have him as the fighting champion. Matt is wrestling... in that it's all he's ever wanted to do and all he will ever do. He eats, breathes, sleeps and lives this sport. He pours his heart and sould into it and because of that I think he will make a fine ECW champion. He is also very popular, he has a cult following, me being on of them. I don't why people rag on him. He's not the best, but he is far from the worst out there. He's a good all around wrestler and give him a chance to shine, which he deserves.
Matt Hardy is a good performer, but definitely the lesser Hardy, at least to me. He has also shown that he's not that good at carrying singles belts though...but it could be good, if booked correctly. Scrap a BORING Mark Henry rematch feud, and hop straight to a Morrison/Miz feud, and you get gold. These guys are magical together.

If he gives his all, Matt can help bring back some "value" to the ECW Championship, which has gone to pot ever since Kane squashed Chavo at 'Mania XXIV. I'm looking forward to seeing him as the champion, and I do believe he can do a good job. But there's a lot of random factors a championship to ANYBODY has a certain amount of risk involved.
ehh its ok i do think hardy deserves the title. he is a hard worker who loves the buisness and gave everything he can to it. he may be a little slow and stale in the ring but i think everyone would agree that he is better then henry. but tht is my opinion
Do you remember when Matt Hardy was giving the US Title?What did he do with it?I'll tell you nothing he defended alike MVP who dodged Opponents his whole title reign.Was,it even worth to give him a title with Matt Hardy the tag titles?What,prestige did they they bring to the tag titles nothing to answer that question.It, was basically something to over shadow the US title so it won't be defended.Can,you say Matt Hardy was a paper champion when he won the US title?He did defend it and all but, losing it to Shelton Benjamin was the best thing to happen because Shelton can do more then Matt Hardy did with it none the less, he can bring some prestige to the title and not devalue the US title like some wrestlers did examples Bobby Lashley,John Cena,Big Show,Matt Hardy,and Rhyno.Tell me, what did all of those wrestlers do with the US title if, you don't agree with me.Now,Matt Hardy as ECW champ will not devalue the title because he has been in the business awhile and he deserves it.My,question is will this run be better then his US title run in the end?
Really how the fuck could anybody be judge so far into it. he only one the belt two days ago if that. It is way to soon. Do i think he will add any value to the belt? well that is to be seen in a future date. If it is anything like the US championship run he had then no. He did absoloutley nothing with that run. but Hardy vs Morrison and even the miz could at least make the title seem legit. But i do not think that hardy could ever make it one of the three belts. Again it is way to soon for Hardy to be judged. at least give him one match as champion or even one Episode of ECW to see what comes out of it. How do you know if he will or not if he hasnt had a chance to do anything. this weeks ECW will determine it all. if he wrestles and/or starts a fued with someone other then mark henry then yes he will add value to the title IMO but if he is nowhere to be seen kiss any chance of seeing the ECW title mean anything.
You know, I refer to a quote by Peanut (Jeff Dunham's puppet) in saying.. "If you polish a turd, it's still a turd."

The fact of the matter is this. The E.C.W. Championship is going in and out of being seen as a "Heavyweight" Championship. It's called the "E.C.W. Championship" and only at select times, mainly when Henry was Champion, was it being called a Heavyweight title. But when Chavo Guerrero held it, the word "Heavyweight" wasn't anywhere to be found in sentences connecting him to the title.

Matt Hardy will bring excitement to the title, a lot more than Mark Henry could've done. Hardy will have excellent matches with the likes of Evan Bourne, John Morrison, The Miz, Chavo Guerrero, (maybe not Chavo) and many others on that brand.

But in asking if he's going to bring value to the title, you'd have to really ask what value means to you? Does it mean quality of matches? If so, then in comparison to Mark Henry, absolutely. But if you mean value, in the ways of will Hardy be a worthy World Heavyweight Champion.. then I truly doubt it.

Why? Because E.C.W. is the mid-card roster in the company, not a single guy on that roster (at present time) is seen, or could possibly be seen in the near future, as a Main Event wrestler that could Main Event a p.p.v. (including my favorite, John Morrison)
I am reading everyones response and i keep seeing everyone comparing his only win to become the ECW Heavyweight champion to the time that he beat out MVP to become the U.S. champion. well lets see.. hardy was in a few matches after winning that title and then went on to fued Shelton Benjamin.. If you look at his loss it came after he was drafted to ECW and everyone on ECW had the main SmackDown! titles... Hardy, Miz, Morrison, Henry were all ECW Champions. That was to much for ECW so they took the titles away from everyone except for the main ECW championship. So no, Hardy was not given the chance to shine as US champion but unless he gets hurt or traded again in that manner, I do believe that this is chance to finally shine as a champion, to show why he should be world champion.. and to show that he can add alittle value to the title.. Morrison and Punk has added value to the title in some of their great matches after RVD and Big Show and Lashley dropped the title.. Hardy is the guy to push, to shine... and the ECW will have more meaning with this superstar as champion

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