Major Heat On Lilian Garcia For Screwups At Over The Limit

Martin Gabriel

Pre-Show Stalwart

From ring announcing gaffes to shoe related mishaps, Lilian Garcia’s second go-round with WWE has been rough at times. The veteran Diva had another bad night Sunday at Over the Limit as she mishandled no less than three ring introductions and was involved in a heated argument with a co-worker in front of fans.

During ring introductions for the participants in the Fatal 4-Way Match for the World Heavyweight Championship, Garcia incorrectly announced Sheamus’ billed weight as 227 pounds, rather than 267 pounds. In another glaring miscue, Garcia announced Hunico as a match participant seconds after Hunico proclaimed Camacho as wrestling. Broadcaster Michael Cole took the opportunity to once again denounce her ring announcing ability, say he wasn’t surprised by the mistake considering the source. Garcia also drew the ire of fellow ring announcer Justin Roberts for mishandling ring introductions for the Intercontinental Championship Match between Cody Rhodes and Christian. Wrestling Observer editor Dave Meltzer explains in today’s edition of Observer Radio:

“Something happened between Lilian Garcia and Justin Roberts where Lilian stormed off—live crowd could see it. And it had something to do with her botching something. It was the ring announcement of the Cody Rhodes/Christian match and they were arguing and she stormed off, I know that.”

And her back luck streak continues.
Lillian is always horsing around.

I remember when HHH said that, and reading that him and Vince would always joke around that she looked like a horse and what not. While she comes across as nice and polite on TV, apparently she can be quite the bitch in real life.
I remember when HHH said that, and reading that him and Vince would always joke around that she looked like a horse and what not. While she comes across as nice and polite on TV, apparently she can be quite the bitch in real life.

The fact that someone with a nose like HHH mocks anybodies appearance is laughable.
I feel bad about all of this hee-hawing over Lillian.

One mistake shouldn't mare her reputation.

All horsing around aside, Lillian is great at what she does, and when it comes to whether or not WWE fans still want to see her, I think I can speak for all of us when I say, "I'll Have Another."
I remember when HHH said that, and reading that him and Vince would always joke around that she looked like a horse and what not.

"Be A STAR" indeed. Don't be a bully, unless you're the boss or a popular superstar. Then it's A-OK
whats wrong with hemme?

She aint a bad announcer and she along with Lillian are hot as hell, but back to Hemme seeing as she's getting paid the most out of all the women in TNA just to announce.

TBH, Lillian is still good, but not as great as she used to be, the announcing mistakes are still coming think & fast and according to a report this week she tripped over again, so im thinking some not-so-high heels are the best way to go.

I dont know how she walks on those heels anyways, must hurt like hell.

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