Marvel Comic Event: Chaos War


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Chaos War
From Wikipedia


Quick Summery

"Chaos War" is a Marvel Comics storyline that began publication in October 2010 across nine comic book series: the five-issue miniseries Chaos War, written by Greg Pak and Fred Van Lente, supplemented by seven branded miniseries or one-shot publications, and by three issues of Incredible Hulks, a temporary iteration of the long-running series The Incredible Hulk vol. 2. It follows the "Incredible Hercules" storyline written by Pak and Van Lente.

The plot concerns a group of mythological gods and others assembled by the Greek god superhero Hercules to battle the Chaos King, the embodiment of the chaos and nothingness that preceded creation, which wants to wipe out all existence.

Plot Summery

After the demonic dream-being Nightmare is killed by the Chaos King, an identity of the evil god Amatsu-Mikaboshi, humanity is rendered unconscious. Writer Fred Van Lente said Mikaboshi is based on the Shintoism concept of the same name, "whom some see as the Japanese god of evil, but he really is a being that represents the polar opposite of the core values in the Shinto religion."

Mikaboshi's army of enslaved alien deities then invades the underworld realms of the gods Hades and Hela, resulting in all the dead having to fight for their existence. The demon-lord Daimon Hellstrom finds that the personification of Death has fled, unleashing the souls of the deceased on Earth.

The Greek god superhero Hercules, who had died but been resurrected with enhanced powers, assembles a group of heroes including the Norse god superhero Thor, the Silver Surfer, the siren named Venus, the planet-eater Galactus, and Sersi, a member of the evolutionarily advanced human race known as the Eternals. This informal alliance is dubbed the God Squad.

While the Chaos King/Mikaboshi destroys the various pantheons of the mythological gods, Thor engages in battle with its servant Glory. Thor barely survives, reverting to an amnesiac form of his human identity, Dr. Donald Blake, and is cared for by a new character, Rebecca Steinhardt.

The Impossible Man and the demon lord Marduk Kurios, in the guise of Satan, individually confront Mikaboshi and are consumed. Several dead members of the superhero team the Avengers, including the Vision, Doctor Druid, Deathcry, Swordsman and the Rita DeMara Yellowjacket, led by the Mar-Vell Captain Marvel, return to Earth and defeat Mikaboshi's supervillain accomplice known as the Grim Reaper and the supervillain Nekra with most of the group being killed in the battle. Deceased members of the Canadian superhero team Alpha Flight similarly return to Earth, and with living members fight Amatsu-Mikaboshi and the Great Beasts.

The mystic Doctor Strange, formerly Earth's Sorcerer Supreme, tasks the Hulk and others to find the dead Marlo Chandler, who contains part of the essence of the personification of Death. Brian Banner, the dead father of the Hulk's original self, Dr. Bruce Banner, is resurrected, becomes the Devil Hulk and fights his son. A number of dead members of the mutant superhero team the X-Men also return, seeking a prophetic diary that holds information for defeating Mikaboshi. The Dead X-Men managed to prevent Carrion Crow from claiming the diary at the cost of the lives of some of them.

Hercules' sister, the Greek goddess Athena, believing the current reality is irreparably metaphysically corrupt, and wishing to start fresh with a new Big Bang, is revealed as Mikaboshi's accomplice. The primeval Earth goddess Gaea and her daughter Pele, the goddess of fire, summon the surviving gods to Hawaii. The young genius Amadeus Cho calculates that Mikaboshi by now has consumed most of the multiverse, and Cho urges humanity to escape to an unpopulated and sealed-off continuum of which he knows. Hercules argues to go down fighting, and is confronted by Athena. But Gaea and Pele destroy and recreate Hercules as a maintainer of the cycle of life, and Hercules annihilates his sibling.

While the Hulk and his allies, the God Squad, Alpha Flight, and the surviving Dead Avengers fight Amatsu-Mikaboshi's forces, Amadaeus Cho and Galactus work on a machine that will transfer Earth to the sealed-off continuum. Hercules throws Mikaboshi inside it, sealing the entity off. He then restores all that Mikaboshi had destroyed by expending his entire power, turning into a "regular" mortal.


Chaos War #1-5
Chaos War: Alpha Flight #1
Chaos War: Ares #1
Chaos War: Chaos King #1
Chaos War: Dead Avengers #1-3
Chaos War: God Squad #1
Chaos War: Thor #1-2
Chaos War: X-Men #1-2
Incredible Hulks #618-620

My Thoughts

I just recently picked up and read the Chaos War: Incredible Hulks TPB, which collected all of the Hulk postion of this event. If the Hulk portion of the story is any indication as to how good the rest of this even was, than this was just one big epic battle, a very entertaining read, & one I highly suggest everyone, especially Hulk fans to read, loads of good stuff in that trade. I have not read anything else from the Chaos War, though I am interested in picking up the main min-series one of these days, as well as the X-men portion of the story

Discussion Question

-Is there anything you would have changed about this event?

Personally I can't really speak on anything other than the Hulk portion of the event, and thought they did a terrific job with that, so I can say as far as that portion of the story is concerned I wouldn't change anything there.

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