Marketing the Unmarketed, what TNA should do?

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Hardcore Revolutionist
Ever since the closure of ECW in 2001 no wrestling company in america has really focussed in on the hardcore passionate fans that really made that company what is known for now. Yeah sure CZW is probaly the most well known hardcore promotion in the states, but they have never really made it. When TNA first started they had ex ECW guys in, like New Jack and Sandman to name a few and even still have some on the roster now. They did alot of hardcore matches right up to around 2004 ever sine then though less and less hardcore style matches have be occuring, yeah sure we have the odd one every now and then but im talking about hardcore matches like every ECW match. Surely a wrestling organisation would want to tap in on the fans that have be left out of wrestling since ECWs demise? When ECW was re opened in 2006 the ratings of that show was pretty high as most fans thought wow ECW is back, now though its changed and not what they thought those fans are still left without a promotion. Think about it instead of competing to gain new fans as thats hard enough, and instead of competing to gain WWEs fans which is even harder, why dont TNA incorporate more ECW style things into their matches and company? Surely its easier doing this and gaining fans that arent loyal to a promotion at the moment then the ones who were left from ECWs demise then it is any of the above?

So is this what TNA could or should do? Market thier product to fans that have lost out? Or continue down the path they are going and expand? Or is it the fact that there isnt a market anymore for hardcore style wrestling?

Whats you opinion?
First of all I want too say hello too everyone on the board my name's Mark. I grew on WCCW and Memphis wrestling the main thing is creating great characters. I watch wrestling now and no one really has that standout gimmick. You don't guys like Bruiser Brody, Stan Hansen, Abby, Sheik, or Terry Funk. Every wrestler now is trying to be the next Benoit or Eddie not thats a bad thing its just hard too sell. Their a reason why people still po for Kamala, Jim Duggan, Sgt. Slaughter, and Road Warrior Animal. They all out of this world personality and gimmicks. I think TNA first has to create new and out of this world wrestling characters. TNA don't have that one guy that make you say damn did you see that guy. Also I think that they should book simliar to the way WCCW,UWF/MIDSOUTH,Memphis, and Flordia booked shows.

In closing I hope this wasn't too long but its just my idea.
I like this thread, nice post....
Anyways, I realy believe that we're in a new era of professional wrestling. I think the growing amount of viewers have evolved. Those of us who've watch in awe what ECW gave us are older and most of us know that it can never be duplicated. It's been way too long to try and take that fanbase, as most of has have moved on. TNA should mainly focus on its marketing of "Alternative Sports Entertainment". TNA's goal is to ultimately face off against the WWE. The hardcore wrestling market is not mainstream, so they have to focus on the Sports Entertainment: Alternative deal they've been promoting since its beginnings.
Yeah i mean without a doubt the hardcore style wrestling is not mainstream at all, never has been. I mean look at the problems that ECW had getting accepted on TV and keeping the deal. I think if TNA did turn hardcore or slightly more hardcore then obviously Spike TV and TNA would probaly have words. So yes i agree with the whole alternative sports entertainment aspect is something TNA should strive for. But the other thing is though hardcore wrestling as well as some of the antics ECW did in the 90's werent as widely accepetd as being morally right or whatever as they are now. Times have definatly changed now and surely it would be more excepted to see hardcore wrestling or even a lesbian kiss like ECW?

Other thing is as well ECW and WCW i geuss were the only two promotions who in america produced Lucha Libre wrestling on thier shows. Is this something else that TNA could tap into because WWE certainly doesn't. Surely this would be easier for TNA to acomplish rather than moving to Hardcore?
I go to alot-almost all- of the tna tapings in Orlando. TNA isn't set up for hardcore... it's weird when they do it, when anybody watched the 10,000 tacks match it was the way they did it that made it boring to a point. They try to make an explosive show on impact, but most impact tapings are better than PPV. So, its not the fans do not want to become extreme, Because I think tna should differate its self from wwe. Its tna dont have the knowledge on when to do it and when to leave it alone.
I geuss another huge factor in whether TNA should do a more hardcore approach is where abouts they are situated. I mean i dont think ive ever heard of a florida crowd that love hardcore that much. I mean one of the things that helped ECW progress on that aspect was the rabid Philly fans. So perhaps TNA arent in the right location in the country?
TNA should just push it's young talented guys and stop bringing in guys who are 40. The fact that a guy like Alex Shelley with so much talent on the mic, in the ring, in skits ... is doing nothing basically is a joke. He's in a tag team. They've already basically debuted every indy darling and blown their TNA careers. I'm not sure there is anything left to do now. TNA had a chance to be the "Super Indy" company, and instead they chose to be exactly what WCW was. They already gave a football player a belt ... I'm sure an actor won't be far off.
Hardcore is tricky to balance, i hate alot of what CZW does it is just bloodletting nonsense, it uninspired dribble by guys (some, not all of there roster) that couldnt perform anything more than a scoop slam. Alot of the japanese hardcore falls into the same pitfall, its about the next weapon they can use, who can bleed the most etc etc.

ECW had it made they tapped into exactly why hardcore wrestling worked. The wrestlers used what was available to them. Chairs, tables, ladders, wooden boards, guard rails, there all in the arena, they dont look out of place they look like someone was stuggling in a match so they utilised the nearest weapon to them. Barbed wire, tacks, fire etc only came into play when feuds got to the point where use of excessive violence was deemed realistic. Paul heymans abilty to portray realism was brillaint and he help define logical hardcore wrestling.

TNA walks the line. Sometimes it gets it very right, othertimes it grabs custom built props and randomly placed themed weapons that are just shit. Bar room brawls, Little italy street ... no .no, but on the other hand Storm vs harris that was on impact a few months back was a great lesson in exactly what hardcore wrestling should be!

If TNA wants to stay in buissness then a balanced mix of logical hardcore, innovative in ring performers and grounded realistic storylines are they way to go.
Yeah i definatly think having Paul Heyman at the healm of ECW to guide its hardcore lifestyle through time had alot to with its success. The hardcore stuff used in that company is as you say different from CZW. CZW is just mindless violence by people who cant get jobs and cant wrestle. ECW was never this and never had one wrestler who couldnt wrestle at the same time take a chair shot with exception of New Jack.
But TNA also have this roster i mean Abyss can wrestle and he can take a few bumps as can Rhino and Raven so perhaps TNA could start a divison with guys like that to do the hardcore matches? But without a doubt i do agree its hard to balance the hardcore wrestling and yeah that Storm and Harris match was perfect. And the end of turkey bowl Impact with Joe Styles and Sabin and Styles just got a random table thats what im talking about seems more realisitc and fits in the match so perhaps TNA should do more?
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