Mark Calloway interview


...Only if you believe.
So I haven't seen a thread like this one, if I missed it, feel free to move this one. I thought this was pretty interesting considering most of us are really big Undertaker fans, or at least have a ton of respect for the guy. I just watched a shoot interview from probably around 2003 with the Undertaker aka Mark Calloway [which a lot of you have probaby seen.] In this interview, and I'll post it below, the Dead Man talks about the IWC, being the locker room general, his favorite matches with Bret Hart, Mick Foley and Shawn Michaels. He talks about retirement, etc. Just pretty cool stuff to hear from the Undertaker. The point of this though, is what he mentions about the IWC. One of his least favorite things about the business today. Apparently he thinks a lot of us are know-it-alls, who really know nothing. He says we know what they tell us to know, and that some of us are a joke. He describes a lot of IWC'ers to a T. I agree with him on a lot of the stuff he talks about, not just about the IWC. Just wanted to check and see what some of you guys think about it. Or if you want to reply about something else he talks about in this two part interview, I'm just curious to see.

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Awesome, thanks for posting this. Obviously Taker is very intelligent and knows his sh*t. I couldn't agree anymore with him saying how "some" internet fans just need to stop being critics and just relax and be a fan. This was great, Ive never seen a real interview with Taker, thanks again.
I've always heard that The Undertaker was pretty protective of the wrestling business, so it was nice to hear a different view from him in this interview. While I'm not looking forward to his eminent retirement, I do hope that he would do an extensive "shoot" interview with Highspots or RF... I'd love to hear more about him and his stories!

* Can anyone tell me who that is around 3:10 in the 1st video doing a Styles Clash to Jamie Noble?
* Can anyone tell me who that is around 3:10 in the 1st video doing a Styles Clash to Jamie Noble?

I believe that's Crash Holly, he used that as his finishing move sometimes.

But in relation to the thread, Undertaker :worship: you are right, with all the bitching and whining the IWC does I'm not surprised you don't like us, but due to the stubbornness of some people. i mean look at us, most of us complained about Batista inability to wrestle, and when he tries, even if its badly we bitch that he shouldn't try it. We really should just enjoy wrestling and not criticize its flaws, nothing is perfect and nothing can please everyone.

Forgive me Legendary Phenom for my bitching. :worship:
I would have expected nothing less than that level of expertise from the deadman and I think that he is right to some extent about the Internet fans, although I think there are a great deal of us who appreciate the product for what it is. Most of us know we don't have the answers and simply put forward opinions on what we think will improve it. We understand that we can be wrong... But then Vince McMahon pushed Billy Gunn and had Mae Young give birth to a hand...
In a lot of ways, Taker was pretty much right on the money. Now, nobody can deny that Vince has some bad ideas at times. We all know that, accept it and, at various points, have all busted his balls at one time or another. Also, some internet fans do make sense and do have at least some idea of the business and how it works. Some of them also have good ideas for storylines, angles, feuds and matches and that's all well and good.

Does the IWC have a lot of know it alls that really know nothing? Yeah, I'd definitely have to agree with that. Most of us have a pretty good grasp of the business in general but there are lots of examples in which fans will state what they think works and will work without really having a clue as to what really does. For instance, one of the most common complaints on this site is the PG Era in general. Many posters feel that the WWE would prosper if it were to return to a more Attitude Era-esque style of programming but the problem is that they really don't know that for a fact. For the most part, they're just stating what they would personally like to see and what would appeal to them while trying to pass it off as something that they know would benefit the WWE.

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