Marvel's Civil War


Cody Rhodes is an excellant
So I've been looking around online for all the books that made up this storyline/arc whatever you want ot call it, turns out their are a lot...

Road To Civil War

* Amazing Spider-Man #529
* New Avengers: Illuminati Special #0
* Amazing Spider-Man #530
* Fantastic Four #536
* Amazing Spider-Man #531
* Fantastic Four #537

Civil War

* Civil War #1
* Amazing Spider-Man #532
* Wolverine #42
* She-Hulk (2nd series) #8
* Civil War: Front Line #1
* Civil War #2
* Thunderbolts #103
* New Avengers #20
* Amazing Spider-Man #533
* Civil War: Front Line #2
* New Avengers #21
* Wolverine #43
* Fantastic Four #538
* X-Factor #8
* Civil War: Front Line #3
* Thunderbolts #104
* Cable & Deadpool #30
* Civil War #3
* Civil War: X-Men #1
* Daily Bugle Special Edition: Civil War
* X-Factor #9
* Amazing Spider-Man #534
* Civil War: Front Line #4
* Civil War: Young Avengers & Runaways #1
* New Avengers #22
* Wolverine #44
* Fantastic Four #539
* Civil War: Front Line #5
* Black Panther #18
* Ms. Marvel #6
* Thunderbolts #105
* Civil War: X-Men #2
* Heroes for Hire #1
* New Avengers #23
* Wolverine #45
* Cable & Deadpool #31
* Civil War: Young Avengers & Runaways #2
* Civil War Files
* Ms. Marvel #7
* Civil War #4
* Civil War: X-Men #3
* Fantastic Four #540
* Wolverine #46
* Civil War: Front Line #6
* Amazing Spider-Man #535
* Cable & Deadpool #32
* Captain America (5th series) #22
* Civil War: Young Avengers & Runaways #3
* Heroes for Hire #2
* New Avengers #24
* Civil War: Front Line #7
* Civil War: X-Men #4
* Iron Man #13
* Ms. Marvel #8
* Wolverine #47
* Captain America (5th series) #23
* Civil War: Young Avengers & Runaways #4
* Heroes for Hire #3
* New Avengers #25
* Civil War: Choosing Sides
* Civil War #5
* Iron Man #14
* Civil War: Front Line #8
* Punisher: War Journal #1
* Fantastic Four #541
* Amazing Spider-Man #536
* Captain America (5th series) #24
* Moon Knight #7
* Wolverine #48
* Civil War #6
* Blade #5
* Civil War: Battle Damage Report
* Civil War Files
* Civil War: Opening Shot Sketchbook
* Civil War Poster Book
* Civil War: The Confession
* Civil War: The Initiative
* Civil War: The Return
* Civil War: War Crimes
* Fallen Son: The Death of Captain America
* Ghost Rider #8-11
* Iron Man / Captain America: Casualties of War
* Marvel Spotlight: Civil War Aftermath
* Marvel Spotlight: Captain America Remembered
* Winter Soldier: Winter Kills

Now I'm obviously not going to attempt to hunt down every individual issue, because A.) that would take for fucking ever, and B.) Would likely cost me a fucking fortune, so I thought I'd just see how many graphic novels they broke this down into....

Collected editions

*The Road To Civil War.
* New Avengers Vol 5: Civil War.
*Ms. Marvel Vol 2: Civil War.
*Heroes for Hire Vol 1: Civil War.
*Civil War TPB.
*Civil War: Thunderbolts.
* Civil War: Front Line, Book 1.
*Civil War: Amazing Spider-Man.
*Civil War: X-Men.
*Punisher War Journal Vol 1: Civil War.
*Civil War: Fantastic Four.
*Civil War: Young Avengers
*Civil War: Wolverine.
*Civil War: Captain America.
*Civil War: Peter Parker, Spider-Man.
*Civil War: Front Line, Book 2.
*Civil War: X-Men Universe.
*Civil War: War Crimes.
*Black Panther: Civil War.
*Civil War Companion.
*Civil War: Marvel Universe.
*Civil War: Iron Man.
*Civil War: The Underside.

Again A shit load of books for me to track down..., so here is my question to anyone who has read Civil War, which books out the the "Collected Editions" list are absolutely necessary reading and what order I should get them in?, I want to start at the beginning and get the ones that are the most important to the main story first

I'm thinking Road to Civil War looks like the most logical starting point, so I'm prolly going to venture out and see if I can find that one around here anywhere today
I only read the graphic novel Civil War:


And it got me fairly far in understanding the whole story.
Wolverine and Spider-Man right off the bat can be ignored if what you're after is the meat-and-potatoes storyline of the event. I think Young Avengers, too, is only side story. The Spider-Man stuff is lightly tied to the storyline, but Wolverine is almost entirely it's own little thing. X-Men is just there to be like "Hey, Mutants live in this world too!". Can't speak for the FF, Punisher, or Black Panther stuff, but I would say the "Civil War" TPB along with the Iron Man and Captain America stuff will cover the bases well.
This could be totally obvious, so spare me a bashing if so ;). Can't you find the majority of these graphic novels, used, on Amazon for less than a $1 each? And if you do find all of them dirt cheap, can you buy from the same seller to avoid shipping costs for each book?
The Wolverine stuff will no doubt be cringe worthy due to the art. The Amazing Spider-Man stuff is totally pointless as it's practically just set-up for the next arc (Back in Black), which in turn is a set-up for One More Day (which is the single worse arc in Spider-Man and possibly comic book history). Hero's for Hire is crap. The Punisher stuff is damn good. Fraction is awesome when writing the Punisher and this is no different. Brubaker's Cap is always worth a read.
Civil War Marvel Universe sounds like it might be what you want, but make sure you look at the description to make sure it's not like, just a whole bunch of info without any comic. Also, Captain America and Iron Man are probably the two most important ones that will give you a whole bunch of coverage of both sides of the story.

I just read X-Men Civil War, and it was good, but it's focused almost entirely on the X-Men and what's going on with them during the Civil War, not the war itself. I would only read it if you're a huge X-Men fan.
its been a long time since i read it, but you will definitely want to have the road to civil war, thunderbolts, captain america, spider-man, iron man. most of the comics that came out around that time had something to do with the civil war, but had no impact on the story at all. skip black panther, it was pretty much useless to the story. punisher was really good, but didnt really impact the storyline too much. also get anything to do with penance that came out afterwards. obviously get as much captain america as you can get following the war.
found the one Doc posted, along with most of the others at Barnes & Noble, apparently they've completely re-vamped the graphic novel section and added shitloads more stuff (it used to be just a bunch of random graphic novels on a tiny table hidden away in the back corner), so now I know where to go to find most of this stuff

Civil War and Civil War Universe are both huge hardcovers, that are about $40 a piece, I think I'll be getting the one Doc posted first, only I'm going to look for a used copy online, prolly get Universe second and also pick up Capt. America, and Iron Man as well

Haven't bought any of the Civil War stuff yet, but I did pick up Batman: The Widening Gyre (Mainly because it was written by Kevin Smith, with Walt Flanagan of "Tell'em Steve-Dave" fame doing the art), and Green Lantern: No Fear (it was only $10) to hold me over for the time being
Thunderbolts is a very good read too. Very clever move on Marvel's part by adding some A-List talent to that team and also a very subtle hint to what is to come in the Marvel U.

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