Maria Kanellis: 'The Bellas prevented my return to WWE.


King Of The Ring
This from the twitter page of Maria Kanellis last night at 11:00pm:

I was offered a @wwe contract and the Bellas made sure I didn't get it. I'm not bitter. I just don't like people that mess with my career.

Maria doesn't say whether or not she would have accepted the offer to return, but the part about her not liking those who mess with her career strongly admits she would have. Maria, up until this point, has been largely silent on the rampant 'Maria to WWE' reports, so I was surprised to see this. Had she accepted the contract, it would have been interesting to see how Mike Bennett, her boyfriend and the wrestler she manages in ROH, would have been affected. Perhaps a devlopment deal may have been on the table for him as well. I have no confirmation of this at all, that's purely speculative.

The timing of this, too, is curious. She was apparently offered a contract during WM season, but it was reported she declined to return then. I was never a big fan of Maria's, especially in the ring, but she looked phenomenal in her wrestling attire. ;)

f Maria is to b believed, it's hard to think two women in a comatose division would have enough clout on their own to keep Maria from being re-hired. However, their boyfriends, especially Nikki's, John Cena, would. I'm not saying he's involved, or that this is even true, but Cena would certainly have the clout, one would think.

Do you buy into Maria's claim?

Does her tweet last night burn bridges for a future return for Maria?
Do you buy into Maria's claim?

I'm curious as to how she'd know that with certainty, but I don't completely doubt it. She seemed very happy to be working the indies/ROH, so she shouldn't be too miffed about staying there. In any event, even if Nikki used her boyfriend to leverage management about the decision to bring Maria back, if WWE really wanted Maria even that wouldn't stop them. I seriously doubt Cena himself gives a shit, and I question why The Bella Twins would either. That said, though, it does fit the narrative of many ex-WWE Superstars who claim that John Cena is a bit of a big-timing cutthroat.

Does her tweet last night burn bridges for a future return for Maria?

Nah. Worse has been said by wrestlers and worse has been forgiven by WWE. It's more likely that, as is the case with most of the disposable divas WWE has had over the years, she won't be coming back because they don't need her, she's not a draw, and there are literally hundreds of thousands of attractive women out there that WWE could snap their fingers and have under contract.
well this is what the bella twins had to say on facebook

Nicole Garcia-Colace

Maria, sit your ass down (ghetto side is comin' our, take precaution.) No one likes you cause you diss and bitch out every diva, you always have somethin' to say! You dissed Barbie, you dissed every one and you are nothing. We made sure you didn't get that contract? no no sweetie, you are a fraud and a bullshitter. WWE don't want you back, GTFO AND SHUT THE FUCK UP.

Brianna Monique Garcia-Colace

Back off red head... don't be jealous because you can't be a Diva anymore.. enjoy your ROH like your saying in your tweets, you should of just kept your mouth shut then maybe the ‎#bellaarmy wouldn't of attacked you..
Well at least both sides are being mature about it.

Maria does say the odd sly remark, but their all directed at The Bella Twins and Kelly Kelly. She did a shoot interview for YouShoot about two years ago now and during it said she doesn't like Kelly Kelly because of the way she acted backstage. Kelly flirted with everyone, as it known she slept with more than a couple guys, in all honesty the only reason WWE pushed is because she's hot enough to gain some mainstream appeal and some other stuff. She didn't say much about The Bellas other than the fact their stuck up.

I personally get more enjoyment from Maria because she's better in her role now than The Bellas have ever been in their WWE careers, and the comment that got Maria going was one of them saying last night, "The Bellas are ratings," or something to that extent. Maria laughed at the notion and to be honest I did too. If it wasn't for Total Divas would they even be on the show weekly? If it wasn't for their relationships with Cena and Bryan would they even be back in the company?

Honestly the saddest part of all this is, if The Bellas and Maria can't co-exist it decreases the chances of Mike Bennett signing with the company, which for me isn't all that bad because his persona change in ROH looks like it could be cool, but for Mike himself and having interviewed him and spoken to him and who is a really cool, laidback guy, he deserves to be earning big money. He was built for the WWE.
I'm not entirely sure how she could know who exactly made the decision to not bring her back, but I'll give her the benefit of the doubt since theres a good chance she's spent enough time in the Divas locker room to know who politics and who doesnt. If Cena got involved, however, be sure that whatever the Bellas wanted out of the situation was granted.

Of course in this business its "never say never", and people have returned after making much worse comments about WWE and other fellow stars. However, it sounds like she's not enthusiastic about a return because a) shes managing her boyfriend on the top indy show in the industry and b) people who want a return date often go around kissing the WWE's ass, which she's clearly not doing.
The timing of this, too, is curious. She was apparently offered a contract during WM season, but it was reported she declined to return then. I was never a big fan of Maria's, especially in the ring, but she looked phenomenal in her wrestling attire. ;)

Actually, the reports I read were that her storyline was suddenly "dropped," which would make sense if someone somehow stopped her return. How they would've been able to pull it off? I don't know.

That said, the man side of me is very disappointed, as I find Maria smoking hot. The wrestling fan side of me really doesn't care that much.
Sure, I'll buy into Maria's claim. Only because I think it will make for interesting television if she comes back and feuds with the Bellas. Plus, I like Maria more.

Does this hurt her chances to come back, or even Bennett's chance to join WWE? Hogan, Nash, and Hall came back to WWE after nearly destroying it. Bischoff went to WWE after burying it on Nitro. RVD is coming back after speaking ill of the WWE. You get the point, right?
Like most things in life, I'd say that there's some degree of truth in it, some of it is false and some of it is speculative.

It wouldn't surprise me if it's true, I'm sure the Bella Twins have a good deal of pull in WWE behind the scenes. One of them is in a relationship with Cena, I forget which one, and the other is with Daniel Bryan. Seems like an unusual match but, hey, sounds like great work if you can get it. At the same time, however, it's difficult to not be somewhat skeptical whenever stories like this come out. It's become extremely common for a wrestler with a grudge to use the internet to blast other wrestlers, executives, a company as a whole, etc. because they feel they've been wronged in some way. For instance, look at how often guys like Shane Douglas or Superstar Billy Graham are always bitching about one thing or another. Graham used to praise Sammartino to no end but now calls him a "hypocrite" for being in the WWE Hall of Fame while Douglas still, after all this time, rips into Ric Flair or WCW or what have you.

Even if it's 100% true, personally, I couldn't care less. Maria wasn't exactly an example of greatness among the Divas whens he was in WWE and I doubt very much has changed. Like most Divas, most but not all, we've seen in WWE for the past decade or so; Maria was a hot & scantily clad woman who was used mostly as titillation for the audience while not being particularly skilled as a pro wrestler. The role the Bellas play isn't exactly riveting television, so why would I want to see someone brought in to do the same role who has the same limits as they have? There've been plenty of women on the WWE roster come & go of that caliber and it LOOKS like, remember LOOKS like, WWE MIGHT slowly be moving away from that into having something of a real women's division. If the women down in NXT are any indication, then it honestly does look like WWE is heading in that direction. It might not be until Vince ultimately steps down, but it genuinely feels like it could happen. AJ Lee & Kaitlyn actually have a feud and a coherent storyline with some relevance. How many years has it been since we've seen that in women's wrestling in WWE?

According to what I've read, and this was a few weeks back I believe, Mike Bennett is still interested in coming to WWE even if Maria isn't in the picture. If both Bennett & WWE are mutually interested but Bennett won't sign unless Maria is as well, then Maria needs to get on her knees and beg him to marry her because I doubt she'd find another man in wrestling with that sort of loyalty and devotion to her.
I think Maria is happy with the direction her career is going honestly. With her modeling and work with ROH it gives her the atypical route in the business along with getting the avenue to work with her designing as well. While I would love Maria to be back in WWE, as she was my favorite Diva by far, I am just glad that she is still having a successful career.
Whenever WWE release someone of just decide not to sign someone even though they're close to signing, a lot of the time that someone bitches and whines about WWE or people in the company. Maria might just be another person who WWE decided they didn't want to sign. But who said WWE were interested to start with? Maybe, just maybe, WWE weren't interested to start with, but someone had been telling Maria false information making her believe the Bellas were the ones who stopped WWE from hiring her.

But I highly doubt the Bellas have so much power backstage that they can make the WWE change their minds and decide not to hire Maria. But there's something about what the Bellas put on their FB, that makes me think that they may have pulled a few strings. It seems overly defensive and seems as though they're not the biggest fans of Maria.

Or, it could just be a work? I don't think it is, but it could be. The Bellas don't seem like they would do this, but their on screen characters would. So, maybe we see Maria turning up on tv soon? Probably not, but it would be entertaining.

If it is a work, then we'll find out sooner rather than later. But if it isn't we won't know the truth because there's always two sides to every story.
I love Maria, she was never a great wrestler but her all natural looks and sexiness along with her personality made her a favourite. I'm not a big Indie guy these days but I've seen her a few times in ROH and she really has honed her craft as a heel valet, she'd be a nice addition to the WWE roster in that role IMO.

I also have my doubts that the Bellas have that kind of power as I certainly don't see Cena being involved in something so petty and spiteful.

Do you buy into Maria's claim?

Maria said that she doubted the Bellas would do that when asked earlier in the year:

Maria also spoke on rumors that The Bella Twins shot down an idea to have her return at WrestleMania by saying the following:

"I don't think that the Bella Twins could be so immature – I always found them to be very mature and business minded so I can't imagine them doing that. Unfortunately we may never know the truth unless we get it from the horse's mouth. I try not to play too much into rumours because that can get you into a lot of trouble."

There are rarely coincidences in pro wrestling and Maria has never seemed to lack integrity, so my view is she either has found out recently due to something that's been let slip when that Divas show was being filmed and it's gotten back to her, or she's working an angle to actually come back into WWE and feud with the Bellas to promote the Divas show.

Does her tweet last night burn bridges for a future return for Maria?

It takes a lot more than that to burn bridges with the WWE, I mean this Sunday they'll welcome back a guy who was busted with drugs just after they put the WWE title on him. If the stars align she could easily be back and like I said, this may already be a work.
Do you buy into Maria's claim?

Not too sure. Just listening to her in interviews she seems genuine and doesn't seem like the type that would say something like that just to get a rise. If she keeps talking I will guess that she's full of it but if it's just a one off comment then it probably did happen or she has been led to believe it happened.

The Bellas got recently re-hired around Wrestlemania season however. Maybe Maria was told "The Bellas have something to do with you not getting hired" when all it meant was the WWE chose to hire the Bellas instead of Maria. Diva's aren't given much time on TV anyways so maybe the back office felt since they have the Bellas (both who happen to be in a relationship with the 2 hottest wrestlers in WWE) they have nothing for Maria to do, so they decided not to bring her in.

Does her tweet last night burn bridges for a future return for Maria?

Not at all. If WWE ever see's value in Maria they will bring her back no questions. A one off tweet about a couple of performers shouldn't and wouldn't be enough to torch a bridge, even if its someone as expendable as Maria.
well this is what the bella twins had to say on facebook

Nicole Garcia-Colace

Maria, sit your ass down (ghetto side is comin' our, take precaution.) No one likes you cause you diss and bitch out every diva, you always have somethin' to say! You dissed Barbie, you dissed every one and you are nothing. We made sure you didn't get that contract? no no sweetie, you are a fraud and a bullshitter. WWE don't want you back, GTFO AND SHUT THE FUCK UP.

Brianna Monique Garcia-Colace

Back off red head... don't be jealous because you can't be a Diva anymore.. enjoy your ROH like your saying in your tweets, you should of just kept your mouth shut then maybe the ‎#bellaarmy wouldn't of attacked you..

Classy! I also love the delusional concept that there's a Bella army, are teenage boys really that lame these days? :lmao:

I'm surprised WWE have allowed that to be posted by one of their employees, especially in light of the recent Regal/Devitt thing where he seemed to let slip that The Briscoes deal fell through because of things they'd posted on social media.
well this is what the bella twins had to say on facebook

Nicole Garcia-Colace

Maria, sit your ass down (ghetto side is comin' our, take precaution.) No one likes you cause you diss and bitch out every diva, you always have somethin' to say! You dissed Barbie, you dissed every one and you are nothing. We made sure you didn't get that contract? no no sweetie, you are a fraud and a bullshitter. WWE don't want you back, GTFO AND SHUT THE FUCK UP.

Brianna Monique Garcia-Colace

Back off red head... don't be jealous because you can't be a Diva anymore.. enjoy your ROH like your saying in your tweets, you should of just kept your mouth shut then maybe the ‎#bellaarmy wouldn't of attacked you..

That right there is why I can't stand the Bella twins. They have jobs because of who they're dating and because of this idiotic reality show Total Divas. That's it. They're piss poor in the ring and they're not that attractive. I mean that as sincerely as I possibly can.

That have a very cunt-like attitude as exemplified in the quoted post. And I believe that Maria may have had a prior relationship with Cena or Daniel Bryan. The Bella's are ***** and wouldn't have a job if it weren't for the WWE's poor marketing decisions.

Maria's much hotter and more talented than the Bella's and on top of that, Maria's been published in Playboy, while Playboy turned both Bella's down for a cover shoot when they were unemployed. So there's jealousy on both sides and to be honest, in an actual fight, Maria would whoop their asses. Chicago women are tougher than a few Chicano bitches with an attitude.
That right there is why I can't stand the Bella twins. They have jobs because of who they're dating and because of this idiotic reality show Total Divas. That's it. They're piss poor in the ring and they're not that attractive. I mean that as sincerely as I possibly can.

That have a very cunt-like attitude as exemplified in the quoted post. And I believe that Maria may have had a prior relationship with Cena or Daniel Bryan. The Bella's are ***** and wouldn't have a job if it weren't for the WWE's poor marketing decisions.

Maria's much hotter and more talented than the Bella's and on top of that, Maria's been published in Playboy, while Playboy turned both Bella's down for a cover shoot when they were unemployed. So there's jealousy on both sides and to be honest, in an actual fight, Maria would whoop their asses. Chicago women are tougher than a few Chicano bitches with an attitude.

I love this post. I have never been a fan of the Bella's for the aforementioned reasons along side you can tell they're holier-than-thou because "Durrr twins! *splooge ".

They really need to be humbled, not handed, everything in life because they had to be born twice to get all the ugly out of their mom.

No lady features, hideous noses, and an even uglier attitude to boot. Their FB posts are so infuriating. Just think, vapid ***** like that getting further in life (career/ $ wise) than most good hard working people.

Was going to word this better and articulate a few more points but my touchscreen is going haywire.
To be 100% honest, I could do without all three of them.

Maria Kanellis was smoking hot, and she still looks good, because I had a good view of her at an ROH show last year, and she was ringside for some guy (I forget his name). But Maria is in the long line of replaceable Divas in WWE history. She was a 10 in my eyes, but how many other Divas fall into the category of being smoking hot with little or no charisma, and having forgettable or horrible matches? That's a long list.

From what I remember, WWE was in the process of building some relationship storyline with Matt Hardy and Maria before she got cut. And before that, I can remember WWE trying to mold a "ditzy airhead, who shows flashes of being smart" character with Maria, but it never took off. Yeah, Maria received some nice pops every now and then, but like so many other Divas before and after her, she was replaceable, because outside of her looks, she had nothing of importance to offer.

I never cared for The Bellas. They're attractive women in my eyes, but they've ran their "sinister twins" characters into the ground. I mean, The Twin Magic trick is hardly believable anymore, because one of them got very noticeable breast implants. They're below average on the mic, in the ring, and the tired "mean girls" act has been done to death.

Do you buy into Maria's claim?

Hard to tell. Could just be a fit of jealously Maria has against The Bellas. That, and she's probably holding a grudge against them for something that happened in WWE, and she wants to use them as a reason for her not being back in WWE. But this is all speculation.

Does her tweet last night burn bridges for a future return for Maria?

I don't think the tweet would have anything to do with a potential WWE return for Maria. I think it's just a case of WWE having no interest in her. Besides, isn't Maria the last Diva to pose in Playboy? I'm not 100% sure, but with the PG era in full swing, I have a hard time believing in WWE wanting Maria to come back, when her biggest claim to fame in WWE is posing nude for Playboy.

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