Make your case. Your favorite wrestler is HOF worthy?


Team Finnley Baylor
Now, if your favorite Hall of Fame wrestler is already a Hall of Famer, then this doesn't apply to you.

This applies to current active wrestlers or possible old school wrestlers who could be possible contenders. Make your case for their bid into the WWE or any Hall of Fame. Here's an example.

Stan 'The Lariat' Hansen


Stan Hansen has made his mark on professional wrestling. He may not have been famous in the USA, but in Japan, he'll go down as one of the most successful 'Gaigins' or non-Japanese wrestlers that have ever stepped foot in the 'Land of the Rising Sun'.

He started his career at West Texas State as a football player. Among the wrestlers who also got their start there were Tully Blanchard, Ted Dibiase, Terry Funk, and Bradshaw. He was also an offensive linemen who blocked for a running back named Mercury Morris, the RB for the only undefeated NFL team in Super Bowl history, the Miami Dolphins.

As a wrestler, he's fought some of the best in this business. From Hulk Hogan, Dusty Rhodes, and Bruno Sammartino to Antonio Inoki, Giant Baba, Andre the Giant, Jumbo Tsuruta, Mitsaharu Misawa, Vader, and countless others. He was the first American Triple Crown winner in Japan, defeating Tsuruta for the titles.

He was also the AWA World Heavyweight Champion for a time in the mid 1980's, but was stripped due to some heat between him and Verne Gagne, the owner and promoter for the AWA. He promptly sent the belt back to America via mail with mud tracks on the face of the belt.

In his short stint in WCW, he defeated Lex Luger to capture the NWA United States title. Ending the 523 day reign of Luger as champion. He feuded with Luger and had matches with Vader and the up and coming Z-Man as well, destroying the young guy.

In Japan, he was ranked as the number 7 Best Tag Team in History along with Bruiser Brody in the PWI's 100 Best Tag Teams. He has also had the PWI Match of the Year Award with Bruno Sammartino and was named the Most Hated Wrestler that same year. And his feud with Kenta Kobashi in Japan earned him 'Feud of the Year' from the Wrestling Observer newsletter.

Stan Hansen is one of the toughest men to ever step in a wrestling ring. He made his mark in every promotion he's ever been in. He was the first ever wrestler to score a pinfall on Baba AND Inoki.

That's my case for Stan Hansen to be in the WWE or any Hall of Fame.
To everyones surprise im going with Kane the (6ft 9) 7 ft big red machine, fire hell and brinstone walking used to be a dentist monster. This guy is the most loyal hard working person in the company not cena
1.)ye hes hard working but hes rewarded with championships
2.) hes had more time of in his 6 years than kane in his 11 years

He works every show he is on and makes the younger guys look good (Bourne & Knox) more than HHH can say. IMO he is the best tag team wrestler in the biz because unlike most recognised for there tag team skills he has held tag gold 10 times with 6 different men how many others can say that. he is a triple crown champion and a grand slam champion former ECW champion WWF champion Hardcore champion Intercontinental champion WCW,WWF and World tag team champion he was ranked the 13 best wrestler in 2004 and was the lead in a wwe studios movie and the most agile big man holds the record for most appearances and eliminations in one royal rumble. Kane for HOF 2010
No question it should be Macho Man - I mean this guy was 80's WWF wrestling and made a huge impact on WCW in the 90s. The WWE Hall of Fame will never be a true hall of fame until it gets over rivalries. Just because Vince doesn't like someone, doesn't mean that they were not Hall of Fame material.

If they truly want the Hall of Fame to be a distinction of the greatest wrestlers of all time - which I think they are trying to do - then they must adopt Hall of Fame rules from other sports. One man at the top can not be the one handpicking the inductees.

Macho Man.... oh yeahhhhhhhhhhh.
DDP Diamond Dallas Page

Became a wrestler late in his career and became a phenomenom he is the master of the diamond cutter, the original peoples champ

He has help many titles: 3x World heavyweight championship, 2x Us champion, 3x tag Champion, 3x tag Champ and European Champion

Hes had awsome fueds with people like Macho man, Brett Hart, NWO,Ric Flair etc...

Hes done so much in a short tenure or time, he was a manager for years as well so i feel he deserves to be in a wrestling Hall of Fame all i have to say is Feel the bang
Hands down Mick Foley.

There are many obvious reasons why he should be in the Hall of Fame, but if you want to really look into why he should be just take a look at how well he can make a match look. Sure, Foley didn't have the coolest/most crazy looking move list, but the man could take a bump better than anyone else in the business. When you watched Foley wrestle he made everything look way more realistic and painful which provided for more entertainment.

Besides just wrestling, we can take a look at all the different titles he has held throughout the years. Although the World Title is most significant, I'd say being handed the Hardcore belt and being the first Hardcore Champ can really sum things up!

Foley's mic skills were always some of the best promos ever too. Just take a look at old promos cut by him and the Rock when they first started to feud, they were amazing and really I thought helped to bring The Rock into the identity he is known as today.

Although he was never the stereotypical wrestler by looks, everything else he did was amazing, the WWE should stop looking so much for the biggest and strongest guys out there and look to the hardest working, and most dedicated wrestlers rather they be big or small.

Go Foley! You will always be the man!
Actually My Favorite Superstar, Is A Sure Hall Of Famer, And A Huge Hall Of Famer, Maybe The Greatest Heel Of All Time In Wwe At Least, Im Talking About The Rated R Superstar, Edge!!!!!

9 Time World Champion (only Triple H, Flair, Gagne, And I Think One Other Has More World Titles Than Him)

5 Time Ic Champion

12 Time Tag Champion

Us Champion

King Of The Ring

Has Beaten Undertaker, Batista, Cena, Orton, Kane, Hardy, And All The Big Wrestlers In The Bussines
I would also like to vote for Kane however since its already bin done my i make a case for the man whose single handly brought sexy back to the wwe the iyatollah of rock n rolla y2j Chris Jericho.
From he's early days before ECW working as a tag team with or against Lance Storm (not a bad bloke to be working your skills with btw) Chris has gone on to extreme success. He came to americas eye in ECW winning gold but more so impressing all with his in ring skills.

He then went on to WCW which he impressed us all further wrestling the likes of Benoit which we were all to see become an even more impressive feud in later years. But also in & out of the very successful cruiserweight division feuding with the likes of rey mysterio jr syxx pac & dean malenko. If this isnt already a great display of talent he could & did work with i dont know what is.

Y2J eventually went to WWF and interupted the so called mic god the rock a debut that so few would ever achieve not to mention hold their own.
He's wrestling matches with kurt angle & chris benoit alone hold him so gih in my opinion.
But he went on to greater things like tag team champs with benoit and unifying the WCW/WWE titles ( 1st ever) beating the stars of the time rock & stone cold.
By this time he'd already proved he could work heel & face.
Y2J went to work as a main eventer however IMO was still never given the push that could've elevated him to the star of the times. Chris decided to take some time off in 2005.

Chris eventually made a shocking well still great return to WWE in which a possible (yes hes crap) but mic wise feud with JBL was cut short. However even though in mania 2003 we saw a great match Y2J turned heel and had a tremendous feud with hbk to which the likes we'd never seen. But the best of it is that this heel turn was to elevate jericho into IMO one of the best heels we've ever seen and he continues it today.

Chris Jericho is with out a doubt one of the best in ring performers the wrestling world has ever seen but can also back it up with a convincing gimmick. HOF is only a matter of ime.
Surprised no one said this one yet:
Shawn Michaels has been a huge part of WWE, especially during the attitude era. he is a fantastic wrestler and good on the mic, provided many memorable moments for the us Wrestling Fans including. Some of His Greatest Moments and Achievements:

3 time WWE champion
World Heavyweight Champion
3 Time Intercontinental Champion
4 Time tag team champion
2 royal rumble wins
The First Ever Hell in a Cell match
First Ever Ladder Match
Shawn Michaels: Commissioner
HBK vs. HHH Feud
Michaels vs. Jericho (both feuds)
Michaels vs. Angle: Wrestlemania 21
Both Matches with John Cena
Michaels vs. Undertaker: Wrestlemania 25

Others who earned Votes:
Rey Mysterio
William Regal
My Favorite Wrestlers unfortunately are in the Hall of Fame. And all of the current wrestlers I would argue for wouldn't make for that much of a challenge. I'm looking for something to really sink my teeth into.


Ladies and Gentleman, The Hall of Fame Candidacy of Lex Luger


A former athlete of the gridiron, Larry Pfohl came into the wrestling business with a chiseled physique and a massive amount of training from Hiro Matsuda. One of the toughest trainers in the entire world, Hiro is credited with training such great names as Hulk Hogan, Paul Orndorff, and The Great Muta. He was given the ring name "Lex Luger", and from there, a career that would turn to become one of the most eventful in history had begun.

Luger started in humble beginnings, wrestling in the NWA's Florida territory. He quickly became a dominant force, wrestling the best the territory had to offer. Within a month of his debut in the territory, Luger had won the NWA Southern Heavyweight championship from the legendary Wahoo McDaniel. It was at this point that he had his first clash with another legend in the business, WWE Hall of Famer Ric Flair. Their battle resulted in a sixty minute time limit draw, but Luger had earned the approval of the masses, and was set to begin a career of bigger and better achievements.

Luger quickly moved to Jim Crockett's World Championship Wrestling, which at the time was still under the NWA banner. He quickly became associated with the greatest stable in the history of professional wrestling, The Four Horseman. From here, he ignited a feud with one WCW's greatest stars, Nikita Koloff, over the NWA Unites States heavyweight title. He soon defeated Koloff for the U.S. title, and would go to become one of the most dominant title holders in the belt's history. He would finally lose the title at November's Starrcade, but it wasn't without controversy. J.J. Dillon, manager to the Four Horsemen, had thrown a chair into the ring, which backfired in a way that would cost Luger the match and the title. This planted the seeds for Lex's exodus from the Horsemen, and becoming one of the absolute biggest babyfaces the company had.

Slowly, WCW groomed Lex to be the one to dethrone Ric Flair as the NWA heavyweight champion. He and newly turned face Barry Windham defeated Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard for the NWA Tag Team Titles. Unfortunately, the joy was short lived. Barry turned on his new found partner, choosing instead to antagonize Lex with the help of the Horsemen. Even then, during the Jim Crockett Sr. Memorial Cup, Luger was soon teamed with a young upstart by the name of Sting. He and Lex were part of a tag team tournament for the now vacant tag team titles, ultimately defeating Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard.

From here, he went on to challenge Ric Flair for the NWA Heavyweight title, finally getting his chance against Ric at the Clash of the Champions in Baltimore, Maryland. Though he was attacked by the Four Horsemen before the match, being left bloodied in the parking lot, Luger courageously fought Ric Flair for the NWA Heavyweight Title, in match that ended in controversial fashion. The match was stopped by the referee as Luger had Ric Flair in the torture rack, citing "Maryland State Athletic Commission" rules about a cut that had opened up on Luger's forehead, "bleeding excessively". Dejected, lex did not walk out of Baltimore the champion. He did, however, earn the respect of the fans, and was seen as a major player in the future of WCW.

Soon, he defeated Barry Windham again, and reclaimed his second NWA US Title. He then went on to feud with some of the greatest names in ever in pro wrestling, including WWE Hall of Famers Michael "P.S." Hayes and Ricky The Dragon Steamboat, as well as a blossoming name you might have heard of, Flyin' Brian Pillman. Along the way, he went on to win the US title again, this time winning it against Hayes. He held the title for a record breaking 523 days. For 523 days, Luger defended the title, going on to become the single greatest United States Champion in history. But that simply wasn't enough for Lex, as he decided to move on to bigger and better things.

Lex Luger quickly became the number one contender yet again, this time beating The Great Muta to earn a title shot with Ric Flair. The match was set to take place at the 1991 Great American Bash. The match was to take place in a steel cage, with the stipulation being that if Flair lost by disqualification, as had been the case most times with Luger, Luger would win the title. Unfortunately, Flair left the WCW for the WWF, and so the main event was almost discarded. Barry Windham stepped in for Flair, leading to Lex and Barry meeting again, this time for the WCW Title. During the match, Lex turned heel in a shocking manner, piledriving Barry Windham during the match, which was at the time an illegal move, and finally winning the WCW Heavyweight Title.

Lex got over quickly as a top heel, defeating many an opponent that stepped up to challenge him. He stayed champion for 230 days, defeating any challenger that came his way, until he clashed with his one time friend, Sting, at Superbrawl. The two put on a classic battle, that will live as one of the best of the promotion WCW. Eventually, Sting defeated Luger, as Luger turned in a great performance in the loss. After having conflicts with those booking WCW, Lex left the WCW, and decided to take his tools to the World Wrestling Federation.

It was here that was shown again as a man with a massive physique, taking part in Vince McMahon's World Body Building Federation. a man of massive size and "the look", as well as the pedigree of being a former world champion, Vince would find a way to mold his new gem.

Unfortunately, Luger would soon be involved in a motorcycle accident, an accident that almost cost him his career. Lex would rehab, and against doctor's orders, he made an attempt to return to the ring, with a steel plate in his forearm. This dreaded steel forearm would become a new weapon for Lex to use in the ring, and added another dimension to his attack. This weapon became very useful to Luger, aiding him to several a win, including one against a WWE Legend, The Late Great "Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig.

By the time Lex had returned, The WWE was in dire need of a hero. Yokozuna had begun a rampage, attacking all of the WWF's top faces, and again leaving a trail of broken bodies in his pathway. On July Fourth, on the S.S. Intrepid, Yokozuna and his manager, Mr. Fuji, offered an open invitation to anyone that felt they could slam the nearly six hundred pound monster. Many athletes from the NFL and WWF all tried, but all failed to live up to the task of slamming the behemoth. That is, except for one man, flown in by helicopter to redeem America's dignity. That man was Lex Luger.


Shortly after this, Lex began a campaign to gain a title shot against Yokozuna, and at Summerslam, Lex was granted this oppurtunity. He was granted the chance to wrestle Yokozuna for the WWF Title, with the only stipulation being that this would be Lex's only chance at the belt. Unfortunately, Lex won by count out, after hitting Yokozuna with his steel plate in his forearm, and knocking Yokozuna out on the ringside floor. Lex had won the match and had won over the crowd, but lost his only chance at the title.

Or did he? Soon, Lex entered the 1994 Royal Rumble, and even though Lex was attacked by some of Mr. Fuji's henchmen backstage before the Rumble, Lex went on to become a co-winner of the Royal Rumble, along with the great Bret Hart. He was pushed as the top face, and had he not gotten drunk and blabbed that he was going to win the WWF title to a reporter, who knows how Wrestlemania X would have gone down? Unfortunately, Lex made on of the biggest mistakes of his career, and Bret Hart went on to win the WWF Title.

Lex would then make a bold decision in his career, and jumped back to WCW, immediately feuding with Hulk Hogan and playing the role of a tweener. He went on to win the Tag Titles again and win the TV title. As the nWo invasion began, Luger stood as a stalwart for WCW. He stayed loyal, battling off the threat of the New World Order, and remaining one of WCW's top faces. He challenged the leaders of the nWo, Hogan, Scott Hall, and Kevin Nash, often times getting the upper hand. Luger's use of strength left him as one of WCW's last hopes to stop the nWo. At one point, Lex Luger even torture racked the five hundred pound Giant, showing just how strong he truly was. He soon earned a shot at Hollywood Hulk Hogan, though it was much believed that the nWo's interference would lead to an unsuccesful attempt. Then, on August 4th, 1997, Lex Luger indeed shocked the world. In what will go down as one of WCW's greatest moments, and certainly one of their biggest pops, Lex had done the unthinkable. When all had fallen to the power of the New World Order, Lex proved he was unstoppable, and proceeded to do something that no one in WCW had until this point.


Lex Luger defeated Hulk Hogan for the WCW Heavyweight Title, and proved that WCW could survive against the nWo. He struck the first major blow into the nWo, and started the WCW charge against the rougue stable.

Was Lex the greatest of wrestlers? Absolutely not. But he was one of the most over faces (and heels) when the time called for him to step. A former heavyweight champion, and one of the most unrecognizable faces in pro wrestling.

Lex Luger for the Hall of Fame.
Scott "Raven" Levi: He until recently was the only man to hold gold in ECW, TNA, WWE and WCW the second being Mick Foley. He created a major stable that has been formed in some way in every company he's been in except WWE. In WWE he was a major player in the hardcore division obvious with his 27 riegns. In TNA he had great matches and feuds. in ECW he had a staple feud with Tommy Dreamer, had a viscious feud with Sandman that even involved Sandman being crucified. He is also one of the best hardcore wrestlers there is. Every promotion he's wrestled for he's been a major player. His last ppv match was he and Abyss against Rellik adn Black Riegn. Many match types such as hangman's horror adn clock work orang e house of fun were invented by him (legit) Levi is also a member of Mensa (just thought I'd point that out).
27 time hardcore champ
4 ECW tag team champ
2 time ECW champ
1 time NWA central states champ
1 time NWA champ (TNA)
King of the Mountain
1 time WCW light heavyweight champ
1 time WCW US champ
1 time WCW tag team champ
Member of the Jim Ross show
multiple wins adn good matches against Tommy Dreamer
leader of the flock, the nest, the gathering and serotonin
Victories against Dr. Death, Terry Gordy.
Im i the only one here to say the British Bulldog?

NWA Stampede International Tag Team Championship (Calgary version) (2 times) – with Bruce Hart[29]
Stampede British Commonwealth Mid-Heavyweight Championship (1 time)[30]
Stampede Wrestling International Tag Team Championship (2 times) – with The Dynamite Kid[31]
Stampede North American Heavyweight Championship (2 times)[32]
Stampede World Mid-Heavyweight Championship (1 time)[33]
Stampede Wrestling Hall of Fame[34]
World Wrestling Federation
WWF European Championship (2 times)[35]
WWF Hardcore Championship (2 times)[36]
WWF Intercontinental Championship (1 time)[37]
WWF World Tag Team Championship (2 times) – with The Dynamite Kid (1) and Owen Hart (1)[

And this was back when the tag team titles and IC title meant something.

Also was part of one of the best tag teams ever and was the first European Champ
How can no one pick Owen Hart. He was just as good a wrestler as his brother Bret, and held nearly the same amount of titles than him, if not more. Owen is a multiple time Tag Champion, Intercontinental Champion, European Champion, and King of the Ring winner (back when the tournament actually meant something). Owen belongs in the Hall of Fame just like his brother Bret.

"King of Harts" Owen Hart for Hall of Fame class of 2010

Others I would Choose
1-Macho Man Randy Savage
2-British Bulldog
3-Scott Hall
4-Crush (agree or disagree)
5-Shawn Michaels
I cannot BELIEVE that no one has said this yet. There is only one man that deserves to be in the HOF more than any. There is only one PHENOM who has stood up over the rest. That man is the Undertaker. This man is:

5 time WWE/WHC champ
17-0 record at Wrestlemania
has also been atag team champ
WCW tag team champ
and Hardcore Champ.

This man has beaten everyone there is to beat. He was the FIRST one to bring Khali down to his knees in a first blood match when no one else could! To me, he will always be the GREATEST wrestler that EVER step foot in the squared circle.This man is the baddest of them all. And, I'm sorry to say(NOT) that the Deadman has beaten everyone else mentioned above! So I must end this with 3 words, Rest In Peace!!!
The Rock says it would take a candy ass jabroni not to induct the GREAT ONE into the Hall of Fames, and surely the millions (and millions) of The Rock's fans feel this is a given

- Probably one of the biggest drawing wrestlers behind Hogan and Austin
-Along with Austin helped WWE become mainstream again
- Won a load of world championships in a very short space of time, yet people never got bored tbh
- Would always have the crowd in the palm of his hand
- If you need more reasons, you should check your ass into the SMACKDOWN HOTEL!
Surprised no one said this one yet:
Shawn Michaels has been a huge part of WWE, especially during the attitude era. he is a fantastic wrestler and good on the mic, provided many memorable moments for the us Wrestling Fans including. Some of His Greatest Moments and Achievements:

3 time WWE champion
World Heavyweight Champion
3 Time Intercontinental Champion
4 Time tag team champion
2 royal rumble wins
The First Ever Hell in a Cell match
First Ever Ladder Match
Shawn Michaels: Commissioner
HBK vs. HHH Feud
Michaels vs. Jericho (both feuds)
Michaels vs. Angle: Wrestlemania 21
Both Matches with John Cena
Michaels vs. Undertaker: Wrestlemania 25

Others who earned Votes:
Rey Mysterio
William Regal

Don't forget winning the first ever Elimination Chamber match. Or the first man to win the Rumble from the No. 1 spot. Or winning the first modern day Iron Man match which carried past the 1 hour mark.

HBK gets my vote. The bigger the stage, the bigger HBK performs. Triple H is great (I know some will disagree). But he hasn't always been money when he's needed to be (RR03, WM18, WM25). These are big moments and big PPVs. There are a lot of other people who have fallen short of what was expected of them. Whenever the WWE wanted to test something out, HBK could always be counted on to set a standard. WM25 was overall an average PPV but HBK vs. Taker made it worth buying for me. I know Taker is no slouch and a future HOFer but Hogan shined for pretty much the first 9 WrestleManias. When did HBK start making his mark? WM10. He may not have been the mainstream face, but produced at the biggest show giving people their money's worth. Taker is a close second. Very close.
finally an actually debatable topic on here (first in roughly a week and a half).

the obvious choices are the superstars in wwe still active, ala undertaker, trips and hbk.

stan hansen? emphatic no. japan hall of fame? definite yes.
kane? emphatic no again. hes needs 15 more world title reigns to be a candidate. and then its a stretch.
randy savage? emphatic yes. he deflowered steph though, so itll never happen. and i mean never. ever.
ddp? no. started wrestling 20 years too late.
mick foley? ehhh maybe. i can see him getting in, but doesnt deserve it. hes just a gimmick match wrestler with absolutely no classics.
hbk? no brainer.
leg luger. tweaker. steroid freak. coke head. pill popper. if the others were emphatic no's, hes a no chance in hell.
raven? has less of a chance than the worst wrestlers of all time.
british bulldog? see lex luger.
owen hart? "youre nobody til someone kills you" biggie. an over rated mid carder, who would have never won a world title. sad he died, but no.
the rock? absolutely yes.
undertaker? duh.

above is common sense. but wwe never uses that. id say a good half of this list makes it, although 3-4 deserve it.
I would say Matt Hardy. His heel turn I think has been going great so far. He was part of arguablely the greatest and extreme tag teams in the Hardy Boyz. He can have great rivalrys, such as lately Mvp, Mark Henry, Jeff Hardy. By the end of his carrer he should be hall of fame material.
1-time ECW Champion
1-time US Champion
8-time Tag Champion
1-time european Chapion
1-time Cruserweight Champion
(correct me if I am missing somthing or am mistaken).
Possibly future WWE/World Heavy Weight Champion.
Also Matt Hardy has a lot of passion for wrestiling. Wresteling with a broken arm. And so many organisations, he has passion. I loved V1!
Kurt Angle is my choice and here is the reasons why:

1) The championships this man has won at both amateur and professional level are absolutely astounding. I have no doubt that eventually Kurt will be inducted into the WWE hall of Fame, even though he left. Let me go through the titles that Jurt has won in his life with WWE, TNA and WCW. With WWE Kurt was WWE Champion four times, World Heavyweight Champion once, European, Hardcore, Intercontinental and Tag Team Champion once. With WCW he was United States Champion and World Heavyweight Champion. With TNA, Kurt was World Heavyweight Champion twice, World tag team Champion once and X-Division Champion once. It also worth a mention that Kurt was the Tenth Triple Crown Champion and the fifth Grand Slam Champion. He also won the 2000 King Of The Ring tournament. Lets also not forget that the man won a gold medal at the 1996 summer Olympics. No other person in the WWE can say that.

2) Kurt Angle is the most technically gifted athlete I have ever seen compete in a wrestling ring. In addition to all the accomplishments that Wikipedia helped me list earlier, Angle was just dominant in the ring. His ring presence, mic skills and pure wrestling talent are unmatched by anyone I have ever seen wrestle in my short life anyway. I have never enjoyed WWE as much since Angle left. He was a joy to watch and at no point did I ever find his matches to be boring. The guy knew how to keep us entertained and he did it.

3) Some of the matches I saw Kurt Angle in will live in my memory for a long, long time. For example: One of my favourite matches of all time is the 6-man Hell in a Cell match for the WWE Championship. That was a spectacular match from start to finish. Kurt Angle eventually being named the winner after what I remember being one of the most brutal matches I have ever seen. Another match that will live long in the memory is the match t No Mercy in 2002. Kurt Angle vs. Edge vs. Chris Benoit vs. Rey Mysterio. One of my favourite matches of all time. In fact I believe it was match of the year in 2002. Another couple of things that caught my eye as a fan were the matches with Brock Lesnar and Chris Benoit. I loved the storylines that used to be between Kurt and Chris, maybe the 2 best technical wrestlers in the world at the time and for that matter, ever. The story line with Brock was also great. Everyone knew that Brock Lesnar was gonna be big, even Kurt Angle and Angle, in my opinion, helped Brock with his development as an athlete. The last thing that stands out to me is the night that Kurt won the King of the Ring. Let’s not forget that he wrestled 3 matches that night, including a particularly brutal street fight with Shane McMahon.

4) This last point I will consider to be somewhat controversial. It is obvious that near the end of Angle’s run on WWE that he was pretty beat up. Many have speculated that he became addicted to pain pills and used Steroids constantly. This might be true, who am I to comment on it? What impresses me the most is his ability to come back from what is put in front of him. Whether it is a neck-break, which would many other good men out for good. Or it could be an addiction that would see other men crumble. Make no mistake about it Kurt Angle is not just a wrestler, he is a fighter.

Words cannot explain how much I respect I have for Kurt Angle’s wrestling skills. Any an with half of his technical ability and decoration would be considered successful.
I definately agree with Owen and Bulldog, but my vote goes for my favourite wrestlers of all time : Brian Pillman.

The Loose Cannon was a great gimmich, and he played it so well you never knew if he was acting or really off the rails. He also had fantastic matches in WCW as "Flyin" Brian Pillman.

Pillman passed away far, far too soon and he is definately a major player in the transition from the old WWF into the Attitude era. He deserves to be recognised for he was: a great wrestler.
For me personally, i have to say go with THe Ultimate Warrior and here why.

Here a guys who is a former WWF intercontinental and heavyweight champion, he been one of the most popular characters of the late 80'S early nineties and always was a ratings grabbers everytimes he came back.

The warrior help hogan carries the WWF during from 1989 throught 1991. Then came back in 1992 and again help THe WWF when they needed a big star to fill Hogan spot while he was filming another movie. His third return in 1995 was one of the biggest rated RAw at the time and help them beat Monday Nitro for the first time in the ratings. Even when he showed up in WCW, his first apparence help Nitro win the rating war that night. So for me, i think the Ultimate Warrior is more then deserving of a hall of fame induction since was one of the top guys for the company and made them a lot of money when they needed it the most.
Magnum T.A.

Okay so he didnt achieve as many acolades as his contemporaries and nor was his career that long, and it doesnt help that he never stepped between the ropes of a WWE ring. But for the short time that he was in the squared circle, he definetly made an impact. Maybe not in the WWE, but theres been some in the HOF to not make their name under vinny mac so why not TA? He was definetly a drawer and his two combined US title reigns puts him in the top 10 for most days held, and as everyone knows back then the US title was a legit belt, not the watered down second tier belt we see today. And everyone knows of his legendary best of 7 series with Nikita Koloff and the fued with the horsemen (especially flair and tully). While he may not have been the very best on the stick, he always seemed like he gave it his all and you wanted to root for the guy regardless if he was a face or not. Women liked him cuz of the way he looked, and men cuz he was a real cool guy (for the time lol), coming down on his bike and all. Magnum TA had soo much charisma and for all I know, steve austin could have been modeled after him! Black vest, black shorts, and a guy who didnt back down to authority. Maybe not to the extent of scsa, but a good precursor comparitively for the 80's.

While i dont think it will ever happen, Magnum TA should be in the HOF. But with him being good friends with Dusty Rhodes and Flair (i think), who knows..nothing is for certain, especially in this line of work.
Ravishing Rick Rude

o WCW International/NWA World Heavyweight Championship (3 times)
o WWF Intercontinental Championship (1 time)
o WCW United States Heavyweight Championship (1 time)
o PWI Most Hated Wrestler of the Year (1992)
o NWA American Heavyweight Championship (1 time)
o NWA World Tag Team Championship (Mid-Atlantic version) (1 time)
o WCWA Television Championship (1 time)
o WCWA World Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

The above resume says volumes about Rick Rude... During his active years he nearly always held gold or was the #1 contender to it.

He was one of the real superstars of the 1980's WWF, the first man to defeat the Ultimate Warrior as well as legendary feuds with Jake Roberts and Roddy Piper.

Rude was arguably the best heel for the job as WWF Champion, carrying The Ultimate Warrior to his best performance as champion in the Cage at Summerslam '90 however politics over his lack of World Title push saw him walk to WCW where he made a memorable debut as the leader of the Dangerous Alliance and steamrollered Sting to becoming the 2nd longest reigning US Champion's ever, just shy of 15 months, defeating Ricky Steamboat, Dustin Rhodes and Nikita Koloff.

Rude then moved up the card to feud with World Champion Ron Simmons and later defeated Ric Flair to walk away with the then NWA World Title, later renamed the WCW International title due to a dispute between the organisations.

Rude had 2 more reigns and arguably was a true "World Champion" defeating not only Sting, but japanese legends like Hiro Hase and Masa Chono. Sadly in what proved to be his last match, where he beat Sting he was severely injured in his spine, this ending his wrestling career.

Rude later appeared in ECW before jumping to the WWF as the "Insurance Policy" to D-Generation X... and no one expected that this would lead to his most memorable moment, when angered at the Montreal Screwjob (Rude was by Bret's admission, in the room when he punched out Vince) and without a contract to WWF, appeared the following week on WCW and WWF programming at the same time, with WCW being a live show. He cut a memorable promo criticizing Vince and joined the NWO, and later the Wolfpac, where his final on screen role was as a manager to longtime friend Curt Hennig.

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