Mark Henry: Where Do You See Him?

Maddog Lionheart

Best Sig In The World......
Now this my first post but this is just something that I can'y get over

I think that Mark Henry is just terrible. The gimmick is okay(altough I did like sexual chocolate. That was funny) but I mean's he garbage to me. His finisher is just too simple and dumb to even be called a finisher. And I'm pretty sure (correct me if I'm wrong) but the only titles that he's held are the European and the ECW Championship and he's been in the WWE longer than Undertaker I believe.

My question is......
Do you think that he should even be in contention for the WWE title?
Should he just hang up his boots and call it a day?
And will there ever be hope for him or is it too late?
IMO Mark Henry has been god awful since his debut when he first came in. The WWE was hoping he would debut and immediately become a huge star, but he was so slow and stiff in the ring it just wasn't buyable. The position meant for Mark Henry was later given to Kurt Angle when he first made his debut.

With that said, I don't hate the guy as a person, but as a wrestler he was perfect in the midcard. Huge guy that looks tough, you would think a victory would mean something over Henry. But he is such a damn jobber it means NOTHING whether he wins or loses. Later in his career Henry grew on me A LITTLE during his ECW championship run, but whenever I look at Mark Henry I just see years of a wasted character.

Will he get a title run on SD? Possibly considering both Kane and Christian held the belt in the past year but I hope not. Do I want to see it? Hell no. But to be honest, I hate the new direction the SD main event scene is headed in. Even if Boreton loses the title, it might get a whole hell of alot worse if Henry gets the title.
you're wrong in the fact that taker outdates mark henry by a few years (ie 6 years.... although he truly made his debut in 92 so really its 4 years... but yeah..)

anyways on that note, yes they wanted to make mark henry the "all american" guy since he was in the olympics, but once they realized he couldnt talk, nor could he wrestle all that well, they put the kibosh on it.... Sexual chocolate was a horrible gimmick, and I feel bad that you actually liked it... ( him and mae young???? him and a "girl" with a penis????? you liked that?!?!?!?!)

Hes good where he is right now.... Hes a guy who can still be the "monster" if needed.... He can also be a face if needed.... Hes a great jobber to the stars.... He doesn't deserve a world championship reign as some have said on these forums... although i wouldnt object if he won an IC or US title... just not a world title..
Will he get a title run on SD?

If he does, it will be a short one. I can see him on the fringes of the title chase, as he was in the 3-way match he participated in last week. You knew darn well he wasn't going to win it.

I don't think he's god-awful. If you want to compare him to smaller, more agile wrestlers, you're making a mistake because his body style precludes him from performing in their style and the company never intended him to. For years, Mark has filled a niche and done a pretty good job of it. He's the World's Strongest Man and a "scouting report" on him would dictate that an opponent stay out of his reach and try to get him down on the canvas. That way, the opponent wins. If he stands in front of Mark and allows the big guy to whale away, Mark wins.

But the subject of this thread is to tell where we see him........and I see him retired in a few months. That's what he said he was going to do, and I think WWE is giving him a nice little run before he goes. No problem there.
Mark Henry, as of late, has been getting a nice little push. He's been making his way up the card, he's certainly not retiring now, but in about a year, yes. It is the end of the line for him, but he's not terrible. For a man his size, he does what he can. Men that size cannot all have the mobility of a Vader or an Undertaker. He's done the job correctly, hence why he's stuck along for such a long duration of time.

Do I think Henry will ever get a title run? No. I'm sure he's going to be a threat for the next few months, but I don't think he'll get the World Heavyweight Championship. He's nearing the end of his career, there's no need to give him the title right now, because he's not going to need it. He's fine in his current role, he's being made out to look like a threat, something new for him, since he's been a comedy character for the last few years.
you're wrong in the fact that taker outdates mark henry by a few years (ie 6 years.... although he truly made his debut in 92 so really its 4 years... but yeah..)

anyways on that note, yes they wanted to make mark henry the "all american" guy since he was in the olympics, but once they realized he couldnt talk, nor could he wrestle all that well, they put the kibosh on it.... Sexual chocolate was a horrible gimmick, and I feel bad that you actually liked it... ( him and mae young???? him and a "girl" with a penis????? you liked that?!?!?!?!)

Hes good where he is right now.... Hes a guy who can still be the "monster" if needed.... He can also be a face if needed.... Hes a great jobber to the stars.... He doesn't deserve a world championship reign as some have said on these forums... although i wouldnt object if he won an IC or US title... just not a world title..

Now I wasn't entirely sure on the date part which is why I said corect me if I'm wrong. I thought his Sexual Chocolate gimmcik was good just because it was funny in my opinion. Now he's a decent jobber I will give him that but I just think he's not right for being face. But I respect your opinion.
If he does, it will be a short one. I can see him on the fringes of the title chase, as he was in the 3-way match he participated in last week. You knew darn well he wasn't going to win it.

I don't think he's god-awful. If you want to compare him to smaller, more agile wrestlers, you're making a mistake because his body style precludes him from performing in their style and the company never intended him to. For years, Mark has filled a niche and done a pretty good job of it. He's the World's Strongest Man and a "scouting report" on him would dictate that an opponent stay out of his reach and try to get him down on the canvas. That way, the opponent wins. If he stands in front of Mark and allows the big guy to whale away, Mark wins.

But the subject of this thread is to tell where we see him........and I see him retired in a few months. That's what he said he was going to do, and I think WWE is giving him a nice little run before he goes. No problem there.

I'm not comparing to just agile wrestlers, I'm comparing him to everyone in generally. He just not that exciting face/heel and he does some pretty simple moves. I know he's a big guy, but you got Sheamus doing the over the top should block. I think he needs a new arsenal and gimmick. Good Point made thouh. Very respectable.
Where do I see Mark Henry? Retired, hopefully.

While he's by no means the worst guy in the WWE, I just never really 'got' Henry and I have no desire to see him on TV, never mind chasing the title.
My only guess for them keeping him around for so long is that he must be well liked by the higher-ups (i.e. Vince) or he would've been future endeavored years ago. At this point, his loyalty is commendable. I mean, there are countless wrestlers in positions like his who have asked for their releases or didn't resign because they weren't getting the pushes they felt they deserved. And then other guys get burned out from the schedule and take breaks, but I believe he's just been chugging along since 1996. I'm sure he's suffered an injury from time to time, but for the most part, he's been a consistent part of WWE for 15 years. Even all of the other long-timers like Triple H and Undertaker, they have taken long breaks, sometimes for a year or more. But Mark Henry shows up to Raw every week.

Clearly he has no life outside of wrestling.

But I don't see him doing much. As others have noted, he said awhile back that he's retiring soon. They might give him one short little run just as a goodbye present. But nothing more.
Where do I see Mark Henry? Jobbing to Yoshi Tatsu. He's that bad. He has no place being in the spot that he's in when there are hungry monster heels in FCW just begging to get a call up. Roman Leakee, Marcus Owens, Big E Langston, Brodus Clay, hell even Jackson fucking Andrews would be better than Mark Henry is at what he does.
well i look at it like this. yes it is true that mark henry is no undertaker or or kane, but he has definately had a more or less stellar career in wwe. honeslyhe has ben with them 96'. i mean most people before he was at the point where he is now left and went to other companies, but henry is, was,and has been loyal. even the lil breaks he took in between he didnt even think about goin to another company. hes gettin a nice last push before e retire, and while i wouldnt expect him to get a world title run, i definately wouldnt complain if he did tho.
Meh, Mark Henry should at least have a last title run (short one) before he retires. As said by other poster he is the only wrestler on WWE's roster thats has been there as long as Undertaker HHH and Kane. He deserves at least another title reign.
Henry is a guy that's been a reliable monster heel for years now. He's never been particularly interesting in the ring or the mic, but he's been doing his job so they let him keep doing it. Every now and again, he'll get a mini-push and be in the thick of the world title hunt like he is now, but I don't think the World's Strongest Man is ever actually going to win it. He might get some title matches that Orton goes over in, maybe even a ppv match, but that's about as far as he'll go.

I see Henry retiring fairly soon as he has been doing this for a long time now and it's nearly that time. He hasn't really accomplished all that much with WWE so I don't see him getting a "thank you" title run for that reason. Kane was involved in numerous huge matches throughout the years and played a large role in the Undertaker character for many years, whether friend or foe, so his case was different and he deserved it. All that coupled with the fact that Smackdown is kind of a breeding ground for young talent leads me to believe Henry will never get that title. Guys like Rhodes, Barrett, Bryan, and now Mahal possibly are some up and comers that are the future so the focus needs to be on them.
I don't think that Henry should ever be a world title contender because he cannot be taken seriously as a threat in any match other than battle royals or the royal rumble where he suddenly becomes A THREAT TO WIN.... He is the world's strongest jobber, and will never be championship material due to bad booking that makes no one take him seriously. He should not hang up the boots though he is good at what he does and should continue being a jobber to the main eventers. There is no hope of him being a serious believable threat to the world title scene though, that ship sailed long ago.
Do you think that he should even be in contention for the WWE title?
Because of his size he should be considered a contender, but he's almost like Big Show he's massive and should be dominating people, but no one has ever really given a shit about him so he's been a middle card jobber for the past 10 years. He's a company man so I could see him getting a JBL'esp run with the WHC on Smackdown for a few months as a reward.

Should he just hang up his boots and call it a day?
He stated in an interview he still has possibly 2 more good years in him, but he's been bad for so many years that it doesn't matter. Ive been sick of him for a while. They shouldn't call him the Worlds Strongest Man anymore, because if you seen a newer WSM contest the newer guys make Mark Henry look like Evan Bourne standing next to the Big Show.

And will there ever be hope for him or is it too late?
Theres never really be hope for him, and hes way past his expiration date. Does anyone remember ever seeing a good, hell a decent Mark Henry match?
I see him everywhere, it's hard NOT to see him.

On a more serious note, I don't see him being much more than the jobber to the main eventers. He's so big and angry that it's hard to not take him seriously, so even if he loses five matches in a row he'll look like a legitimate threat to anyone he faces. He'll be the type of guy the face has to wrestle right before the PPV as sort of the prototypical "last obstacle before they get to Sunday night." He could also be used as a stepping stone to the main event for upper midcarders. If Daniel Bryan or Sin Cara have plans to enter the main event scene, I have a feeling they're going to have to feud with Mark Henry to get there.
I think Henry should wear the World Title before he calls it a day. Even if it's for one night or maybe even a week. He has always been loyal to the WWE and I think he deserves it more than anyone in contention right now. I could see it happening late this year or summer next year if he's still around. I can't really say if it's time for him to leave the ring. I think Henry could get back in to the dominant heel character he was in 2006-2008. All he needs is some motivation and we could see him main event a few more PPVs. Hell if R Truth can get a title shot at a PPV why can't Mark Henry?
Where do I see Mark Henry?

Hmmmmm (taps chin)

Taking a bite of a triple cheeseburger (haha)

Ok jokes aside you asked :

Do you think that he should even be in contention for the WWE title?
Absolutley I think he should , he shouldn't nessicarily win it but he gives the title scene some more flavor and variety of competitors
Should he just hang up his boots and call it a day?
Hell no
And will there ever be hope for him or is it too late?
Yes I think theres hope for him , he lost some weight and he was allowed to claim he will be WHC on Smackdown , his run as ECW champion shows that he has the potential to run around with a title imo
You know i've always liked having Mark Henry hanging around in the WWE, but that is the problem. The past few years all Mark Henry has done is hang around, compete in a few fun but unimportant matches and get passed up by all the new talent. I like the guy, but after doing squat for so long why should he get a world title or any title reign?

Should he hang em up? Yes, I do believe that it's just about his time. Sometime in the next year would really be best.

i'll always look back fondly on the time that Mark Henry was on tv but he's not interesting or relevant anymore. Nothing is going to come of his pushing for the World Heavyweight Championship and as soon as it's over he will fade into obscurity again and retire.

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