Make Me Famous!


Dark Match Winner
So I'm Watching WWF King of the ring 2001 last week, I was Marking out like i never saw it before...(which I have) But anyways... I was watching the promo for the DDP/Undertaker confrontation....The Promo DDP delivered that night prior to the confrontation was awesome...Begging the Undertaker to indeed "Make Me Famous" (my next tattoo) He even had the sign....

Throughout the show...We get clips of the "King Of Badda Bing" being video taped and he is freaking out because his "privacy is being violated" (If you remember how this whole situation started then you get the irony.)

Anyways, It was finally time for the confrontation. It wasn't a match. But, it certainly was not a one sided brawl either....DDP held His own then decided to run away ...

My opinion is I believe that DDP should have won this brawl That way it would have solidified DDP as a big time player in the WWF or at least get his foot in the door for a main event position....(regardless of Vince's Big fish small pond philosophy)

Now I have voiced My opinion Whats yours? Do you agree or disagree? please keep it cool No negativity...
I think DDP gets a pretty bad rap. I thought he was more entertaining on the mic than people give him credit for. I mean how old was this guy when he was able to get over? You got to give him props for his dedication and determination. Not to mention the fact that his old ass was able to do a running headscissors on a regular basis.

As for the feud with Taker, I think this is when Undertaker should have taken his long hiatus before returning as the dead man. DDP could have sidelined him or won a Buried Alive match to beat Taker and put him out for a while. It would have given DDP a major push and instant credibility with the WWE audience and his character was cool and sleazy enough to be an awesome tweener. Again, I don't believe DDP was the greatest worker of all time, but he was entertaining enough to at least headline some main events. I think the WWE really screwed up with him.
You pretty much stated the problem with the invasion storyline as a whole and that is WCW never looked strong in that entire storyline.

In order for an invasion storyline to work they have to initially look as strong or stronger than the people they are invading (nWo for example) the only time they won matches was when WWE guys joined the faction but none of their guys ever looked strong for a second. Booker never beat the Rock for example, the only original that looked like a threat at all was Rob Van Dam, everyone else looked inferior and that includes DDP.

I'm not saying DDP had to win the brawl but their tag team cage match at Summerslam may have been a good idea instead of Kane and Taker destroying him and Kanyon.
When DDP was at his peak in WCW the crowd was smokin hot for him. There was a time that I would say he was getting the best crowd reaction on the roster. He wasn't the best in the ring or on the mic, but for some reason you wanted him to win. Surely he could have done well in WWE if given the chance. A solid victory or brutal beatdown of taker would have gotten him well on his way. Instead he went progressively down hill and at the end was almost a complete joke with the sparkling teeth routine. Seemed like a real waste of a talent to me.
The real problem with this whole angle is that it took away all of Page's strengths. The reason he was so over in WCW is because of his character. He was the working class hero, the people's champion (and in a way The Rock could never pull off, because DDP actually seemed like one of the people), the underdog who never gave up. He would come to the ring through the crowd and leave through the crowd, and they loved him. When he was a heel he was the cocky, "I'm better than you and I know it" kind of heel, and that worked for him too.

In this feud he is suddenly a creepy stalker guy begging Taker to "make me famous." I know that sometimes guys need to reinvent their character, but this wasn't one of those times.If they had let him come in with his WCW gimmick and just work the crowd, he could have been insanely over, but he was never given the chance.
If i remember correctly, that brawl was the end of the angle wasn't it? If i remember, which i may not.. they never had an actual match? So it was a nice build up angle to nothing really...
Yeh this whole 'new' DDP thing was just hard to swallow. It didn't work.

For anyone that knew who he was, and at that time, you have to say the majority would have done, then why would they invest in the character he isn't?

If they know him and like him for who he was, why would it make sense to use a completely different character for him?

The more I think about it, I think he was perhaps set up to fail. Page was one of the guys who could have got over pretty big (albeit for only a few years, admittedly), but WWE made it quite clear they wanted their guys and their guys only over. (this isn't a big old bitchin' bash, it's just looking back in retrospect, they seemed to hold back on any of the one or two big names they had from WCW from actually getting over)
IMO The outcome of the king of the ring match wouldn't dictate on which direction he was going to go, it was when his character turned into this infomercial style character that killed his popularity or keeping him in the background during the invasion. (BTW, Invasion idea was horrible)

This positive happy gimmick was DDP's idea, creative should have red lighted that idea because DDP is no director.

DDP would have been huge in the WWE if used correctly. He's no bad guy, he's the good guy fighting nwo as we remember him as. WWE and late WCW made him into something he wasn't. He had the right tools to become a legend. One of my all time favorites from WCW.

Just my thoughts on what could have been.

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