Match of the Month: February

The Brain

King Of The Ring
I’m later than usual with the match of the month thread, but better late than never. For those who have read this thread before, you know the routine. For those who haven’t, it’s very simple. I want to know your favorite matches from the month of February over the years. They can be from any promotion. I’m a WWE guy so mine will be mostly WWE and mostly from pay per view. I’m sure there are some tv matches worth mentioning, but I can’t always recall for sure what month they took place. It’s easier to remember ppv. Here’s my list in chronological order with the exception of my favorite being last.

Hulk Hogan vs. Andre the Giant, 1988:

It may not have been a great match, but it was certainly a historic one. This is where Andre won the title thanks to the twin referee scandal. This match set up WrestleMania IV. It really was a shocking moment. This was the highest rated wrestling segment ever on television. I remember watching this live so I can’t believe it’s been 22 years.

Shawn Michaels vs. Owen Hart, 1996:

I’m sure there were other noteworthy matches during the eight year gap, but as I said it’s difficult to remember the month of free tv matches. I was really looking forward to this one. During the new generation era I thought anything involving Bret, Shawn, or Owen was gold. I thought Shawn vs. Owen was going to be an all time classic. While it did not live up to my high expectations it’s definitely worth mentioning on this list.

Davey Boy Smith vs. Owen Hart, 1997:

This was an awesome match. I absolutely loved this and was very close to making it #1 on my list. This was the final match in a tournament to determine the first European Champion. This should have taken place at WrestleMania 13. It would be remembered as a mania classic.

Steve Austin vs. Triple H, 2001:

I imagine this will be #1 on a lot of lists. This was a big match and worthy of main eventing WrestleMania. This had a big fight atmosphere and gave us about 45 minutes of action. Triple H getting the win was a little surprising.

Brock Lesnar vs. Eddie Guerrero, 2004:

This was a solid match. I wouldn’t deem it a classic, but it’s worth a mention. It went a bit long. It was great to see Eddie win the title even if it was tainted a little thanks to Goldberg. This would have been better if it were just a little shorter.

Kurt Angle vs. The Undertaker, 2006:

This is another that I would expect to be #1 on a lot of lists. This was a great match and got my vote for match of the year in 2006. I was hoping this would take place at WrestleMania 22. Either way this was great and had an awesome finish.

Before we get to #1 there are a couple that might make my list if I remembered them a little better. The final four between Bret Hart, Steve Austin, The Undertaker, and Vader from 1997 is one. Another is the Hell in a Cell between Triple H and Cactus Jack in 2000. It’s been a while since I’ve seen either of these so I’m not sure it they should be included or not.

So what could be #1 on my list? If not Owen vs. Bulldog, Austin vs. Triple H, or Taker vs. Angle, what’s left? For those of you who are familiar with my threads you may be surprised to read that my #1 choice is from WCW.

Ricky Steamboat vs. Ric Flair, 1989:

These two had an epic series of matches in 1989. They worked flawlessly together. These two opponents were made for each other. To be honest I can’t really separate their matches during this time as to which was which. I know one of them took place in February and that’s good enough for me. I’m sure this is a no brainer for #1 for a lot of people, but I was never into WCW much. For me to choose a WCW match over a WWE match really says something. Classic.

So those are my choices. What did I leave off? I look forward to reading your list.
Christian vs. Zack Ryder Feburary 11, 2010.

Usually WWE superstars on Thursday night doesn't produce matches that stand out, this match was probably their best match i have ever seen on WWE superstars.

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