Mark Coleman...


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... has been cut by the UFC. Not surprising, as Dana White said in an interview that he thought the Couture fight should be Coleman's last in the UFC, right after the fight was done.

But, this begs the questions... should Strikeforce sign Mark Coleman? Do you personally think Coleman has anything left? Is there anyone else you would like to see him fight? Should Coleman go ahead and hang them up? Etc...


Mark Coleman impressed me in his fight against Stephan Bonner at UFC 100. That was, what, seven months ago? So, that doesn't seem too long ago, but he did look like shit against Couture. Or maybe he was just completely outclassed by a better fighter, who knows. But, my main point here is that the Mark Coleman from 7 months ago may still exist, and I do think THAT Mark Coleman can put up a decent fight against most Heavyweights not in the UFC, but should Strikeforce sign him? Eh, I guess it wouldn't hurt to talk to him and see where he's at. If they did sign him, I think a fight against Bobby Lashley would make the most sense. If Coleman lost, then they could get rid of him easily after that, and if he won, then give him another fight.

All that said, I think for Coleman's sake, he should go ahead and retire. There's nothing else for him to prove. He put up two good fights against Fedor, and had a nice little run there in the UFC after that (which also included an induction into the UFC Hall of Fame), where I'm sure he got paid well. The guy has a beautiful family at home, and there's just no sense in continuing to risk his health fighting any more at his age.

What do you guys think?
I read that Coleman was actually NEAR DEATH during the fight with Couture, which is why I think Dana cut him more than anything else. There's absolutely no shame in losing to Couture. He's a good guy to have around too. But if he's at a point where he's close to actually dying in a fight, then there's no reason why he should still be fighting professionally. And any doctor worth his salt wouldn't clear him where he's a major liability like that. Not only is he a liability to his company, but also to the sport in that case.

The man's a UFC Hall of Famer, and a legend of the sport. There are ways he can still make money and be a part of the sport without having to fight. I'm sure he didn't go out the way he wanted to, but he needs to think in the best interest of he and his family right now. I like Mark Coleman, and have always been a huge fan of his. He doesn't need to continue to fight. He's a single dad, and his daughters need him to be around.

I agree with what Jeff said, he has nothing left to prove.
I love Coleman. He's been one of my favorites since I first started following mma about 12 years ago. I remember being completly fucking estatic when he subbed Severn as I was pulling for him to be the first UFC Heavyweight champ.

With that being said, there is no question in my mind the guy should retire. It's not even a matter of embarrasing himself anymore. He just lost to one of the most succesful fighters of all time in Couture, nothing to be ashamed of . It's a matter of health now. His gas tank has always been questioned, but he looked absolutely drained after only a couple minutes with Randy. It's gotten to the point where he doesn't just look unhealthy, he looks like something more dangerous could happen to him. It pains me to say he really needs to retire. Not every fighter is going to have the conditioning and cardio at that age. Not every fighter can be Couture.

So now Strikeforce should take a close look at the possibility for tragedy with this. There is a risk that Coleman could get permanently injured or worse in a fight with a younger, stronger, faster opponent. They should be wise and let this man retire as the legend he is.

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