Mark. I am your father.


Pre-Show Stalwart
Ok, hear me out.

Nobody believes in zombie wrestlers who can explode fire up through the ring posts. We do however enjoy the story and the entertainment of the Taker/Kane legacy. Now, everyone wants Bray Wyatt to have one of his own. My idea would connect them, thus expanding the Undertaker mythos.

We know that Kane was the one that started the fire that killed Takers parents. Do we know why? Maybe Kane wasn't a pyro. Maybe his dad wasn't so nice and abused him because he wasn't his and his wife cheated, thus helping with his mental issues. My point is that if you want to continue with the supernatural aspect, make Bray Wyatt the Undertakers father through reincarnation. He could have been into voodoo. lol Have him reveal it in a Star Wars-esque way. He could could call him Taker, but it would be neat if he called him Mark.

In my opinion it's the only way to keep a Taker like character. When he goes, so do his type of gimmick.
Or maybe Bray Wyatt could be his own character and build his own legacy?
I don't see any reason to make Bray a part of the Taker/Kane family because people like me will shit all over the idea.

I'm all for a Bray vs Undertaker match at Wrestlemania but there's no way this happens
I made a comment during tonight's RAW LD suggesting a Dragon Ball type scenario where Wyatt needs to merge with Taker. When I made the suggestion it was as a joke and meant to sound completely ridiculous. I hope that was the same point of this thread.
I made a comment during tonight's RAW LD suggesting a Dragon Ball type scenario where Wyatt needs to merge with Taker. When I made the suggestion it was as a joke and meant to sound completely ridiculous. I hope that was the same point of this thread.

The anime style fits both characters well haha ;) perhaps after he gets enough experience Bray Wyatt could evolve into the undertaker like in Pokemon?
Admittedly, this is not the worse thing WWE could do with a Bray Wyatt/Taker feud. Several superstars found themselves part of Undertaker's arching history. Kane, Mankind, everyone that was in the Ministry/Corporate Ministry, etc. They all played a part of his legacy. But with that said, I would loathe Bray Wyatt to be of any relation to the Deadman.

It has to be difficult to push a uniquely dark gimmick like Wyatt without mascara and a visit to Hot Topic. Give WWE that much. If Wyatt is to relate to Undertaker, it should be in their deeds and their style, not by some supernatural bloodline. I would rather Bray forge his own path that doesn't have to lean on Taker's for support.

And I don't think the fans would enjoy that very much. You have this backwoods Manson character setting the world on fire and the moment he meets The Undertaker, we play family ties? I'd rather not see that. It's already hard to suspend disbelief when Bray carries around a battery operated lantern.
Hmmmmm.....wasn't Wyatt still in diapers when the Undertaker debuted in the WWF? Kayfabe is one thing, but stretching kayfabe to the point where it insults everyone's intelligence is quite another.
So would that make IRS the Undertakers grandfather and Bo Dallas his uncle? Why can't it just be plain heel calling out the face. Heel wants to take away what's left of the legacy of the face at the event where the face has only be conquered once by a beast. Face has a decision to make, have one last hurrah, have one last moment, have one last match against an evil uprising. Heel uses heel tactics to goad the face into having said match. After weeks of build, the heel finally pushes the face buttons and match is made. Will evil prevail or will it be 22-1 and a legacy restored...
One problem. For reincarnation to work, if it were a thing, the person who is someone reincarnated would have to have been born after their past life died. It's been well established that both Taker and Kane's father was Paul Bearer. Given that he passed in 2013, I don't think Bray Wyatt was born and grown in to a full grown adult male within the 4 months inbetween Paul Bearer's passing and Wyatt's main roster debut. Also, why? As previously stated, Wyatt should carve his own path. Not be added to the Undertaker's "family".

Also, it's a whole lot easier to sell an undead character that can move his arms as pyro goes off then it is to tell people that reincarnation and past lives is a thing. Two completely different sets of logic. Not to mention, if reincarnation is a thing, you don't carry memories from your past life to your new one. So even if it all went down, and Bray Wyatt was somehow Undertakers reincarnated father, Bray Wyatt would have no idea.

Bray Wyatt can be creepy enough on his own. Just because Undertaker is almost gone completely doesn't mean we need another supernatural character of that nature. Hey, John Cena will be retired soon. Does everybody want a different hokey pokey crowd suck up superman good guy character? No. Just because a character was great and successful, doesn't mean it needs to be replaced. Don't oversaturate stuff and water things down, which is what would happen if you connect the two characters like that. You're just stretching Taker's legacy farther than it needs to go. Just build off of what you have currently. Not what you had yesteryear.
Umm, why you overcomplexing this thing, why Bray can't be Taker's son instead? Wife cheated on IRS (will not wonder anybody) with Taker and so there Bray was born.
It still have the same Star Wars comical relief, but more simple and logical.
Ok, hear me out.

Nobody believes in zombie wrestlers who can explode fire up through the ring posts. We do however enjoy the story and the entertainment of the Taker/Kane legacy. Now, everyone wants Bray Wyatt to have one of his own. My idea would connect them, thus expanding the Undertaker mythos.

We know that Kane was the one that started the fire that killed Takers parents. Do we know why? Maybe Kane wasn't a pyro. Maybe his dad wasn't so nice and abused him because he wasn't his and his wife cheated, thus helping with his mental issues. My point is that if you want to continue with the supernatural aspect, make Bray Wyatt the Undertakers father through reincarnation. He could have been into voodoo. lol Have him reveal it in a Star Wars-esque way. He could could call him Taker, but it would be neat if he called him Mark.

In my opinion it's the only way to keep a Taker like character. When he goes, so do his type of gimmick.

If you don't know let me remind you this again. Kids these days are smart. They won't believe the shit if they brought up this storyline. With all the internet and social medias this isn't even reliable or reasonable.

This era is called reality era for a reason. People aren't gonna believe this!

Gentle reminder... How many kids or the teens watching the show really knows the storyline between The Undertaker and Kane!!

Erm... it was Undertaker that set that fire, yeah that's right, your hero is a arsonist and murderer who ruined his brothers life! And yet you cheer him!
This would only work if it were ultimately a lie Wyatt uses to get under Taker's skin and play mind games leading into their match. Perhaps the RAW prior or even the event itself could have Bray revealing his trick, admitting: "I'm not your father, Mark. But this Sunday... I'll be your daddy." Whatever.

Or maybe they could explain that after CM Punk dumped Paul Bearer's "ashes" out of its urn, Wyatt snorted them all up and Bearer's soul lives on inside him as a result.
I don't like the reincarnation ideas, but I would like it if Bray Wyatt inherited the Casket Match, Last Ride and Buried Alive gimmick matches, and even did some Hell-In-A-Cell matches, all matches that the Undertaker made famous.

Some of these matches will die when the Undertaker leaves, unless someone else uses them as their specialty matches, and I think Bray could pull off fighting in some of these "scary" match types very well.

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