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Mark Henry's Next Program

He's right in the middle of what seems to be a pretty big push at the moment,
and is getting over very well with the crowd. He's been randomly beating up heels (specifically Chris Jericho) over the past few weeks, continually getting him over even more. He isn't scheduled for a match at Night Of Champions, and isn't in a feud right now. So my question is this:

What's next for Mark Henry?

Should he go after the US Title? Enter a feud with a main eventer? Start hanging out with Hornswaggle? Opinions, please.
You're right, Mark Henry is getting somewhat of a big push, and consistent face pops. His next move is crucial, as he is fresh right now and just starting to get over. He deserves, at least, a feud for the united states championship whomever that may be come sunday as I see potential in him, and think he'd potentially make a good US champion.

I know what he shouldn't do, and that is do comedy skits or the like, as you suggested with Hornswaggle, and he also shouldn't go up for a WWE championship yet, or be in the main event. Let him get more over in the mid-card, and let him possibly with the US title, and see where it will go from there.

I see potential, and if WWE follows up with something productive to engage him in, like a worth while feud, he could progress massively and be a fan favorite, perhaps a main eventer.
A feud for the US title would be good. But, wouldn't that take away from the current mid card feuds. If he enters the midcard he would have to feud with the Miz to get over with the crowd. This type of feud wouldn't have to involve a title, it would be more of a personal feud. I seem to remeber a dirt sheet where the Miz ran down Henry. Make it a personal feud and let the Miz run the mic and really get Henry involved.
I think in this case that creative and vince should put the U.S. Title on the Big Show and have a battle of the big men but this time...it will be less boring cause there's a title involved and they somewhat have added to their movesets....but whatever happens lets just hope this whole thing goes down properly.
Im happy that Mark is getting a good push, i hate to quote Cole but if he's just beating up heels for fun i agree with that, also give him a mid card title feud or something because he is getting over and amping up the crowds.
I'd say put him in a short to medium legth feud with the Big Show (Henry could bully the bully or Show could get on him about tryin to walk around like he's the biggest and baddest or whatever) then after that (if Cena wins at NOC) put him up against Cena for awhile and give him the belt for a few months maybe up until NWO and if it's not working out he could drop it to someone in the EC match they have every year (which has cheapend the cool factor of that match IMO especially by having Raw and SD! do one) but putting him with the mid-carders just wouldn't be believeable if he were to lose he'd be able to walk all over any of them...not saying the matches wouldn't be good just if he lost a legit match to like Evan Bourne or Kingston I just couldn't see it
Mark Henry is good for nothing he has no talent what so ever wwe needs to stop playing fire Mark Henry and sign guys who can actully wrestling like Teddy hart or push jamie noble is fuckin awesome. but if i was to put him in a program it whould be a feud with Bigshow i think Bigshow can make him look good
Mark Henry has been with WWE since 1996.

I dont think its the worst idea if they started to give him great momentum and end up winning a Royal Rumble. He could pull that off easily and it'll be a credible victory plus it might give him that main event status he needs.
just think a major possibility --- noc aproaching hbk could be jericho's partner fast forward a few months and hbk lost the TT and going 4 us championship wins it in an epic title match at rr and at wm 26 hbk vs henry 4 us title match and possibly a 10 minute ironman match 2 add extreme credibility to the us division
I think WWE dropped the ball but not putting Henry in that 6-Pack challenge. I mean Henry is super over right now(kinda happened out of nowhere didn't it?). He has had nice control over the crowd lately too and is gaining momentum by beating up people the fans tend to hate. If Summerslam wasn't considered a huge PPV for WWE I say have Mark Henry test the waters with a shot at Orton. Henry already has a win over him so he can challenge him on Raw for a match at Summerslam just to see if Henry can carry the Main Event mantle.

For some reason I see Henry being involved in the Tag Title match. To what degree? I don't know but I see Henry either teaming with Jericho so he can have that power to be on any show he wants or costing Jericho the match(but they would be on different shows so the fued couldn't really work). But maybe if Henry and Jericho won the tag titles then they can have a match at Summerslam with the winner taking both straps and selecting a new partner(I hate those type of matches too but it seems kind of logical) and I hope Henry picks D'Lo Brown cause i used to love that team. Yeah I know D'Lo works for ROH now but I can dream can't I.

But as long as WWE doesn't screw it up I think Mark Henry can take the ball and run with it. Henry kind of came up in popularity out of nowhere and Vince would be an idiot not to take advantage of it for the time being.
I think they should start pushing him to feud with Big Show for the US, then win the Royal Rumble down the road. The faces on Raw are stale and have been the same for years. Mark Henry vs HHH or something at 'Mania. Even Mark Henry vs Legacy at Mania (not as a title match) would be good for him. He can be a dominate force if they just run with him. He's more over with the crowd than he's ever been (that I can remember) and that's huge for him. I always thought he and Viscera should've been more than they were, but ultimately just became comedy guys (Sexual Chocolate and World's Largest Love Machine...does Vince have a big black man fetish?). If they play their cards right, he can be a great face champion that is something new, even though he's been around for a long time. The belt needs to stop circulating between HHH, Orton, and Cena for the sake of the long term success of the company. Raw has become way too boring, and it's time to have Big Show and Mark Henry in the main event picture.
For some reason I see Henry being involved in the Tag Title match. To what degree? I don't know but I see Henry either teaming with Jericho so he can have that power to be on any show he wants or costing Jericho the match(but they would be on different shows so the fued couldn't really work). But maybe if Henry and Jericho won the tag titles then they can have a match at Summerslam with the winner taking both straps and selecting a new partner(I hate those type of matches too but it seems kind of logical) and I hope Henry picks D'Lo Brown cause i used to love that team. Yeah I know D'Lo works for ROH now but I can dream can't I.

Since WWE is a racist company, what about pairing Mark Henry and Kofi Kingston? Change Kofi's attire a little to move him away from strictly being this Jamaican guy, and bring back the Speed & Power type tag team. They're both over with the crowd, the "pop pop pop" deal combined with the repackaged Hogan-seeing-which-part-of-the-arena-is-most-involved would be great for them. I also think it would add more credibility to Kofi's US title reign, as well as the tag team division, all the while legitimizing them in their own rights as top faces.
He has had nice control over the crowd lately too and is gaining momentum by beating up people the fans tend to hate. If Summerslam wasn't considered a huge PPV for WWE I say have Mark Henry test the waters with a shot at Orton. Henry already has a win over him so he can challenge him on Raw for a match at Summerslam just to see if Henry can carry the Main Event mantle.
Well if you look at last year's world title matches at Summerslam it was Punk vs. JBL,not a big draw of a match,and Triple H vs. Khali,and Khali is terrible and no one cares about him.What I'm getting at is last year's world title matches at Summerslam were disappointments,and not saying Henry vs. Orton would be a disappointment,but it won't have people freaking out like:
"Oh my god,Mark Henry,in a WWE Title match,against that Viper,OMG,I can't wait till this match!"
Henry isn't a huge draw,he is starting to get over with the crowd,doing his hand thing and making the fans raise their hands with him.I think he can continue beating up heels,and then wait for Cena to lose the WWE Title that he's gonna win tonight,or he can either wait until he gets over enough where the fans will cheer for him while cheering for Cena,or he can be a midcarder.
You are completely right Knotzman The world title matches at least years Summerslam were shit! When I saw that Triple H Vs. The Great Khali was booked I'm like WTF!? Khali wasn't even relevant on WWE tv for the longest time and all of a sudden gets a show at Triple H especially when you had people like Undertaker, Shelton Benjamin, Jeff Hardy, MVP, and Big Show on your roster. I'm like this has to be just an ego with for Trips.

As far as JBL Vs. CM Punk I didn't like it cause they fought too many times before this match was booked. They should have just made it Jericho Vs. Punk Vs. JBL.

But due to your points hell yeah let Henry get a WWE title show at Summerslam!
I swear i hate Fat Henery the Worldest Fattest Man he gets destoryed by John Cena , Batista ,Bill Goldberg and Brock Lesnar up until 2009 when he was drafted and he gets a Huge push WTF atleast build up his character i mean this guy was a jobber for 7 years straight besides his run as ECW champion but ya he was a jobber for 7 years and now hes up in the main event he doesnt deserve the US title he hasnt won a decent match yet only against Randy Orton which was really sad Orton is much more talented then this Fatass i say turn Hornswoggle Heel and have him feud with Henery think about it no more Embarrassment for the very talented Chavo G.and then Henery can be entertaing with Hornswoggle not like theres anything else for Henery to Accomplish
Henry is having a grand ole time being a face. You can see it when you look at him. He's smiling when he's anywhere near the ring. Quite simply, he's glowing with excitement to do his thing. One can say that's just him being a face, and if so, then he's damn good at his job. I completely believe what he's doing out there. As does the crowd, apparently. He had that crowd Monday cheer at the raise of a hand, when they wouldn't pop for anything short of Cena and/or Triple H.

What will he do next? This Jericho thing is just filler, honestly. They need to blow time until they can free up someone for Henry to feud with. Miz, maybe? I doubt it. Swagger could very well be a choice after the MVP/Swagger feud.

Think about this though. Cena/Trips/Orton are coming to ahead later tonight. Cena will most probably win. At least, I hope to high heavens he does. Cena gets the title, and can start a program with Triple H (gag). That leaves Orton free to feud with whomever. A Orton/Henry feud to cement Henry's face status.

Admittedly that doesn't make any sense at all. Why would Henry feud with Orton? But I wanted to come up with a main-event feud for the sake it. Henry will most likely end up feuding with the Miz. No surprises at all.
Think about this though. Cena/Trips/Orton are coming to ahead later tonight. Cena will most probably win. At least, I hope to high heavens he does. Cena gets the title, and can start a program with Triple H (gag). That leaves Orton free to feud with whomever. A Orton/Henry feud to cement Henry's face status.

Admittedly that doesn't make any sense at all. Why would Henry feud with Orton? But I wanted to come up with a main-event feud for the sake it. Henry will most likely end up feuding with the Miz. No surprises at all.

haha they could showcase Henry's dominance by having him not just feud with Orton, but all of Legacy, and he can win handicap matches and what not over all of them. Legacy has gotten stale, and if Mark Henry is the one to break them up, it'll be a good thing to have on his resume.
I used to hate watching Henry in the ring but I marked out hardcore when he did that move between the top and middle ropes at the bash, that was the most graceful thing I've ever seen a big man do and it blew my mind that it was him of all people. I really hope to see him destroy heel after heel until around december giving him enough of a win streak to look like a legit title contender and just have him at the top tier for a while, I don't care who he feuds with as long as he keeps improving like he has in the last few months.
I don't see anything big will happen to Mark Henry with this push.Crowd will probably don't care him again after 2 or 3 weeks later.He is over right now because he regained his credibility and being dominant in ECW.But when he starts to put people over again(what he should do at his age) he'll lose his credibility again and end up being in midcard again.I actually like Mark Henry and don't find him very boring at least more entertaining than Kozlov or Big Show but he was best in ECW being the most dominant heel of the show.I think it is where he belongs.In my eyes this push is nothing different than mini Big Show pushes in the past.So don't expect anything big from this push.He'll end up feuding with likes The Miz,Big Show etc.
If, and that is a big IF, Randy Orton drops the title tonight, then I think a feud with Mark Henry and the Legacy would be the way to go. Henry vs. Orton could be a very good mid-card program that would lead to a mid-card match that the fans would actually care about come Summerslam, which has been one of the biggest problems WWE has had: Making people care for the mid-card. A Henry/Orton program, with or without a title involved... people would care.

However, if the idea now is for Orton to remain champ for quite sometime, then I think Jack Swagger would be the way to go. Swagger needs to be built up, and Henry would make him look great. Of course, this would be best served after a Henry/Legacy program, but if the time's not right for that... Swagger's the best remaining heel for Henry to have a feud with, in my opinion.

Just, for the love of God.... not The Big Show or Kane. For whatever ******ed reason, WWE believes we like seeing big men go at it, and that's not the fucking case at all. But knowing WWE, even though putting Henry in a program with Show or Kane would literally kill ALL his momentum right now... that's most likely the route they're going to go.
I'm with Blue Chipper on this, I think putting Henry deserves, at least, to be in a feud for the U.S. title. You know, Henry has been loyal to the WWE, he's always done whatever's been asked of him by creative and he does seem fresh now for some reason. I just can't put my finger on it, but I just feel suddenly upbeat whenever he's in the ring now. The crowds are into him and, while he's still pretty limited overall, he's not nearly as bad as he used to be.

I also agree that he doesn't need to be put into comedy skits and angles. Vince McMahon loves these things and, while they do work very well on occassion, I think they've just been falling flat on their face for the most part.
I dont think Henry should go for any title right now because hes seems a little bit over the United States title and he doesnt have a partner to go for the Tag Titles. what he needs is a good feud with another upper midcarder. seeing how hes now face the only other heel that comes to mind is The Miz since hes not really doing anything at the moment
I have no reason to believe that Mark Henry should be put into any sort of meaningful program. He has been with the company for 13 years and hasn't done anything notable since being the enforcer for the Nation of Domination.

Which brings me to this:

Throw together another stable for the big man. It doesn't have to deal with racism or be set full of African Americans, just put him somewhere that power is needed. Make it be a face group to fight off a *hope to be* growing Legacy. Mark Henry will not sell a main-event paperview.. nor should he.
Personally I like this new push for Henry as a face for a change. They have tried an tried to push him as a heel but it just doesnt work cause Henry is the worlds strongest man he doesnt need to cheat to win that in itself takes away from him. His match monday night against Carlito I though was pretty good. I don't know if I would put him in a U.S title program but I would put him in a near main event fued with someone like Jack Swagger or some other big name like that who also wants a Heavyweight title shot. Henry has impressed me as of late so as long as he can keep that up I am all for his push.
I see Mark Henry vs. Jack Swagger @ Summerslam in the works. Henry could make some off beat comment about how he beat Evan Bourne in ECW a few months back (although he lost to him 3 weeks in a row, before this 15 star draft) and how Swagger just got beat by him setting up a feud between the two.

Or Henry could team with MVP, they could get matching outfits and become the Power Rangers.....bwahahahaha

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