Mark Madden: What Is This Guy's Problem With TNA?

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Championship Contender
Mark Madden said:
Dixie Carter’s speech on TNA Impact was utterly pathetic. I know what she said. Here’s what she actually meant:

“I’m an idiot. A loser. A mark. But I’m the boss. Stop talking about me behind my back. I don’t know what I’m doing, but I sign the checks. If you want that to continue, you’ll play along. Do I have a plan? ****, no. If I had a plan, I’d tell you in private instead of spewing this nonsense in public. Damore, do you need to vomit?”

The one person Carter really needed to convince with that BS was herself. I doubt she did.

Carter’s nutty lament indicates that she’s entering the final stages of money-mark meltdown. Her company stinks. She’s a joke. But if she can get on television and BE A STAR, it will all be worth it.

For Hulk Hogan, anyway.

Here’s how I hope this one plays out, and I just hope I don’t kibosh it by letting the cat out of the bag: TNA TV will devolve into an even screwier version of the old AWA Team Challenge, with Team Hogan vs. Team Carter. Dixie will lead the heels, because Hogan will convince her “it’s more fun, and I’ll make sure you get over, brother!”

It would be horrible, but Hulk and the boys know that keeping Dixie on TV and (she thinks) over will help her indefinitely absorb the vitriolic criticism and financial losses endured by TNA. Bob Carter will be happy because daddy’s little girl is happy.

And why wouldn’t Dixie be happy? She’ll get to interact with AMERICAN HERO HULK HOGAN on a regular basis. Who wouldn’t want to do that...well, besides Linda Bollea?

Dixie’s speech was just incredible. Outrageous. I can’t imagine what TNA’s “talent” was thinking while they had to endure that, but I guarantee the word “ninny” was involved.

The latest word is that Hogan won’t join TNA until January. He apparently wants time to survey the situation and decide once and for all if he wants to be involved…uh, I mean, he wants to appraise the product and figure out exactly what needs to be done.

Oh, good Lord. Can you imagine Hogan sitting down with 20 hours worth of Impact tapes and analyzing them? Figuring out what’s working, what isn’t? Who’s over, who isn’t? I called the guy a liar last week. I’d like to thank him for such emphatic confirmation.

Maybe Hogan is giving Bubba The Love Stooge time to decide if he wants to join the creative team. I’ve been told that’s in the cards. Maybe the Nasty Boys are trying to get under 400 pounds each.

Hogan has faced some juicy situations, but this is right up there with any. True, the Carters don’t have near the fortune of TBS, or Time Warner/AOL. But the Carters don’t have the business acumen, either, or the layers of administration. There’s less people to hoodwink.

Hogan probably thinks he could get it all. Who knows? If he signs a contract with Panda Energy, not TNA, maybe he could. That might motivate him to see this through.

This guy makes some of the most ridiculous columns bashing TNA and this guy is a complete nobody. Who the hell is this guy anyway? He was a low rate Don West who wore Hawaiin shirts while doing commentary for WCW in it's dying days but somehow this man has a job here as a columnist? :wtf: Nothing makes this guy's opinion credible but yet he gets to write stupid columns like the one above?

I can't help but take him as some type of plant on this site to have an agenda to bury TNA as much as possible but at the same time, I get the vibe that he's miserable in life and decides to take it out on TNA. Everything I read about this guy involving TNA is negative. Just like some others did online, this guy is basically making something out of Dixie's speech and reading into it when I see it as nothing more than a motivation speech. Yet this guy finds someway to twist it to bash Dixie herself and the entire company. TNA is not perfect and everyone knows it can be shit from time to time but to be so negative and downright nasty makes him come across as complete loser and hater. It's one thing to be a poster and to be negative because of fanboyism and loyalty but to be in the spotlight and not offer anything of value and to offer nothing of trash energy isnt productive.

It's one thing to use your platform to be a critique but to hate isn't doing him, TNA, or anybody any favors.
Is he jealous of TNA's success? Could he be mad that TNA never hired him or even offered him a job? Is he in cahoots with someone to bash TNA? Or is he just a complete mark like his first name suggests? So what do you think this guy's problem is with all of his bias journalism towards this 1 promotion? What is his agenda?
I think Mark Madden is just a bitter old man, pissed off at the wrestling industry. He feels that WCW screwed him, so he's mad at WWE and TNA, when his best bet is to just go away.

I don't care what your personal views are on the speech by Dixie. Whether you loved or hated it, it's done. You can't "undo" it. There's no point in going on a rant about how it will or won't work, when all we really have to do is sit back and see what happens.
I could care less about Madden's opinion usually, but he is spot-fucking-on here. Dixie's speech was absolutely pathetic to watch. I don't consider telling the employees that they have to agree with her decisions 100% of the time to be very motivational. Sounds more dictator like to me. The very fact that she aired this little speech on TV is sad. Like I said, I usually could give a shit about what Madden has to say, but he's completely right here. Why do you think this speech aired? It's all because of the backstage drama that's been unfolding for the last few weeks since news of Hogan's signing. She basically wanted to tell them all "Hey, I know I know absolutely nothing about the wrestling business and you all (rightfully) have doubts over my decisions, but too fucking bad, follow me or get the fuck out and step it up while you're at it you lazy pricks".

If it was supposed to be purely motivational, why even air it on TV? If it was just to motivate the wrestlers, why put it on TV and make both her and TNA look foolish? Seriously, what is up with Dixie these days? She's been on Impact more and more each week to the point where we're seeing more of her than we are some of the damn champions. The last thing we need is Dixie on TNA television each week.

I don't know about Madden's problem with TNA or if he has one, but he's completely right about this article. Dixie's speech was pathetic.
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Mark Madden does need to go away. I actually sent him an e-mail about that article mentioned above, as it was just pathetic. It sounds like he is bitter and a little upset that he isn't in the wrestling business anymore.

I disagree with the negative thoughts on the Dixie speech. I thought it was great, and it showed leadership on her part. As the leader of a corporation it is important to from time to time address your employees, shareholders, and fans in a "Town Hall" fashion. What this does is put everyone on the same page as to the direction the company is going in. It broke kayfabe, and it was done well.

What she basically said was, "We are going to the top, and whether you are with us or not, it is PERFECTLY fine, but just know that we are going to be #1 and we just want to know who is coming with us."

Madden's gripe with TNA sounds like a little kid complaining about not getting his way. What would HE have done if he was in TNA? I am annoyed with his negativity and his unwarranted distaste for a product without even seeing anything come out of it. TNA is doing great right now and their product is very entertaining. I can say that I am genuinely entertained by Impact each week, and look forward to watching. Why must he discuss one thing he dislikes as if its the death of the company? Give me a break. I never read his columns before, but after hearing him on VOW and reading his column tonight he has lost all credibility as a columnist for me. I won't be looking out for his work any more because it provides nothing of value and nothing substantial as far as pro wrestling goes.
Why the hell does Chris Cash let him post those columns anyway. He's not analyzing anything. He's just ranting and venting about wrestling. Its glorified spam. I could do that. with my eyes closed. Get over yourself Madden. Wrestling doesn't revolve around you. You sound like all the other "smarks" who only complain about todays product. Post something of worth. Like at the Smackdown/Raw Ladder, or the Pay Per Review. Those are the kind of editorials worth reading. They analyze professional wrestling. If you wanna rant about how lame the product is, the wrestling spam zone is a click away.
Whether Madden is right or wrong in this instance is irrelevant, IMO. He's a dejected wrestling failure who projects his anger through a bullhorn every week to anyone who's willing to listen, or anyone who's personal preferences walk a line with masochism.

I stopped reading his column about a year ago, because I noticed one undeniable trend: He never, under any circumstances, admits defeat, and most certainly never gives credit where credit is due.

Even if TNA did everything right and started posting record numbers, Madden would interject with his incessant cry-baby bitching after every episode of iMPACT!, even if the only thing he could complain about was a guy not taking a bump correctly, or blowing a spot.

Fuck that guy.
The title of this thread could have simply been "Mark Madden ; What Is This Guys Problem?" Honestly, I've never seen anyone so inconsequential mouth off so much, while at the same time, being pretty much wrong on every single thing. Seriously, the guy has a talent for being wrong and I can't for the life of me work out why anyone listens to him. I will occasionally read his "articles" for a laugh but otherwise, he's got about as much credibility with me as most of the internet fanboys.
As for his attack on TNA, the only purpose it served was to give him something to write about. Read it properly and there's no substance to it, whatsoever. It's a pre-emptive attack for things that haven't even happened yet. As usual, Mark Madden in standing on the mountainside, stone tablets in hand, reading his manifesto on "How Not To Fuck Up Your Company" and as usual, no-one is taking any notice because he's a big mouther irrelevant who has done absolutely nothing.
The title of this thread could have simply been "Mark Madden ; What Is This Guys Problem?"

It's not...So, please edit your post to fit the thread title. He's written more than one article putting down TNA, and some of his others have made comments slamming them.

You'd think that his disdain for WWE would make him want something to compete, but he keeps finding reasons not to. It's like he just wants the business to die. If it's not McMahon and 'Taker holding guys down, it's Russo pushing the wrong guys. He needs to make up his mind on what he likes and dislikes, and get on with life.
yes mark madden is usually wrong and makes no sence but like xfearbefore said he is dead on. that speach was the biggest bullshit ive ever heard. its like she's trying to be vince but she has no reputation in the industry. vince atleast grew up in wrestling and learned everything he knows. dixie's daddy just bought a company 6 years ago for her and said "here honey go crazy" and thats what she is doinbg. he has 0 credibility in the wrestling industry. fuck dixie carter. jeff jarret needs to rob a bank and buy his company back. tna does not need to try and compete with the wwe. they dont need to bring in old wwe and wcw guys. and they sure as hell dont need hulk hogan, who by the way probably wont even join tna untill january, if he even decides to go through with it. tna is saying all of this stuff about hogan comming in and i cant wait till he sees how stupid dixie is and decides he's better off retiring once and for all.
I honestly could never stand Mark Madden. He was the worst part of the show in the dying days of WCW. He maybe even worse than Mike Ademle and more annoying than Don West as a commentator. I at least felt sorry for Ademle and thought West had a lot of passion. Madden is just bitter that no one wants him and he isnt working.

As mentioned a few times, I work in the entertainment industry and have NEVER heard anyone mentions Madden's name. Its not like fans are talking either and saying, "Hey did you hear the latest on Madden recently" like people would Bubba the Love Sponge or Howard.

I gave TNA a chance a year ago when the MEM started. Since then its become destination programing for me. If you tune in just for the womens division alone you will get something twice per show that WWE wont give you in a month.

Best of Luck to Dixie and the crew for taking a chance. I am no Hogan mark, but why not try to make something happen on a larger level? Madden of all people should realize how difficult it is to get a weekly 2 hour show especially getting shows in Radio. Madden may have the Billy Graham syndrome here.
Mark Madden seems to have a general disdain for the wrestling business in general, but for whatever reason really hates TNA. I honestly think that has more to do with the fact that Dixie Carter is running TNA than anything else. He puts down wrestlers, promoters, announcers and everyone else, but really seems to hate women. The things he says about Divas, wanting to feel up pamela paulshock, and in general what the girls are on the road for, are all misogynistic hate speech points of view. Dixie Carter, however, Madden seems to have a real big beef with, saying she only started the company to be around the boys, is a money mark, is stupid, and he says it with much more shallow bitter words. Ultimately i think Mark Madden hates everything, but he hates women more than anything else.
Most of the time, you have to dismiss Madden's rants (I would call them articles, but "rant" is a more accurate word) simply for what they are: rants. He never brings any real insight into the wrestling business in the articles or on VOW. It's usually just a spewing of bitterness and hate for the business, followed by reminding everyone how smart he is. Most of his insight is prefaced by, "When I was with WCW..." which dates it to 10 years ago. Is that really all that relevant?

That being said, I do happen to like listening to him and reading his rants. However, I like doing so because they make me laugh and very rarely you can in fact take something away from them. Hell, sometimes I even AGREE with Mark Madden. This is one of those times. I'm not a huge TNA fan, and I've only watched their programming less than a handful of times, so my opinion on their product is irrelevant. But, I agree with Madden based off principle alone. If Dixie Carter's speech was in fact a shoot and completely outside of kayfabe as is being reported, I think it was a terrible business decision. If your employees are disgruntled and questioning your decisions, berating them in public and telling them "you need to follow me or get the hell out" on television is not the best way to rally your troops. What's going to end up happening in that situation is that people really will leave or (because it's hard to walk away from a consistent paycheck) they'll continue to stay and be even more disgruntled. Either way, you're not going to get the result you're looking for. If TNA is really going through all this turmoil over the Hogan signing, that's something that needs to be handled internally. That's how Dixie Carter gets credibility, not by stumbling nervously through a speech on television that never should have been on television.
I don't think it's worth mentioning. Everyone of us who comments on these threads are just as bad. We pass judgement, give our opinions, what we think is good, what we think is bad, that WWE is "watered down," what have you, so for us to go on and on about his banter is somewhat hypocritical. Which is why I'm about to rant myself. That speech didn't need to be televised. Yes, it had sort of a dramatic element to it. The infamous "my way or the highway" speech. Which, too, was somewhat hypocritical when apparently several TNA stars asked to be released afterwards, only to be turned down, which apparently was the case. As I watched the speech, I thought she did speak with a lot of passion. But at the same time, I felt that it seemed somewhat awkward to watch. Especially, Russo in the background looking like his house was about to be raided by the karma police. Which is where Madden comes in. Not too long ago, I watched the infamous Bash at the Beach where Russo let out his vulgar laden rant, smashing Hogan, subsequently firing him there after. And throughout the speech, neither Tony Schaivone or Hudson really actually spoke. They, too, seemed to be caught in the awkwardness of the situation. Yet, Mark Madden kept echoing Russo's sentiments, that Hogan was the problem, that he was keeping people back etcetra etcetra. So, in opinion, I don't think this is so much a TNA issue for Madden, I think it goes back to his sheer hatred for Hogan. If I'm wrong I'm wrong. I too can rant.
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I'm actually kinda mixed on Dixie's speech. I mean, I can see why she did it....maybe as a motivational thing. And she wanted it aired to basically tell the world "OK, this is what's going on. I want to lay all the cards on the table....." Maybe that was her intentions. But on the other hand, I can see why some are against it. There were parts of that speech that seemed more like something a dictator would say rather than a leader who wants to inspire. There were parts of the speech that basically said "We're going to do this my way. If you don't like it, you can hit the bricks." And she says that when the morale in TNA is already pretty low. Not very smart. So I can see why some are against it.

As for Madden, alot of times it does seems like he's bitter. It seems like he's just a bitter old dude, who holds a grudge with damn near everybody in the business. The "rant" that he did that really pissed me off, was the one were he basically said that Taker was just as bad as Hogan at holding people down. Seriously...Undertaker...a guy who's considered by many (not just in WWE) to be one of the most respected guys in the industry. And I know damn well that you don't get that respect by holding down people, burying people, and only looking after yourself instead of the company. I've seen many shoot interviews where the person would bash HHH, McMahon, HBK, and others. But when it came to Taker, pretty much all of them said how it was a pleasure working with him. Or how he'd go out of his way to help the younger talents. Or how he always put the company before himself. Or how he never acted like he was better or higher than the people who were just entering the business. And then he had the audacity to say that Taker "was just an entrance and nothing more." Seriously, are you fucking kidding me? Even at the age of 44 Taker is still able to put on badass matches that can put some of the 20+yr old's matches to shame. For the most part, it just seems that Madden is just an angry dude. Just a random question....Has Madden ever posted anything postive about the business , that didn't involve himself?
Having to watch TNA on a weekly basis for my signature's sake, I feel that Madden is very extremely right in a great many things about TNA.

His extremely bitter attitude, as well as constant trashing on Dixie Carter, though, I don't agree with.

Although I do agree that Carter's speech last week was really the sort of thing that would cause only further resentment backstage. It was basically a "With us or against us" type of speech that antagonized anyone who opposed her vision (lol what vision? no long-term storylines and no ideas for future progress?)

It's the sort of thing that doesn't belong in a workplace environment anywhere, though it does happen. But to openly expose that to the entire viewing audience was just unbelievable. It's like an ad agency showing the public viewing audience a backstage look at how their company works, complete with a segment of a boss chewing out and firing several employees for personal reasons.
Let me start off by saying that there are good things about TNA. Not all of it is good but there's never been a perfect promotion and I doubt there ever will be. A few years ago I was really pulling for TNA to step it up, as I'm well aware that we need an alternative to get Vince's attention so the WWE actually does something worth watching.

Let me also say that I constantly look forward to Mark Madden's column. I thoroughly enjoy his insight and perspective and I often agree with his opinion. I've especially enjoyed that last 3 or 4 cause they revolve around Hogan/TNA. I hate Hulk Hogan. I despise his in ring work almost as bad as I hate his damn ego. The ego that held younger guys down in WCW, kept the world title on himself for a whole year, got his over the hill overrated friends main event spot after main event spot etc. The guy is the ultimate premadonna and the fact of the matter is....HE SUCKS. He has no wrestling talent whatsoever, he's practically crippled, he's greedy and doesn't care a damn about pro wrestling; only himself. Yeah, this is the kind of guy that the young, enthusiastic, fledgling TNA movement needs holding the book; because he's all about progression.

Hogan & Bischoff are vampires. They don't care about pro wrestling they care about being employed and gaining at any and all cost. Enter Dixie Carter & Daddy Carter. I think it would have been an OK idea for them to bring Hogan in, but the worst possible thing that they could do is hand him the damn book. How stupid can you be? Wasn't the whole concept of TNA to be the young, hungry alternative to the "bland" WWE product. Well Hogan is the exact opposite of that.

In my opinion this can be the beggining of the end for TNA. Unlike working for Turner, there isn't an infinite supply of money to throw around here. That probably won't stop Knobbs & Beefcake getting hired though, because the world is really clammorring for those in ring returns. Hogan & Bischoff are going to rape TNA, and sadly you'll all see that Madden is right about Dixie Carter.

Get ready TNA marks, get ready for Knobbs to squash Daniels in 5 minutes. Follow that up with Beefcake putting Samoa Joe to sleep to become YOUR new X-Division champion. Last but not least, you'll all be saddest when AJ drops the title in the center of the ring with the big boot followed by the leg drop. And if memory serves...I don't think Hogan ever got to beat Sting in WCW. We all know how Hogan feels about avenging on camera losses and hey for dramatic effect why don't we make it for the Stinger's career. He's about to hang up his boots; what's the difference, right?

And any of you TNA marks who think that that twitt's speech was a good thing should lay off the kool-aid. I'd interpret what she was really saying but I couldn't put it any better than Madden already did.
I like him a lot as the third voice of VOW, however his commentary on tna are wayyy too harsh, I really think he sees wcw in tna, and he must be mad that he is the only one not with tna.
I think Madden problem is more with Russo than with TNA itself. I'm sure it dates back to his days in WCW. He also dislikes Hogan from their days in WCW also. He is friends with Hall, Nash and Flair and I think he just dislikes the way wrestling is these days and prefers wrestling back in the 80's when it was still wrestling and not sports entertainment. When there wasn't a PPV every month and angles lasted for months at a time.

As for his comments on Dixie's speech, we'll see if he right and she is a money mark who becomes more of an onscreen character.
Wow, atleast I am not the only one who thinks Mark Madden is a huge tool.

Why he has such a probelm with TNA? I have NO idea. I wonder that myself.

But honestly, why the fuck should we care what he thinks?? He was a shitty announcer, who was worse than Don West, that got fired from WCW during it's demise. Now if it was Bobby Hennan or Jim Ross making these comments I would actually care what their opinion was, but not from this fat bitter tub of goo.

Also, does anyone else find it commical that he constantly picks on Bubba Ray for being fat, when Mark himself is a fat pig! Now I don't like Bubba Ray so I find it funny, but really?? Does this guy look in the mirror or step on the scale ever?

I would value his opinion ALOT more if he EVER had anything positive to say, but everything he says about TNA is ALWAYS negative. I don't even read his articles anymore because I know that all they will be about is tearing down TNA.

Honestly, I think he brings down the Wrestle Zone product, in my opinion. They would be better off without him.

As far as Dixie's speech, I have mixed feelings about it. I don't think some of the things she said should've been said, and will probably cause further resentment to people that have some already. TNA can't afford to lose some of the talent that is upset, especially AJ Styles. I do think she needed to let people she won't be walked all over.
yes mark madden is usually wrong and makes no sence but like xfearbefore said he is dead on. that speach was the biggest bullshit ive ever heard. its like she's trying to be vince but she has no reputation in the industry. vince atleast grew up in wrestling and learned everything he knows. dixie's daddy just bought a company 6 years ago for her and said "here honey go crazy" and thats what she is doinbg. he has 0 credibility in the wrestling industry. fuck dixie carter. jeff jarret needs to rob a bank and buy his company back. tna does not need to try and compete with the wwe. they dont need to bring in old wwe and wcw guys. and they sure as hell dont need hulk hogan, who by the way probably wont even join tna untill january, if he even decides to go through with it. tna is saying all of this stuff about hogan comming in and i cant wait till he sees how stupid dixie is and decides he's better off retiring once and for all.

That doesn't make any sense. So you have to grow up in the wrestling business before you can own a wrestling company? Vince McMahon was basically handed the business from his father so how can you get on Dixie Carter because her father "bought her a company for her to play with"? Do you think Ted Turner was a wrestling mind? Yet he had a wrestling corporation that was close to taking Vince out of business. Her being smart on wrestling is irrelevant.

If not for Dixie, there would probably be no TNA. Dixie is no wrestling guru, but at least she makes the effort and tries. Not many people are willing to do what Dixie is doing after many companies have fallen I applaud Dixie Carter and I see nothing wrong with Dixie trying to rally her troops while at the same time letting the audience know that there is a changing of guard in TNA.
Holy fuck Jimmbo, change that sig x___x

Anyways, I don't get why people are implying Mark Limbaugh only hates on TNA. He's done plenty of rants directed at both sides.

Like x said before, he's spot on. Dixie's speech really did make it seem like she had a "it's my way or the highway" attitude. Sure Vince may be like that, but he's always up for suggestions....if you're not a rookie I believe. Dixie just seemed to have said that she controls the company and if you hate it, kiss your ass and career goodbye, which is really dumb "leadership" imo. A few of the guys in there looked pretty uncomfortable being in Dixie's presense when she was making that speech, and I honestly don't blame them.
Sometimes Madden's columns are spot on with some information but most of it is just gossip he is spreading around. We don't know if it was true that CM Punk lost the championship due to a dress code, but Madden talks as if its scripture and The Undertaker is holding guys down along with WWE.

Madden also criticized Hogan for wanting to bring in Bubba and The Nasty Boys which hasn't happened yet. Obviously Hogan was joking about it, but if one day we do see Knobbs beat Alex Shelley then he can write about it. Madden blasts TNA on a weekly basis and really has nothing positive to say about the wrestling business. He mentioned TNA is getting a show on Monday Nights and that Hogan wont be appearing live in TNA until January. How does he know this? sounds like a lot of information for someone that thinks TNA is a failure.
Mark Madden's just pissed off because he's a fat waste of blood and organs, looking for everything he can to shit on the wrestling business while seeming to be proud of having a column on

Still, the speech did seem stupid to me, while Dixie's right in saying that at the end of the day she's the boss and what she say's goes, for good or bad, I cant think of a good reason for that to be aired on TV.

Still that changes nothing, Madden's still a fat useless cunt.
Madden may act like a complete tool bad most of the time who is superior to everyone else, but that's simply the way it is. If you are angry at him for how he acts, then that's fine. But if you are pissed off about the actual column, you're dead wrong.

Dixie Carter is just awful. She seems to have a huge ego and is definetly not a good things for TNA. What the fuck was the point of her speech? What authority does she have? Are guys like Scott Steiner and Kurt Angle suddenly going to "step up their games" because Dixie fucking Carter said so? It was just stupid.

Furthermore, Hogan signing with TNA is actually a "partnership with Dixie Carter" What the hell is the point of that? I don't know how many times I saw the stupid Dixie/Hulk press conference last night. I have a feeling that this whole situation is going to backfire. I could easily see Hogan backing out or something, or worse, taking control of the company and completely destroying the product. Not sure why, things just don't seem right.

Mark Madden may be a prick, but Dixie Carter is just an an incompetent attention ****e that is in over her head, and this can't end well. I'm still pissed about what she did to Jarrett, and he's one of my least favorite wrestlers of all time.
I don't think it's worth mentioning. Everyone of us who comments on these threads are just as bad. We pass judgement, give our opinions, what we think is good, what we think is bad, that WWE is "watered down," what have you, so for us to go on and on about his banter is somewhat hypocritical.

This is pretty much dead on.

Madden pretty much does this because it pisses most people off. You want people to love you or hate you. You don't want people blowing off your columns which most people don't do to Madden.

I've never liked Madden much but see why he writes the way he does.
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