Mark Henry at Summerslam?

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Pre-Show Stalwart
As we have seen this past month, Mark Henry has been on a path of destroying whoever he crosses paths with. Henry has put the likes of The Big Show and Kane out of action, but I have to wonder what the WWE will even put him on the card for summerslam. So what do you think he should do and why:

1. Will he even be on the card?
2. Who should he verse?
3. Will he verse the "injured" Big Show, Kane both?
4. Should he and will he be in a championship match?

I think that Mark Henry will either verse The Big Show or Kane, who have both been reported by the WWE to be out for 2 months. I suspect one of them or maybe even both of them to return to continue the feud. If this doesnt happen, I would like to see him verse Ezekial Jackson for the Intercontential Championship. what do you guys think?
If WWE are insistent on getting Henry over as their new monster heel (it'll work out this time, dammit!) then ideally they wouldn't have taken out Kane & Big Show. What I would've done is is pair him in a tag match at SummerSlam against Show & Kane and have him take out them both then as well as his partner.

As it stand I don't think he'll have a match, I see him costing Orton the title. Orton than can then feud with Henry and Christrian can move on to Sheamus.
1. I'm not sure. He will definetly have to make an appearence, although I would like him to be on the card.

2. Ezekial Jackson. I'm not sure whether it should be for the title thou, because if they have him win it and want him to go for the WHC, they're gonna have to make him loose the title, which will then make him loose some steam.

3. No, they're both probably going to take time off for a month or more.

4. See 2.
1. Will he even be on the card?
He's definitely going to be on the Summerslam Card. Henry's hot right now on Smackdown, so they wouldn't miss him off.

2. Who should he verse?
I hate that phrase, "verse" used in that context. Anyway, I think he should be facing either Kane or Big Show. However, as the poster above said, Big Zeke is a possibility as well.

3. Will he verse the "injured" Big Show, Kane both?
Pretty much the same question as above, just with you throwing names in. I think that if anything, he'd face Big Show AND Kane in a One vs Two Handicap match. If not, then I wouldn't really want to see another 1 vs 1.

4. Should he and will he be in a championship match?
Should he be? Well, Rhodes was meant to be in an IC Title Match this past Friday, but that never happened, so I guess they could be leaving it for the PPV. I doubt Henry will be in a Title Match at the PPV, but if he is, it'll definitely be for the IC Title. The WHC is too much for him.
1. Will he even be on the card?

If the WWE want to get this guy over Henry must be in a match against a big face. Not Big Show or Kane, but a big face from either brand. I don't care who it is but give Henry a match with someone like an Orton (I'm sure Orton has something better planned but you get my point) or a guy like Daniel Bryan. While Bryan isn't a huge face he does have something. He has the MITB contract which could get a feud going. Have Henry say he is pissed off that Bryan has been here five minutes but is in line for the main event of WrestleMania 28. Bing and a bang, you have a feud for Henry.

2. Who should he verse?

Either Daniel Bryan or any major face from either brand in the WWE. But he must be on the card against some who gets a big face pop. Or Bryan for the reason I stated above. Playing the whole "I worked in the WWE for years and you come in and get to the top"

3. Will he verse the "injured" Big Show, Kane both?

No, this thing has past and would be boring. You can't keep playing off the big man vs big man thing. People get bored of seeing it week in and week out.

4. Should he and will he be in a championship match?

At this point in time no, Henry has taken out to monsters but isn't at the title level. He needs to defeat a major face soon before the heat dies off and the push is stopped. Not title match until he gets a major face victory under his belt.
I love the idea of Henry/Jackson. Henry will have to win it though to keep this going. Otherwise he'll die as an elite heel very quickly. Also, if this doesn't lead to a title run at some point, then he won't last long.

Much as I like Christian as a champ, I think once again, they did it wrong. He shoulda held onto the first title run for a month, then let Orton take it, then after that feud, let Henry and his new found success feud with Orton and eventually beat him.
Henry most likely isn't going to get the title, they try this monster heel push with Henry every few years or so and it never goes anywhere no matter how well the guy performs while being in that kind of position. They like reheating the guy for short runs in the main event to make it look they're trying something fresh and new.

As for what he'll do at SummerSlam I see the guy taking on Sheamus in a sort of unofficial number one contenders match. Both of them have been vying for a title shot for a while now so I don't see why the "E" wouldn't have some kind of program with these two trying to prove themselves over the other guy.
Well, i think he will be on SummerSlam and he will likely face Daniel Bryan or Ezekiel Jackson and he may possibly cost Jackson the IC Title to Cody Rhodes then fued with Ezekiel or he could face him for the IC title. As for should he be in a title match, honestly, i was NOT a fan of his last title run he had and am afraid to see him with a title, but if they did give him a title an IC title wouldnt be bad with him, but i expect him to feud with some faces and eventually Orton possibly and lose. As for Henry vs. Sheamus, i think WWE should give Sheamus a feud with Wade Barrett at SummerSlam. That feud could be great and the fans seem to be getting behind Sheamus a bit and the feud those two are having.
The way they have been settinf him up, I think he should have been Orton's next opponent. Henry has destroyed two un stoppable: Big Show and Kane, who is next? Obviously the Champion Randy Orton. How could Orton hope to defeat him?
Then they have Orton lose the title to Christian and throws this obvious direction away. Weird booking if you ask me. Now I am not sure where Henry goes
Mark Henry often appears on a local radio show here in Austin and was recently an in-studio guest host of one of the local sports talk shows. He's mentioned that he intends to retire sooner rather than later as he's been doing this for a long time and has other interests outside the business he'd like to pursue. My guess is, this is his final run in WWE and it'll end in a big match at a PPV and then we'll see him hang it up, if not soon after that.
I would really like to see the creative team do something with him and Sheamus. It seems as though Sheamus has been getting a good reaction from the crowd lately, and they could really put him over by having him face off against a red hot Henry. Too bad Sheamus seems to be tied up with Barrett at the moment. So to answer your question, yes he needs to be at Summerslam, but not necessarily in a match. He could use the ppv to start a feud with someone like sheamus or even ezekiel, costing him the title.
I would love very much if they keep this going with henry! As far as his summerslam opponent goes bryan would make sense!! As Da Prophet said Bryan has been here five minutes Henry is going on what 14 years around there. Henry could just take what i feel belongs to him i am really feeling this angle with him. He is the WSM for petes sake! Take whats yours big man through just sheer force get the briefcase from bryan cash it in whenever the hell u feel like it!! Challenge his little punk ass to a match at SS with the winner taking the MITB briefcase!! Squash him like a bug
I think that Henry will be on the card for summerslam, he has been on a terror lately and it seems like he is actually getting a good heel reaction out of the crowd, and not dead silence we used to hear when Henry would come out. He's been a convincing monster as of late, putting big show and kane both out of action.

I think that he should take on a new up and comer, like Daniel Bryan, Wade Barrett, or Sheamus, or maybe even Orton(more established than the previous wrestlers I listed, but would be good for Henry). They could run an angle where Henry is frustrated that these new stars are getting more spotlight than him, since he has been around since the attitude era, and all these new stars are getting more opportunities than him. He has also improved alot on the mic in my opinion, and I think he deserves an opportunity to put on a match with a decent opponent on the 2nd biggest show of the year. He obviously isn't the best in ring performer, but they don't need him to be.

I think that he will face both Kane and Big Show at some point when they return, but I don't think they will be back in time for summerslam. So give Henry a good angle with a decent opponent going into the PPV, and give him an opportunity to continue his hot streak.

As far as the title goes...I think he should eventually get a program for the WHC , but not yet. Let him keep going with his current gimmick, destroying everyone and everything...maybe after summerslam, give him a shot for the title at a less important PPV. I don't think he should win, but I do think he should at least get a shot.
The issue is this. Mark Henry has already beaten the Big Show straight up on PPV and injured him. He injured Kane. He is now credited with taking out the two biggest powerhouses of WWE. He has also picked up a tag team victory over Randy Orton weeks back. Anything less than a title match is a step backwards at this point.

Sure, he can face Zeke. Mark Henry can go after another big guy, but essentially, Henry has to win and Zeke has really no credibility right now and is viewed as a serious step down from Kane and Show.

He can face Daniel Bryan but Mark Henry has to win and therefore, crushes Daniel Bryan.

The fact that Mark Henry is at a point in his push now where he has to win and it has to be over a legit face, the only options are Sheamus and Randy Orton. If Sheamus is just turning face, I don't think Mark Henry should beat him. And I don't see Henry winning the title. Best bet, he could be with Orton and Christian in a triple threat match and dominate both and not be involved in the decision at the end.

This is what happens with every Mark Henry push though. He dominates. Gets into a position where it's basically he "needs" to win over a "top" face or "win the title." And in the past, WWE has only seemed to want to push him so far, so he goes on his usual rampage against undercarders and says everyone is afraid to face him. Que Show and Kane returning, Henry getting squashed and end of push. I think I've seen this formula with Mark Henry at least 3 times.
1. Will he even be on the card?

Hopefully, it would keep his monster heel thing going.

2. Who should he verse?

Bryan, for reasons stated above could work. But I think having a Fatal 4 way IC title match with Zeke, Slater and Gabriel as the other 3 could work. Zeke gets the pinfall win on Slater or Gabriel to win the match, then Henry keeps his monster heel persona intact by destroying Slater and Gabriel after the match.

3. Will he verse the "injured" Big Show, Kane both?

No, see above.

4. Should he and will he be in a championship match?

Should he, yes, a 4 way IC title match as I describe above can keep Zeke AND Henry looking strong. Have an IC title scramble match at NoC with Henry, Zeke and 3 others (say Bryan, Slater, Gabriel) and have Henry care more about destruction than the title, and Zeke or Bryan can win the IC title but only have Slater and Gabriel be the victims of falls.

After that, hopefully the WHC title picture can clear up and Henry can move up and challenge for the WHC. Just have him beat down the champ after the champ is in a match and demand it. And give Henry the WHC in say October. Since Henry has stated he wants to retire soon, have Teddy Long state Henry's a danger to others, BUT he won't fire him as long as he's champion. At TLC or the Royal Rumble, have someone take the WHC from Henry and Henry is then fired. Hopefully it would be Barrett (turn Barrett face and have him get the rub by beating Henry, have Barrett lose the title to Christian at EC and have the WM WHC title match be Christian vs Bryan (in order to help the mic skills and promotion, maybe make it a 4 way title match with Barrett and a returning Jericho? but that's not for this topic).
Mark Henry has been on a roll. he's takin' out Big Show and Kane.
I think they should put him up against.. 'Big Zeke' Ezekiel Jackson.
Make it for the Intercontiental Championship at Summerslam. And have either Big Show or Kane interfere in a way to cost him the match.
The only other heels really on SD are Christian who is champ...Wade Barett who has no momentum and plenty of time in the future...Slater who is weird....and Cody and Ted who will most likely end up feuding...for some reason I envision this being his last hurrah...he looks damn impressiv, then they take him out like King kong style or something....
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