Marilyn Manson. This generation's Elvis Presley.


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Is that a fair claim to make?

I think so. There are numerous similarities between the two and both of their careers. Both have been slammed by parents, religious groups, authority figures, both have had their music banned from places, both have also had their live concert performances negatively criticised. Elvis's music has also been said to be the first rock symbol of teenage rebellion, while Manson has been accused over the years of causing teenage rebellion through his lyrics and stage antics too.

A quote from Frank Sinatra on Elvis Presley: "His kind of music is deplorable, a rancid smelling aphrodisiac. It fosters almost totally negative and destructive reactions in young people". I could imagine someone saying that about Marilyn Manson too.

What do you think? Is Marilyn Manson this generation's Elvis Presley?
Absolutely not.
The difference between the two is that one, Elvis, actually had a real influence on music history while the other, being Manson, is only recognized for shock value. Look at the total of records sold comparing between the two. Elvis is in a whole league of his own! Elvis CREATED rock. On the other hand, Manson was just the first person to bring "Industrial Metal" into the mainstream. It was done long before Manson gave it a shot.
The argument of looking at the total of records sold between two artists should be null and void because of the fact that when Elvis was around, there was no Limewire or Soulseek or anything like that to download music for free, illegally and not being counted for sales statistics.
There is no comparison. Elvis actually relied on making good music. Manson relies on shocking people. Once people stop being shocked by him, Manson's career is over. Elvis, on the other hand, focused more on music. He didn't deliberately shock people, he just went out there and had fun. Parents didn't like him shaking his hips, but it was by no means as bad as what Manson has done. It just seems that Elvis was more focused on music and he shocked people by accident, and Manson's whole act is to shock people.
Hey, I'm a fan of Marilyn Manson and The Spooky Kids, but there is no comparison between the "Manson" and Elvis. Like others have pointed out, Presley's main focus was the music, whereas Manson is all about the stage show. Don't get me wrong, he makes good songs, but that's not his primary focus.

As far as the shock value, it was more of a reaction to white kids dancin' to what was considered "black" music. With Manson, he goes out of his way to do something shocking, ie Nazi salutes, and it's kinda stale.

So, to answer your question, from a fellow Manson fan, it's an unequivical no!!!
No. There will never be someone like Elvis Presley, and music is too diverse and too manufactureds these days to say someone is this generation's Elvis Presley. Elvis focused on his music, he just came up with shaking his hips, which was taboo back then, but it was just part of him. Manson just tries to shock people, and focuses on this more than anything else. And a lot more people liked Elvis Presley and were influenced by his music moreso than Marilyn Manson, and that is a fact. When Elvis was around, everyone knew who he was, he was on the radio, everywhere in the media. Can you say the same about Marilyn Manson? No, you can't. Manson is not this generation's Elvis Presley.
i would have to say no. you cant compare manson to elvis. like others have stated, manson is out to shock you, while elvis' main goal was to get you to dance and have fun. him shaking his hips wasnt done for shock value, as he stated in countless interviews, he let the music move him.

no one can be today's elvis, because elvis is in a class of his own. no one has been able to touch his popularity ever and i'm sure no one else ever will. they can claim to be, but it'll just be a fantasy for them.
Firstly, No way in Hell....Secondly Im not a huge fan of either......

Now, although I kinda think what im gonna say is Blaspehmy, but Marylin Manson, can be more compared to Alice Cooper. Firstly, I must say thta Alice is far better, has far better songs, and has far more talent than Marylin, but...Alice Paved the way for people like Marylin...with teh Glam Metal Image, the Make-up, and the almost heavy Metal Music....

I must stress, Alice is way better, and I know these men have had their differences in the past, but come on, Elvis and Marylin Manson - Completely different syles, music, generation and influence....
No...Not at all.

Kurt Cobain would get this honor, HE influenced almost every band that has came after him. He destroyed Hair/90s metal, and has a cult following to this day.

Manson, as I am a fan of his. Has not. He has a huge following of fans, BUT has not influenced music the way that Elvis or Cobain has.

Honestly, Im 26, and theres no more of an important band in music in MY time than Nirvana. Like em or not
What a ridiculious statement. I mean, that's borderline insulting. Marilyn Manson hasn't even been popular in what, atleast 5 years. Maybe if this had been sad 10 years ago it would've atleast stirred some debate at the height of his popularity, but now, no not at all.

I mean really, what does "This Generation's Elvis Presley" really even mean? That he was as much of a rebel as Elvis? Elvis wasn't really a rebel to begin with...he just had a killer voice and the right body to drive the girls crazy. The man was hardly a rebel, he served in the Army for chrissake. In terms of musical equivalents, that again is not even a debate. Elvis was the spark that ignited the entire genre of rock and roll music. Sure the Beatles gave rock and roll it's artistic integrity, but without the initial insane popularity of the be-boppin', hip-swingin' Elvis, it's very likely rock would've gone the way of several other musical fads. Manson, while producing a few guilty-pleasure type rockers, isn't really a legend like Elvis.

No offense mate, but comparing Manson and Elvis will get you thoroughly beaten in some neighborhoods. Or atleast angrily scowled at.

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