Match of the week


Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!
This is a thread to say, what in your opinion, was match of the week. It can be WWE, TNA, ROH anything, as long as you tell us the match and why this takes place. The week goes from Monday to Sunday (so Raw to, and including, PPV)

So my match of the week from last week took place last night at Backlash and it was the "I quit" match between the Hardys.

What I like in a match is this;
1) Good build up
2) Great promos
3) Great storytelling

This match had it all, for an I quit match it was lacking in weapons, but you know what? That didn't matter...thoroughly entertaining.

What is your MoTW and most importantly...WHY?
I assume the week is Monday - Sunday? So in this case, starting at last week's RAW and going to last night's PPV?

If this is the case, it's gotta be John Cena vs Chris Jericho. I have been criticized for overuse of the term "Nearfall Clinic," but that is exactly what this was. Drama abounded as both men hit their finishiers, or reversed their opponent's finishers. The sad point was the end of the match, as Edge's interference cost us a clean winner. But WHAT A MATCH!

I'd have even nominated it for MOTY had it not been for the outcome.
I'll have to go with the Hardy's match as well. Though I've got to say, taping Matt's hands and feet together and then tying him to a table to win and then Matt squirming around afterwards hardly makes Jeff look strong.

Then again, when did Jeff ever look strong?

Keep in mind that this is the only wrestling match I've seen all week. Wait, no... I saw Beer Money vs. Lethal Consequences. That was pretty decent.
Santina vs. Beth Phoenix. Most people would have hated it, but there's nothing more satisfying than a short match. If it's going to be crap then make it short.

A short match almost always get's a good reaction, see Kane defeating Chavo in 9 seconds and even Edge getting eliminated form the Chamber early.

A quick match is great under certain circumstances.
I'm gonna have to agree with IC here. I think that a thing that makes a match great is a bunch of nearfalls. It makes you think the match can end at any time. These two work great together. Would have been even better with a clean finish.
Cena versus Jericho was very good las week, and easily the best match taped for TV at the two shows I went to. I also saw an Orton vs HHH cage match which was quite a lot better than anything else I've seen between them, but that isn't saying much.

I thought the Hardys completely missed the point of an I quit match, and was quite poor as a result.

The best match for me was Cena vs. Edge. The ending was more contrived and bullshit than the Hardys one, granted, but before that it was probably the best Last Man Standing match for a very long time, if not ever in a WWE ring.

Before this week, I appreciated how good Cena was, but I found him quite dull. I've completely reassessed my position, and he's gone up hugely in my esteem, thanks largely to his matches this week.
Well, another week has passed and I think this week's match of the week is the fatal fourway on Smackdown. First of all, it was a #1 contender's match which added a lot of intensity to it since it was so important. It featured Kane flipping out, Jericho whining like a perfect heel, and about 237 reversals between Hardy and Mysterio, which utlimately led to a win for the Enigma.

Honorable mention to CM Punk vs. Edge and MCMG vs. Amazing Red and Suicide.
My match of the week was from impact and was the motor city machine guns vs. amazing re and suicide.It was a really good match and I looked forward to it after hearing about it from the tapings.Red really impressed.I hadn't seen much outside youtube but he was amazing,pun intended.
Damn lets get this thread going again!

It must have been a bad wrestling week when I decide to give Shelton Benjamin Match of the week.

ECW 9th July 2009, Shelton Benjamin v Yoshi Tatsu....after last weeks shenanigans I wanted to see how Tatsu did.


And Tatsu impressed me, but he was not the suprise of the match...Shelton Benjamin pulled out the stops, something he only does in huge matches. This is Shelton Benjamin against a guy who's in his first real match in ECW (ignoring last weeks squash) and he does so well. The corwd were really into it, it just seemed a good display.

So what's yoru match of the week? Raw, SD!, ECW, Superstars, Impact, ROH or anything else gone down?!
I like the Zack Ryder/Tyler Reks match, but I have to give it to Jericho/Mysterio. This was a PPV quality match, and more than likely the feud ender. You don't see matches like this one often on free tv and I loved it. I loved their match at The Bash, and I would put this one at, or at least near the same level.



I agree with Thriller. For me Chris Jericho v Mysterio was by far the best match of the week. It was a very good match from top to bottom. I was entertained throughout the whole match and there was not one moment I would say to myself, this is boring. I think if this match was on a pay per view it probably would have surpassed their previous pay per view match at The Bash. It was an all around entertaining match that did not disappoint. I was satisfied with it and I think it should be in serious contention for Television Match of The Year.
I have to agree with Lee here, Yoshi v. Shelton was a great match. The crowd was really into it even though it was a guy in his second match against a guy no one's cared about it years. Both men were really impressive, but I actually enjoyed Yoshi more than Shelton.

His kicks look like they hurt like hell and he sells really well. Shelton was pretty good as well, but I didn't like the ending. He definetly needs a new finisher, the Pay Dirt is pretty stupid to me.

Honorable mention to HHH v. Cena
It's got to be Jericho-Mysterio. I've been down on Mysterio for quite awhile now, but his program with Jericho has been amazing thus far, with quite a few fantastic matches. Smackdown was no exception to that, these two went out and put quite the show on. Mysterio jumping off the top rope into the codebreaker? That was sick. That was the first time a LONG time that I've watched WWE TV and said to myself "HOLY fucking shit!" in regards to the in-ring action. Great match.

Ziggler-Morrison was good as well, though it would have been much better if it had been a bit longer.
We should really keep this going. I guess last week ended on Sunday, so not matches from Raw last night count, not like there was anything that great anyway.

I have to give MOTW to Shelton Benjamin vs. Christian on ECW. For the second week in a row Shelton had a great TV match and picked up the win. Shelton really showed off his athleticism and Christian was excellent in the ring as always. He also got a surprise ending with Shelton beating the # 1 contender.

Honorable Mention to Zach Ryder vs. Goldust because they are both fucking sweet.
The Christian/Benjamin match was very good, but my favorite was Morrison/Punk from Smackdown. They have similar styles, and you can tell that they know what the other one is capable of. There may not be two guys in the WWE who have better chemistry than these two. It had intensity, false finishes, and a great ending. They are building up Morrison as a legit threat to the World Title, and Punk ignored the handshake offer after the match, giving Punk a little more heat.
Have to agree with Thriller here. Morrison/Punk was far and away the best match of the week. It was yet another shining example of why Smackdown is the best wrestling program on television, and it's not even close. Punk has really begun to impress me since his return to Smackdown. I always liked the guy, but I could never buy him as a real Heavyweight champion in the WWE until just recently. His program with Jeff Hardy right now is easily the highlight of the entire WWE right now. Morrison I've been a fan of since the Johnny Nitro days, and he's continued to improve and impress me. The chemistry these two guys have is unbelievable, the stuff that real all-time great kind of feuds are made out of. If WWE plays their hands right with these guys, keeping Punk as the heel and Morrison the face, that's got downright Wrestlemania main event kind of appeal to it (in the future obviously).

Christian/Benjamin was pretty good as well.
I didn't actually watch Smackdown, so I'll have to take your word for it. I did see their previous match a few weeks ago, and it was excellent. If this one was anywhere that level I should check it out. These 2 have been great going back to their days in ECW, even with the roles reversed.

I think it is very likely that this will be our Summerslam main event for Smackdown.
I’m in agreement that CM Punk vs. John Morrison was the match of the week. The match was very good and I was entertained throughout the whole match. These guys are going to go very far in the pro-wrestling industry if they keep doing a great job and if they don’t get in any type of trouble. They have improved a lot since their days on ECW. I definitely see them main eventing or at least co-main eventing a Wrestlemania. They have come so far and it’s amazing to see how much they have improved. I will go as far as to say that they are going to put on even better matches once they are on pay per view. They have definitely become two of the highlights on Smackdown and 2 of the more entertaining guys in the WWE. They had a very entertaining match and I hope to see more of their matches in the future.

Honorable mention goes to Christian vs Shelton Benjamin on ECW. Benjamin stepped it up and had an entertaining match with Christian.
Yeah I agree with last week's Punk/Morrison match. They're last 2 match's have both been superb. I'm really enjoying Punk over on Smackdown, his feud with Hardy and his mini feud type thing with Morrison have been gold.

Anyways, the match had everything. Close finishes, both men looking strong and also showing a bit more of a heelish Punk. And I think if I remember Punk did his ropes hold (forget what it was called, tarantula something? Can't remember) which I don't think he's done for fuckin ages.

Great match and hopefully if Hardy does leave soon Punk and Morrison will be main eventing over the title for a few months.
I'm going to do my match of the week from free TV, so I'll go ahead and discuss it now. My vote goes to Kane vs. John Morrison from Superstars.



While the finish was disappointing, the match overall was very good. Kane again reminded us that he is one of the best workers in the WWE, I won't limit to best of the big men, and Morrison showed his versatility by facing someone who isn't the size of Punk or Jericho. It told a solid story with Morrison controlling the start, then Kane gaining the advantage, a crazy section near the end with false finishes and counters, then finally the DQ ending. While I wish we could have had a clean finish, I understand why it was done. They clearly want to build Kane as a solid heel in a feud with Khali, but since it is Kane and he just returned, they needed to get him some heat. Both men came out looking great, and it was a great match.
Bringing this back. Always like the idea of this thread, shoud've posted in it more often.

Anyway, I think that the Hardy/Punk Steel Cage Match has to take this here. It had everything, it was for the title, the loser was gone, it was a gimmick match, and the crowd was really into it. Wasn't the best match ever between these two, but I was disappointed. The more I see Punk the better he looks, and Hardy has shown that he's really underrated by a lot of people as far as wrestling ability goes. To top it all off, Punk gave Hardy a shot with the title belt during his emotional farewell address, just awesome.

Honarable mention to Regal/Christian from ECW. Regal works really stiff and is great at selling the opponents offense. Hopefully these two will have plenty more matches to come.
Bringing this back. Always like the idea of this thread, shoud've posted in it more often.

Anyway, I think that the Hardy/Punk Steel Cage Match has to take this here. It had everything, it was for the title, the loser was gone, it was a gimmick match, and the crowd was really into it. Wasn't the best match ever between these two, but I was disappointed. The more I see Punk the better he looks, and Hardy has shown that he's really underrated by a lot of people as far as wrestling ability goes. To top it all off, Punk gave Hardy a shot with the title belt during his emotional farewell address, just awesome.

Honarable mention to Regal/Christian from ECW. Regal works really stiff and is great at selling the opponents offense. Hopefully these two will have plenty more matches to come.

Yeah, pretty much have to agree with you on that one there. The Hardy/Punk Cage Match was very good, but compared to their match at Summerslam it doesn't look as good as it actually was. I absolutely LOVED that finish as well, Punk hitting him with the belt and laughing maniacally had me sitting back with a big fat grin on my face as to how fucking great of a heel Punk is. I'm a huge mark for the guy, and he still made me go "Punk you asshole!" when he did that :lmao:, what a talent he is.

Regal/Christian was good as well, but was just a bit too short for my tastes, Very good for ECW though.

Oh, and a big honorable mention to the Daffney-Hamada No DQ match from Impact this week, that match was great and really had me pumped up. One of the best women's matches I've seen on television probably ever. Really enjoyed that one.
The cage match gets its third vote. Both men gave off an air of desperation that you need in a "lose or you're fired" match, and they put on a great show. The spot with Hardy hanging off the cage was great, and I agree with X about Punk coming back out.

I'll give Matt some love, too, because the tag match with him and Morrison against the Hart Dynasty was very good. If they run out of ideas for these two, they would make a very good tag team.
It's hard not to pick one of the Punk vs. Hardy matches. Maybe the SummerSlam one for me. Hardy's "live for the moment" philosophy being the deciding factor to the match was a great climax to a great feud and match. All in all it was a very well thought out piece of work, although I might have liked for some of the chair shots Punk was receiving to have been played as MAJOR revenge for Hardy. Some people seemed to no-sell them.

The cage match was great as well. Emotional and gripping. It's saying something I liked it at all as I'm really not a fan of cage match. But the sense that something was going to happen was there, the crowd was hot, and it flowed well from where I was sitting.

My hat is off to both men on a great week.
It's hard not to pick one of the Punk vs. Hardy matches. Maybe the SummerSlam one for me. Hardy's "live for the moment" philosophy being the deciding factor to the match was a great climax to a great feud and match. All in all it was a very well thought out piece of work, although I might have liked for some of the chair shots Punk was receiving to have been played as MAJOR revenge for Hardy. Some people seemed to no-sell them.

...Damn I thought this was only picking the TV match of the week, I wasn't aware we were including PPVs into the mix!

If that's the case than god damn right the TLC match from Summerslam was far and away the best match of the week, that was a truly epic main event and one of the best singles TLC matches I've ever seen. Punk and Hardy went all out and impressed the hell out of me last Sunday, and right now in my mind that was not only the match of the week, but a serious contender for match of the YEAR.

So yeah, if we're including PPVs as well, the TLC match from Summerslam wins this contest hands down.

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