Mark Henry's Entrance Music


Pre-Show Stalwart
Is it just me or does Mark Henry need a new entrance song. This guy is now the face of Smackdown with the World Heavyweight Championship and has recently been the most entertaining thing on Smackdown (never thought I would say that), but he still has this lame entrance song that really doesn't get the crowd pumped, excited, scared or anything. It is a mid carders entrance song and I think he needs something new, even if it is a remix of his current song. What do you all think? Does Henry need new entrance music?
NO! Three 6 Mafia did an awesome job really characterizing Henry in Some Bodies Gonna Get It. Just because he's the World champ now doesn't mean he needs new music. Listen to the fucking song man! A big black guy coming down to the ring with the words Some Bodies Gonna Get Their Ass Kicked, Some Bodies Gonna Get Their Wigs Split and so on, you're crazy dude.
Wouldn't remix it but a little bit extra hard-hitting Dr. Dre-type bass to match the lyrics would grab the crowd's attention. But as it is, nobody else's music is anything like it, so the more he runs through the roster, the more instant and intense the pop will be when the first strains hit the arena.
I understand the lyrics match his gimmick perfectly, but the music just doesn't create a pop in my opinion. Maybe he just needs something to grab the attention of the audience at the beginning. For example, Miz has his AWESOMEEEE, CM Punk now has the static, Austin had the glass shattering, Rock had the IF YA SMELLL. Henry NEEDS something if they want to keep him Main Event in my opinion.
I would not want to see Mark Henry's entrance theme changed. It is actually one of my favorite current entrance songs. I think it fits his character perfectly, and I also like the fact that he has had the same theme song for quite some time, showing his longevity in the business. He's a pretty big dude, on the biggest roll of his career. I wouldn't change a thing.
ah yes he might need a new entrance theme, that is if wwe plans on making him on the top for a long time - much like cm punk. But his current entrance theme is fine though.
His entrance theme is fucking awesome along with Big Zekes theme song. Hmmm maybe Henry should have the Domination theme as he has been pure dominating. I like both theme songs so its tough to say. I think his theme is fitting for him now more than it ever was before.
The theme song as everything it needs to be intimidating yet stay interesting enough that you blast it on your ipod. In WWE, they let the beat kick in a bit giving fans that feel of "Oh shit someone's gonna die" and then the lyrics kick in saying the same thing. And in today's world, it happens. Right now, more than ever, the theme song for Mark Henry is as monstrous as he is... in a good way. He's had the song for a while, and it's been my favorite for the longest time. If he were to change it, then I can pretty much guarantee that a lot of the interest in Henry will be gone.

Don't remix it, don't change it... just put the song on and let it go. Besides, it's fun being at house shows when that song comes on, especially if I'm there with my brother or my friend Bryant... we always dance along to the song and sing the lyrics.
No need to fix what isn't broken. If there's ever been a time that his theme has fit his character so perfectly, it's now. So there's no need to change it. Besides, I personally like the song anyway which is another reason I wouldn't want to see it go. Although I kinda get where you're coming from. Personal taste, I suppose.
I understand the lyrics match his gimmick perfectly, but the music just doesn't create a pop in my opinion. Maybe he just needs something to grab the attention of the audience at the beginning. For example, Miz has his AWESOMEEEE, CM Punk now has the static, Austin had the glass shattering, Rock had the IF YA SMELLL. Henry NEEDS something if they want to keep him Main Event in my opinion.

HBK never really had an opening thing for his song, yet its now synonymous with him. HHH only had that one guitar lick in the beginning for how long, yet when it plays, everyone is on their feet. Hell, even Shelton had his "Ain't No Stoppin Me!" yell before the music played. My point is that once you give a theme song time, it will become well known throughout the crowd. Henry has had one of the best WWE themes for a long time now. When people hear 3 6 Mafia chanting before the song, they know Henry's about to whoop some ass. The only reason his song doesn't have the effects of those people you mentioned is because... well, it's Mark Henry. He's just now getting this push. Soon enough maybe you'll be able to hear it and think "Oh shit, it's him!". If not then maybe the song's just not your thing.
Why would Mark Henry need a new theme? I for one quite enjoy Henry's theme and think that it kicks ass. It seriously fits his character right now as well. Henry is on a rampage and kicking ass is what he is doing best. The lyrics to his music tell you just that. Changing it now wouldn't really serve a purpose. It goes hand in hand with his character and changing it would do nothing. The music goes with Henry and we all know it once it comes on, that business is going to get serious. Like Notorious said, no need to fix what isn't broken.
Henry does not need a new entrance theme because the one he has fits him now better than ever. He probably will not be champion for very long anyway. Why waste a new entrance theme on someone who might not be champion for long and already has a good song that fits very well? It would not make sense to change his theme music now because this push changed HIM to fit the song better instead.
His theme is perfect and I would NEVER change it in my opinion.

Its one of my favorite themes in the WWE as it suits Mark Henry perfectly, it always has except when Henry was a face.

Not only does it suit Henry he looks so natural coming down to the ring with "Some bodies gonna get it" blasting.

Never change that theme, anything else would be less.
Two years ago, this song did absolutely nothing for me. Why? Mark Henry did nothing for me.

He wasn't kicking asses or anything of the sort. He was a glorified jobber (except for his run on ECW, which no one cared about). This song, right now, is perfect. In fact, I think it's the most fitting theme song in professional wrestling. Changing this song, right now, would be a terrible idea.
No way in hell should his theme song change. This is like the rap version of Stone Cold's theme. Once the glass shatters on Cold's theme & "Somebodies gonna get hit" on Henry's theme, blasts onto the PA system, you know your ass gon get got.
HBK never really had an opening thing for his song, yet its now synonymous with him.

He had the girls as an opening.

But personaly I wouldnt change it at all, Henry's theme is my favorite theme in WWE. Not to mention that Three 6 Mafia is some of my favorite rap out there.
No, no, no. I love Mark Henry's theme song, especially when he is portraying a heel character. I also think they've tweaked it a bit, taking out the drums since his heel turn, which makes it sound even better. Wehever you hear is tune, you just no shit's about to go down, especially now, when he is having the run of his life. Also, the fact that it's a rap song is great, different from the normal rock themes we hear.
I was thinking exactly the same thing today. Yeah it probably fits his character with the lyrics and all, but I think it's boring, really boring in fact. And right now, Mark Henry isn't boring at all! Give him something heavier, chuck 'Hall of Pain' in there. His music sounds dated and it has absolutely no intensity. It won't do him any harm if he doesn't change it, but I think it could really help his new, dominant character if they give him something new.
Henry needs that intro part like Edge has. Everyone knows the "You think you know me" right before his music "Metalingus" hits.

Henry's should start off something like.....

"Its Sexual, oooooooohhhhhhhh. Sexual Baby..." then lead into "Somebody gon' get they ass kick / Somebody gon' get they wig split / Somebody gon' get they ass kick / Somebody gon' get they wig split / Beat 'em up, beat 'em"

Everyone would pop when they heard Sexual Chocolate start....
His entrance fits his character and personality perfect, but let's be honest...his character and personality has been beyond pathetic for most of his career. Now that he's on the tear of a lifetime I think some new entrance music is exactly what he needs to spotlight this new change in his career. THat is, if this new monster-piece continues to be the best part of Friday nights...
I don't see why he needs a change in entrance music. His entrance music fits him, it's intimidating and it fits his dominating character also it's good to see someone keep the same song for a while. I don't get why people see the need to change something about someone when what it is they want changing doesn't need to be changed in the first place.
Somebody's gonna get they ass kicked.

Those lyrics describe Mark Henry better then anything I've ever heard. What exactly would be the point of changing his song? The theme song is synonymous with Mark Henry and has been so for years. Three 6 Mafia did a magnificent job and to change it while he's champion would be incredibly risky; who knows if his next theme would be a powerful as this one already is? I know I wouldn't take that risk. After all, why fix something that isn't broken?
I wouldn't change the theme completely or remix what he has now for the same reason that many above have stated. It fits his character very well. But, as others have said it seems to be lacking something, whether it's a statement at the beginning or an extra bass line. Just...something. Maybe have Henry saying something like "YOU gonna get your ass kicked" Then come in w/ the rap.
His song is the best. It is what wrestling is about. Or what it is made to be. I was more suprised they play his song during this lame ass pg era. His song should stay dont change it. Mark Henry #1

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