Mark Jindrak What if?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Well as we all know when MArk Jindrak debuted proberly in the WWE in 2002 this guy had the looks and the mic skills but for some reason WWE didnt realise what they had, his matches wasnt that bad and this guy could of been a great main eventer if pusshed proberly.

Jindrak claims that he was supposed to join Evolution not Batista but dont know if thats just Bullshit or not but What if he joined Evolution where do you think his career would of taken him? and if he had the right push do you think he could of been a decent Main Eventer on Smackdown?
He didnt have the mic skills. Not by far. I dont remember anytime he did a half decent promo.

In 2002 if you remember he was very bland for some reason. And the crowd realised that and got on his back. His matches consisted of left hooks and a dropkick now and again. Maybe the nerves got to him because i knew he could do better but for some reason he did the same old rubbish every single match.

I remember seeing on the internet that Jindrak was meant to be in Evolution, but as i mentioned just now, the WWE lost faith in him and even though i was a fan of his, i agree with them. He showed no signs of deserving to be on the same level as Batista or Randy Orton

He started to gain steam in 2004 with Teddy Long i thought but WWE just didnt use him much. Mainly on Velocity.

I think he could of become a decent Midcard - Upper Midcard but definatly not a Main Eventer.
Jindrak was supposed to be the 4th member of Evolution, but his arrogance and his former association with WCW turned Vince around and giving Dave Bautista the role. Jindrak had a great look, yes, but so do 90% of guys who WWE sign. If Jindrak was ever going to be anything, he would be by now.
I always liked Jindrak, back when he was in WCW.. it's a shame WWE did nothing with him, like most of the guys that came from WCW.. not sure if he would have fit in Evolution, Batista was perfect as the muscle of the group.. not sure what point Jindrak would have had..

But you can now see Jindrak in Lucha Libre USA, as Marco Corleone :)

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