Maria And Matt Hardy As A Couple: Could Something Come Of This?

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
Maria was pinned by Natalya on Smackdown in a six person tag match. After the match, there was a backstage segment where Matt Hardy tried to comfort Maria after the loss because she was upset about it. During this segment, Hardy and Maria seemed like they were about to kiss, but they were interrupted by Michelle McCool and Layla.

Hardy is seemingly going no where in tag team with Khali, and Maria is just another diva on the Smackdown roster at this point. If they were to become a couple, could this be another chance for Matt Hardy to get "the push". I certainly don't think Maria and Hardy would become a POWER couple like Triple H and Stephanie(kayfabe version years ago) or Edge and Lita, but there's a chance this could be something to help revive Hardy. I would like to see them as a couple because I'm curious to see how it would work out.

Should Maria and Matt Hardy become a couple?

Would this HELP Matt Hardy get pushed?

If this were to happen, do you think this couple would have potential to be something or would it end up going no where like Maria and Dolph Ziggler?

I really dont know if they could make a good couple.But matt hardy could have her as a manager,I really dont know if they will end up the same way as ziggler and maria,But if WWE think by having maria as a matts girl and this could take him somewhere and maybe get a push well this will be a good thing for Matt
I am SICK AND TIRED of hearing how Matt might get a push or should get a push. Lets face it he sucks. He is nothing like Jeff. He is fat. Even if him and Maria do become a couple what the hell is it gonna do NOTHING. Matt will never become world champion. HE SIMPLY JUST SUCKSSS!!!!
I am SICK AND TIRED of hearing how Matt might get a push or should get a push. Lets face it he sucks. He is nothing like Jeff. He is fat. Even if him and Maria do become a couple what the hell is it gonna do NOTHING. Matt will never become world champion. HE SIMPLY JUST SUCKSSS!!!!

I second that. I never liked him even when he was in good physical shape. He doesn't have the looks. He has had the same long hair since he debuted, get a fucking make over. This will not work as a push, this will just work as a way to give them something to do. I never liked Maria either. She is too boring in the ring as well as outside of it. Fat Hardy can't even walk good. His extreme move is a damn leg drop from the second rope. His finisher is a twist of fate something Jeff did as a normal move to setup for the Swanton. He will never get a main event push with or without Maria.
while i agree with some of the points made (twist of fate as a finisher) i really do think that after all the years of hard work and effort put in by matt, he deserves a push and i hope maria helps him get it. matt has stayed with WWE for years and has never really had a huge push. maybe change his look and give him a new finisher move, and give him a shot at the main event. he has worked too hard for too long to be held down because he is overweight.

Maria as his manager might work, although i dont like maria's ring skills much. as a manager she could help him win matches. he could say that she is her inspiration or something like that. but seriously the guy deserves a shot.
I think the Twist Of Fate is a believable finisher its quite similar to the RKO, deffo believable. You guys really make me laugh, calling him Fat Hardy. He might have put on a few pounds but since when did weight decide who becomes successful? Yokozuna was fat he was Champion. Big Show was fat and he became Champion. You just never know whats going to happen. Granted at the moment he is doing fuck all in the WWE but that can all change in an instant. Maybe this angle takes him somewhere, somewhere were he can show people what he can do that some of us may have not seen before.

The guy is nowhere near terrible. I'm not saying hes at John Cena's level of talent but he deffinitely has talent. Besides if he doesn't win the Championship in his career is he classed as a faliure??? not at all some of the greatest wrestlers out there have never been champion that doesnt mean their career had sucked. He has entertained millions of people, has more fans then most of the WWE and TNA wrestlers due to him ALWAYS getting a decent pop and has won various singles titles in his career.
I doubt anything will come of this really. I'm surprised Maria hasn't been future endeavored and how she won a the divas slammy this year is beyond me. She's just a pretty face and awful in the ring, she can be replaced so easily. Hardy is stuck in a pointless team with Khali.... Seeing the three of them walk out to the ring together gave me a migraine during Smackdown this week.... :banghead:

I don't think that Hardy and Maria becoming an item onscreen will lead to a push for either one of them, it would give them something to do at the very least, it's better than Maria doing those pointless diva tag matches and Hardy doing nothing.... oh wait, the pointless team with Khali, never mind lol. I wouldn't be against Hardy and Maria being a couple onscreen though because it gives them something interesting to do for a few weeks. However, I don't think it would lead to a Hardy push because he's over as it is and I don't see how Maria could really help him there. They'd probably last longer than Maria and Ziggler though, maybe have her walk out with him during his matches for a while and have them compete in mixed gender tag matches, I dunno. I'm basically supporting the idea and would like to see it happen but don't think anything groundbreaking will come out of it in the end.
I'm going to answer this with the style that I've been answering every question recently. By proving that the IWC is full of hypocrites, showing what they'd say about this, and then giving my own view.

Now constantly, the IWC is torn on Matt Hardy:
"He's not as good as his brother Jeff. He's fat"
Or: "That man deserves a push."
Then there's always the argument: "WWE isn't creating stars. They only care about their main eventers".

Basically, nothing can be proven regardless of whether you like Hardy or not until he is given another push. So when a chance of one does come about, all I hear is people slating it. This is also a chance to push Hardy, I know he's been with WWE for a while, but it could lead to him having great success. Still slated.

To me, it seems the IWC just likes to be negative even when all their questions are answered.

Both Maria and Matt have no direction at the moment. Proof? Maria didn't even get a push despite winning Diva of the Year via the fans. Proof? Hardy is forced to team with Khali even though WWE could have gave him the perfect ready-made feud with Punk once Jeff was took out of WWE.

Now whether something comes of this? There's no way to answer until we've seen it play out. But so many people aren't giving it the chance, and then if it fizzles out they'll complain about it later even.

I'll try and hazard an answer though. I think this can only lead to great things for Matt. When was the last time we saw him in a serious feud? McIntyre at the moment is looking for contenders for his IC belt. We'll more than likely see the Kane program play out at Elimination Chamber. What other midcard faces is there for Drew to face? This is where I see Hardy coming in. With Maria by his side, you can expect to see this "revitalised" angle come in place. Hardy will be desperate to prove to Maria that he still has it by ending an undefeated streak (just like he did with Kennedy in the past) and taking the IC title.

This match wouldn't normally get onto Wrestlemania, but with no Money In The Bank seemingly this year, the midcard titles will need to be defended. Sure, you could throw in any face on Smackdown to take on McIntyre at Mania because the IC Title may likely be one of the things filling the gap at Mania this year. But here you could have a perfect angle. Have the commentators actually note that Matt hasn't been as successful as his brother. Have the commentators note that Maria hasn't been successful. But the two of them together is helping Matt's career and that he is determined to take the IC Title at the biggest stage of them all. In some ways it is slightly like the storyline from the film Wimbledon.

The IWC often complain about there not being real storyline feuds for the midcard titles. Isn't this what they want?

With Maria by his side, it can help Matt seem almost credible again. Even if he comes up short in a losing effort. Who doesn't like a good underdog? This storyline would bring McIntyre some serious heat on a world stage like Mania which can only benefit him. Plus if he retains it will make him look even greater as champion against someone who has held quite a few belts in the WWE. As for Hardy, the fans will buy into him with sympathy, especially if Maria embraces him in the middle of the ring still after a losing effort.

If WWE do this right, this COULD actually do wonders for Hardy, it could make Maria relevant, it could help elevate McIntyre (with the commentators asking who else is there for him to face who could defeat him?) AND it could increase the prestige of the IC title having been defended on the grandest stage of them all again and being part of a long successful reign.
I am SICK AND TIRED of hearing how Matt might get a push or should get a push. Lets face it he sucks. He is nothing like Jeff. He is fat. Even if him and Maria do become a couple what the hell is it gonna do NOTHING. Matt will never become world champion. HE SIMPLY JUST SUCKSSS!!!!

Why some people keep insisting that Matt Hardy is fat is still beyond on me. Is he some what chunky...yes, but fat, no. Although, it is highly likely Matt never will become world champion again because with Edge's return, and the fact that he's in a tag team with Khali just keep crushing his chances more and more.

As I said earlier, this could help revive Hardy, and this could also be a "good thing" for him if WWE does it the right way. Will it get him closer to the world heavyweight championship? Probably not, but anything would be better for him than being in a tag team with Khali.
I agree with the folks saying: Hardy isnt worth the push anymore. How many times can this guy be given 'the ball' & we have to watch him lose that ball into the woods? He shouldnt ever be anything more then a tag-team champ(not w/kahli either- please). Im not gonna say hes fat- but he isnt in shape like he should be, at all. Im sure alot of you dont think he ever got a fair shake when WWE tried to give him 'the ball'. but Matt wasnt able to prove he can run with it either. I cant figure out why so many people here love this guy. Cuz- the only reason I'll give him is his loyalty. But that can only get you so far in any business.

As for Maria- They constantly try to put her fine ass with someone, but it never works. I can remember Santino & Ziggler off the top of my head- im sure there has been more. Pretty sure McCool & Layla mentioned something about her 'loose lips' on last nights SmackDown! That made me laugh!! How many other wrestlers hoagies, has she housed over the years in WWE?? Im sure theres more then just the 2 I mentioned. Shes a beautiful girl- dont get me wrong. But besides her looks- Im not so sure she belongs in the ring at all. Keep her as a non-speaking valet- that would work.

Basically: these 2 seem to be made for each other. Niether one can get themselves OR anyone else attached to them 'over'. Maybe Vince has decided to give them both one last shot to shine & is letting them do it together- I dont know. I dont expect it to work, if it does happen.

When does the Celeb Apprentice start- or has it already? I thought Maria was going off TV while it was being aired? If the show is getting ready to start- maybe this is how they are getting her off TV- with her small 'meltdown' on SD after her loss lastnight.
I'm going to answer this with the style that I've been answering every question recently. By proving that the IWC is full of hypocrites, showing what they'd say about this, and then giving my own view.

Now constantly, the IWC is torn on Matt Hardy:
"He's not as good as his brother Jeff. He's fat"
Or: "That man deserves a push."
Then there's always the argument: "WWE isn't creating stars. They only care about their main eventers".

Basically, nothing can be proven regardless of whether you like Hardy or not until he is given another push. So when a chance of one does come about, all I hear is people slating it. This is also a chance to push Hardy, I know he's been with WWE for a while, but it could lead to him having great success. Still slated.

To me, it seems the IWC just likes to be negative even when all their questions are answered.

Both Maria and Matt have no direction at the moment. Proof? Maria didn't even get a push despite winning Diva of the Year via the fans. Proof? Hardy is forced to team with Khali even though WWE could have gave him the perfect ready-made feud with Punk once Jeff was took out of WWE.

Now whether something comes of this? There's no way to answer until we've seen it play out. But so many people aren't giving it the chance, and then if it fizzles out they'll complain about it later even.

I'll try and hazard an answer though. I think this can only lead to great things for Matt. When was the last time we saw him in a serious feud? McIntyre at the moment is looking for contenders for his IC belt. We'll more than likely see the Kane program play out at Elimination Chamber. What other midcard faces is there for Drew to face? This is where I see Hardy coming in. With Maria by his side, you can expect to see this "revitalised" angle come in place. Hardy will be desperate to prove to Maria that he still has it by ending an undefeated streak (just like he did with Kennedy in the past) and taking the IC title.

This match wouldn't normally get onto Wrestlemania, but with no Money In The Bank seemingly this year, the midcard titles will need to be defended. Sure, you could throw in any face on Smackdown to take on McIntyre at Mania because the IC Title may likely be one of the things filling the gap at Mania this year. But here you could have a perfect angle. Have the commentators actually note that Matt hasn't been as successful as his brother. Have the commentators note that Maria hasn't been successful. But the two of them together is helping Matt's career and that he is determined to take the IC Title at the biggest stage of them all. In some ways it is slightly like the storyline from the film Wimbledon.

The IWC often complain about there not being real storyline feuds for the midcard titles. Isn't this what they want?

With Maria by his side, it can help Matt seem almost credible again. Even if he comes up short in a losing effort. Who doesn't like a good underdog? This storyline would bring McIntyre some serious heat on a world stage like Mania which can only benefit him. Plus if he retains it will make him look even greater as champion against someone who has held quite a few belts in the WWE. As for Hardy, the fans will buy into him with sympathy, especially if Maria embraces him in the middle of the ring still after a losing effort.

If WWE do this right, this COULD actually do wonders for Hardy, it could make Maria relevant, it could help elevate McIntyre (with the commentators asking who else is there for him to face who could defeat him?) AND it could increase the prestige of the IC title having been defended on the grandest stage of them all again and being part of a long successful reign.

I read this entire post and I agree with it all, especially the part about how the IWC feels about Matt. But it's not just that. There are SO MANY bandwagon fans, when Matt's in a hole, they criticize. When he's having some success, they get into him again, it's bullshit.

Now for Matt and Maria, I thought that segment was kind of funny, but not in the good way...

Could this lead to something better? Maybe. But it's pretty easy for it to fail as well. However I'm gonna see how it goes before I state anything brash. Like this poster said, this could lead to an IC title feud, hell why not? Matt v McIntyre could be good. But of course this is WAY better than teaming with Khali...
Only if they become heels. Lets face it, can anyone name a couple that were successful that WEREN'T heels? I cannot. I think if done properly, then yes, this could be the push Hardy needs. A few things need to happen.

1. Have them string together a few losses in a row. That seemingly signaled Matt's last heel turn. He lost a bunch of matches. Let him stay with Khali, but have them keep losing tag matches. Like Friday, have Khali NEVER get into the match. Finally, have him turn on Khali, beating the crap out of him with a chair or something to that effect. Have him blame their losses on Khali.

2. Get him away from Khali as soon as possible after that. I don't take him seriously with Khali. How could anyone? Khali has't been relevant since his first few months in WWE when he debuted.

3. Have Maria drop the "bubbly" gimmick. She could play up the fact that everyone has always seen her as just the "hot" redhead whose a ditz. Have her play up her intelligence that she's on the apprentice and that she won a slammy.

4. Keep Maria out of the ring. Its been six years, she still can't wrestle AT ALL. However, she could make a great manager if done properly. Shes got good composure on the mic. I think she could be a great manager if done properly. Let her be Hardy's mouthpiece. Have her cheat for Matt behind the ref's back. Use her incredible sex appeal. This worked wonders for Edge with Lita, and Melina with Johnny Nitro/Morrison.

So do I think something could come of this? Could this get Hardy a push? Absolutely. But only if done properly. and i think the only way to do that would be with both as heels.
I think I should clarify, on a few sites I saw that the WWE gave up on Dolph Ziggler because he has trouble gaining a crowd response, or at least a big enough one.

So, I don't think this will totally fail like it did with Ziggler, because Matt is way over, and I actually couldn't really give a reason as to why he is over. But he is. So, it shouldn't turn out like that.
I have met Matt & Personally I thought after the 2005 rivalry with Edge where Edge became huge and Hardy didn't even after such awesome points like the side effect off the stage and the leg drop off the cage at Unforgiven 2005. Lets face it that rivalry was probably the best rivalry of 2005 due to how personal it was.
Matt should have been pushed after Jeff was fired as it was HIS brother! Why 'Taker? Punk and Hardy could have been awesome in 2009 but no Matt lost 70% of 2009 and remains to go nowhere.
Well for the most I have read this has become a treat to bash both, Matt and Maria, and guys for real you need to give it a break.

Certain, Matt has been lost in the shuffle for quite a while now but that does not mean he sucks, I mean even if he has gone a little stale (Have to face the fact he has) he is still a very reliable wrestler that if required can step up to the plate, proof of that was his rivalry with Edge, even if he was at the lose end, he proved he could go.

Has he become fat? not really, like I said before is not that he is fat, but unfortunatelly since his surgery probably he had problems working on that area and is very difficult to get that toghether unless you take some time off, like HHH did and it took him over a year to get back to his original shape.

Did he deserved to be pushed after his brother left? Sorry but no, why? because it was Jeff's popularity and not his, they tried and it actually back fired because fans saw it was not the same Matt for real needs to step away from that or he will be like he has always been, on the Shadow of his youger brother, He deserves a push but by his own work over the years, not just because Jeff left.

In Maria's case, well how she won the Diva Award? because like her or not, she is still very popular, sure she has lost a step or two, but still very popular, I mean I don't like how she wrestlers or try too but Hell, the girls has charisma and is a very energetic person. Not saying she should be Champion, because reality is that she hasn't improve that much and now seems to be focused in other areas, also the fact that before giving her a title run after Wrestlemania 24, they decided to go with their safety net with Mickie and Melina, which for me was a better choice since both give the ttile more credibility.

Now on the topic of her been a couple with others tha tdidn't work, first you have to analize each case.

With Santino: First, it was not really going to work since, lets face it, Santino is funny, but that is all he has going for him, I mean, for a joke is ok but to make someone like that a champion is freaking ridiculous, the only time he should have been around that was the time Cena helped him win the IC, and that was it, every other time it has been bad for everyone involved. Is not that I really don't like Santino but he has been a drag to any diva he has been involved with and Maria was the first one, the reason why they chose Beth and Him over The Burchills at Summerslam 2008 is beyond me because it just shitted on the IC belt even more, and don't get me start with the Miss Wrestlemania thing.

Sorry about the rant, but lets proceed.

Dolph Ziggler: Well, is not that it didn't work, the fact is that it was not even given a chance. This tasted a feud between Maria and Melina with Mcool involved , also the constant attack fo Dolph to Mysterio for the IC, but 2 things came around that dismantled this. First Mysterio's willing to have a decent run as champion, unfortunate suspension later and then the Diva trade in which Melina got back to Raw and with the Mysterio thing Dolph got shafted. Also with Maria Dolph started to show a few Face stints and a few cheers, so I guess they thought it was better to cut it off since Maria was not getting any heat from it, she was still treated as a face, even over Melina, who is far better in the ring than Maria if we need to point it out.

Now it could be a new start for both but only if they give it some time, sorry but if creative changes it mood as it has in the last two years with the Midcard talent it will go nowhere, but if they give it like at least 2 months or 3 of constant showing and some kind of development it coudl work for both, also It benefits Maria because she will be able to learn afew things from Hardy wrestling wise and viceversa, it will present Matt in a light he has not been since he was dating Lita.
Would it help? Dunno, Maria gets around almost as much as Trish used to back in the day and she didnt help many people's careers towards the end, Jeff Hardy (before he was released first time, not when he came back and won 3 world titles), Carlito, and a few others. So I am not sure a Maria rub could help anyone, well, I'd enjoy a Maria rub, or something to that affect.

Still, at least it means Matt's doing something, which is alright for him I guess.
Matt Hardy's one of those guys who needs a hot piece of ass with him for people to pay attention to whatever he's doing. He's just not talented enough to be all by himself. He'll never, ever get over that way. However, he is talented enough to play the role of a sympathetic boyfriend, or even a controlling piece of shit (look at the stuff he did with Shannon Moore, example).

Maria, well.. I thought she was great when she had that sweet, innocent, ditsy role going for her, but of course WWE managed to fucked that up. Since then... she's just been absolutely worthless. Her matches are horrible and so are her promos. Is she nice to look at? Sure, sometimes I guess, but you have to be more than that to actually contribute something productive to the company.

Anyway, I think a Maria/Hardy deal may have worked out in 2006 when like I said, Maria actually had a character people could like, but today... nobody would give a damn. There's nothing unique about Maria like there was Lita. It'll help Matt a little to have her I guess, but overall... I don't see it lasting. In fact, it might be just a way to give Maria a bit more screen time since her ******ed cd is about to come out. This could actually have nothing to do with Matt Hardy, just him being the only option.
Wow some of the users on here really seem to hate Matt hardy for really stupid reasons. I mean look at all his strengths,

1. He has really good in ring ability.

2. He's not too bad on the mic(Better when he is heel)

3. He's 1/2 of one of the most succesful tag teams in WWE history.

And you people hate him because he gained a couple pounds?

Nobody can KNOW that Matt wont get a push, that's like saying your phsycic.

Here is a couple of ways for matt to potentioally get a push.

1. He Wins the Money in the Bank Ladder Match

2. He changes his gimmick

3. He get's someone to be his manager

I can go on all day, People get pushed late in their careers all the time, I will give
you a prime example..."Daimoned Dallas Page"

It's OK if your not a fan of Matt hardy, But saying He sucks is really ignorant and saying
you KNOW for a fact that he will never get a push says alot more about your personailty
then it does about Matt's Skills.

Here is a video showing you that Matt does NOT suck.
I doubt anything will come of this really. I'm surprised Maria hasn't been future endeavored and how she won a the divas slammy this year is beyond me. She's just a pretty face and awful in the ring, she can be replaced so easily. Hardy is stuck in a pointless team with Khali.... Seeing the three of them walk out to the ring together gave me a migraine during Smackdown this week..

I Absolutely Agree She Sucks At Wrestling, And Nothing More Than A Pretty Face, And How She Won The Slammy Now That Was Pointless.

. I don't think that Hardy and Maria becoming an item onscreen will lead to a push for either one of them, it would give them something to do at the very least, it's better than Maria doing those pointless diva tag matches and Hardy doing nothing.... oh wait, the pointless team with Khali, never mind lol. I wouldn't be against Hardy and Maria being a couple onscreen though because it gives them something interesting to do for a few weeks. However, I don't think it would lead to a Hardy push because he's over as it is and I don't see how Maria could really help him there. They'd probably last longer than Maria and Ziggler though, maybe have her walk out with him during his matches for a while and have them compete in mixed gender tag matches, I dunno. I'm basically supporting the idea and would like to see it happen but don't think anything groundbreaking will come out of it in the end.

Very True, It Gives Them Something To Do On TV, Rather Than Do Nothing, Did Dolph Ziggler And Maria Go Anywhere Nope, He Didn't Recieve A Push And Honestly In Their Tag Team Matches Hardy Does All The Work While Khali And Maria Do Very Little.
I personally think this relationship could give Matt the edge he needs. Matt Hardy has not been in a decent storyline, since with Jeff. Maria may be the one who can put Matt back up where he needs to be, which is the Intercontental championship run.

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