Major Creative Changes To WWE


It was reported recently that Brian Gerwitz, head writer for WWE, has been replaced. He's still a consultant with the company but odds are he'll be slowly phased out of the company as time goes on.

After last week's Raw rating came out, Vince allegedly went on the war path and a lot of people are said to be extremely nervous about their jobs. Vince allegedly said that he wants results or resignations.

A new story that came out a bit ago revolves around Vince being confronted by one of the top talents and they had a back and forth talk about things. Other top talents are said to have allegedly said some things to Vince in recent weeks that they're concerned. Anyhow, this single top talent, according to PWInsider, told Vince in front of other people that he's not crazy with the writers right now, that Vince is doing whatever he wants and the company is suffering because of it. Again, allegedly, this talent told Vince that he needs to start listening to everyone else because he doesn't have his finger on WWE's pulse any longer. Basically, this talent told Vince that he's out of touch. As to who this talent is, hasn't been revealed, but it must be somebody with a ton of stroke and power to be able to get away with talking to Vince like that, especially in front of other people.

The report also states that, apparently, a lot of people are starting to get through to Vince and he's starting to listen. Evidently, there were some big changes made to Raw last night and more changes are expected to come about.

Personally, I haven't been all that unhappy with WWE but I do believe that, for the most part, things have been in a slump for the company since Raw went to three hours. Last night on Raw, I thought WWE made the best use of the additional time they've gotten since going to three hours. You also noticed little, subtle changes such as matches that were going to happen on the show mentioned on commentary a while before they actually happened. That's something that doesn't happen on Raw often. For instance, I think they mentioned Team Hell No vs. Ziggler & Del Rio on commentary before the graphic popped up advertising the match as they were going to break. They did announce the other tag team tourney match between Rhodes Scholars and Santino & Ryder several times during the night, including during the other tag team tourney match. All in all, I think last night's show did have more on things that really mattered and more attention generally focused on the wrestlers themselves, their matches and what they're currently doing rather than having stuff come off mostly as filler to take up some air time.

If these changes result on Raw getting back consistently to the level it used to be, such as last night's show, then I'm all for it.
Well no big changes are going to happen other then names and positions BUT the problem is VINCE not them. Vince is still living 20-30 years ago thinking he has an idea what the fans want.

Then add HHH into the mix who has NO idea about talent and what do you get? CRAP ON TV.

If Vince really listened, he'd listen to the fans. People for the most part are sick of the roid freaks he pushes. You want change, how about not having the same PPV matches 3-5 PPV's in a row. What about stopping with the predicable Cena matches.

WWE dropped the ball with Punk and his 2011 momentum. They had the whole Hogan/NWO main stream media that WCW had and blew it all because HHH's and VKM ego and unwillingness to admit they were wrong about him.
I agree with you for the most part.

The only positive I've really seen out of Raw going 3 hours is the tag-team tournament and the tag-team championship getting more time and becoming a more legitimate belt to have.

Otherwise, the rest of the time has been filled with useless social media, boring and useless comedy, etc. In fact, last night, Vince came out and interupted the whole Brodus and Little Jimmy thing and became a "THANK GOD" moment for me because he stopped it.

Regardless of what people on the ICW seem to think, Vince is running a company that right now has a big cometitor: FOOTBALL is back on TV. On top of this, people are getting tired of seeing John Cena, The Big Show, STUPID comedy (that doesn't qualify as "Entertainment"); even some of the "fresher" wrestlers such as CM Punk and Sheamus are getting boring because the story lines are stale.

Vince said it himself last night: People watch WWE for the ACTION...

Though, lately I'm starting to be sceptacle of Vince's views on"Action"...

THE NEXT FACE OF THE WWE: Brodus Clay's spectacular, ever funkalicious, wiggling, jiggling man-titties!
even some of the "fresher" wrestlers such as CM Punk and Sheamus are getting boring because the story lines are stale.

I couldn't agree with you more! That is what I mentioned above. How many Punk/Cena PPV do we have to watch or ADR/Sheamus. It's gotten really stale and then add forever fill-in feuder Big Show.
i like to come on here and have a bit of a debate about what id do if i had a job in creative it doesnt seem that difficult talking bowt it here but the wwe is a company that uses violence and drama to entertain but when the boss is heavilly restricting what you can do in both of those it must be quite difficult.

A good example is the upcoming hell in a cell and there is no way wwe creative can live up to expectations of past hitc matchs when blood blows to the head and risky spots are not aloud at all its a bit silly really vince is expecting too much off creative he just needs to loosen their leash a bit before he starts firing people
I think WWE Creative hasn't been that much worse than usual, they just haven't had a #1 Storyline to really draw fans. John Cena vs. CM Punk is not a #1 Storyline anymore, the only way Cena is ever the top story is when it's something we haven't seen before- like Cena vs. Rock or Cena vs. Lesnar or Cena vs. Punk in 2011.

Now I think it's pretty clear Rock vs. Cena II is in line for Mania so Rock can pay back his debts so to speak and drop the belt to Cena. Here;s how WWE should drop a real major storyline and set up for Mania.

1. Have CM Punk beat John Cena clean at HIAC. Have him destroy Cena in the Cell. Cena takes time off til his inevitable Rumble win, and Punk actually can be built as a dominant champion instead of a pussy who won't fight Cena.

2. The Monday after HIAC, when Cena is announced as unable to compete due to injury, announce a SS main event of Team Heyman vs. Team Vince. Heyman's Team would be CM Punk, Brock Lesnar, Wade Barrett, Big Show, and The Miz. Team WWE would be Sheamus, Randy Orton, Ryback, and Team Hell No.

3. At SS, have Ryback and Sheamus be left with CM Punk and Brock Lesnar, Ryback will then turn on Sheamus, Sheamus is destroyed, Dolph Ziggler cashes in, Ryback aligns with Paul Heyman, goes on to dominate everyone but never enter the Title picture.

4. At Royal Rumble Punk loses to Rock, we get to Royal Rumble #30, everyone expecting Cena to come out, and...Chris Jericho is #30, wins the Royal Rumble and goes on to face Dolph Ziggler at Mania for the WHC, continuing their feud from this summer when Ziggler sent Jericho off.

5. Rock will not participate in Elimination Chamber, so Punk will demand his rematch at Wrestlemania. There will be a #1 Contender EC for the WWE Title at EC which will see John Cena return and win, setting up a triple threat.

6. A rough outline of my WM29 Card

WWE Title
Rock (c) v. Cena v. Punk

Ziggler (c) v Jericho

Streak vs, Streak
Undertaker v Ryback

Sheamus v Brock Lesnar (if WWE is serious about Sheamus, and I'd assume Lesnar will lose at Mania if he doesn't sign an extension, this is a great chance to put over Sheamus)

Orton vs. Barrett (finally finish their feud)

That's how I'd book the Main Event scene, sorry if I rambled or it's hard to follow. I just think I'd be more inclined to watch RAW if Punk/Heyman/Ryback had a bit of a stranglehold on WWE for awhile, instead of focusing on John Cena and Sheamus triumphing over everyone.

Also, notice the Big Show is not included in any of this. Take notice WWE. Stop pushing the effing Big Show. I'm tired of him growling and drooling and pumping that fist to set up the lamest finisher in WWE, only to lose at every PPV. He's not someone I want to see in any sort of major capacity. Same goes for Del Rio.
At the end of the day the creative model is almost academic because fundamentally the business model that WWE employs is what's to blame. There is also the nature of entertainment working on a 10 year cycle, I wrote a main page column on it several years ago and it still holds true... more on that later.

This is a "wannabe" public company that is still controlled by one man. The shareholders have no real say in how it is run, presented or their investment used by Vince. He retains the controlling interest. If this was a seriously run public company, shareholders would have demanded Vince step aside long ago. It happened to Ted Turner when AOL bought out his company, no one is bigger than the business... Vince does seem intent on making himself the exception, even if it means he becomes the elephant in the room.

Vince decided that PG is the way to go way back in 1982 when he bought the company and for 10 years it worked gloriously but from 92 onwards became abundantly clear that while many families still attend WWE, the core fan base did no want that PG show anymore

Fast forward 10 years and we had the end of the attitude era coinciding with another lull in the business. More competition for entertainment spend, more TV competition and the lack of real wrestling competition damaged the business. The ruin of the WCW invasion, that Hogan was still main eventing into 2003, the advent of the 5 year career, these all damaged WWE and started another lull. By 2006 "SuperCena" had turned things around but unlike 10 and 20 years earlier there was not the depth in talent to back it up and people were clearly tired of what Vince was peddling when it came to "family viewing." Go back to 2008? What was the hottest angle of the year, arguably of the decade? It wasn't anything involving Cena. It was Chris Jericho vs Shawn Michaels, with Jericho actually going so far as to "punch" HBK's wife. It wasn't PG, PC or remotely funny but it worked cos people wanted reality, not cartoon reality that Cena and his ilk were putting out.

Fast forward to now and you have the same situation as 2002 and 1992... An external pressure influencing business decisions (steroid trial, Lionel Tate and Linda's election campaign) for the detriment of the fans and most importantly the companies business model

PG is clearly not what the majority of fans want and to continue to push it so Linda can win is shortsighted, for every 8 year old who is into Cena, in 2 years time will be a 10 year old to is quickly growing out of it and wants the CM Punk type character as they move into their teens. If WWE doesn't fulfil those needs, they will go elsewhere for their heroes.

So we are in the "lull" part of the cycle once again, but this time there is almost a desperation about it. Has Vince really not grasped that his business picks up in the mid-late part of a decade and falls off in the early part of one? It's happened every decade since the 80's. Just as bands become more popular in an early-mid part and dance music more popular at the end of the decade... it's one of those things that is just there...

The difficulty now is that Vince seems totally paralysed. What is so different between this lull and others? Well for one most of the past methods of solving it are out of the question. There is no competition to fight or raid for fresh talent. There is no territory system churning out talent ready for a VKM "opportunity".

He has also painted himself into a massive corner with the Triple H factor. Trips has over the last year taken more and more power and so far, nearly all of his decisions have not only worked, but been popular with the fans. Talent like Del Rio, Sin Cara polarise fans but they have become "superstars". The new focus on tag wrestling, the changes at NXT they are all working for the future... but Vince now seems scared of that future, because it doesn't involve him.

In the last few months we've seen John Laurinitus canned from his backstage role, now Brian Gerwitz is demoted. A talent allegedly called Vince on the carpet... the instant reaction of many is "it has to be Punk" but that's not guaranteed. It could be an Undertaker or even Triple H himself who finally has lost patience with the interference. Even if it was Trips, then what could Vince do? remove him? no, cos everything he has done has worked and it would cost him the locker room.

VKM has done a hell of a lot for the business, but a running joke at the moment is he is "injecting the poison" for real this time... perhaps he is.

The Punk altercation doesn't change anything, if anything it'll make him hotter and WWE more relevant. It may just "force" the start of a new attitude era, if a few parents won't take their kids now then that won't kill the company... if they lose Punk at the moment and he walks into TNA, suddenly we're back to WCW 96 with the Outsiders... and not even Vince could win another serious war.

To be honest, the best changes they can make are to have Vince simply retire, at real life, board level... he and Linda should go. Shane should be persuaded back at any cost to take the "figurehead" role. Most people will accept him as he has developed a strong corporate background since leaving. Trips remains in charge of the wrestling product and Steph takes the Linda role of president. If Linda is elected she would have to realistically stand down anyway. Then promote Taker, Heyman and some of the agents like Arn to work on the booking team. Use writers but writers who are from the NXT team, so they at least have learned the ropes of writing wrestling properly rather than just TV writing.

Madden kinda got this bit right if nothing else, there is only one resignation that guarantees a positive result...and that is Vince's... The company will not go under without him, Trips' new endeavors are popular enough to show that... so Vince, sorry but you are the weakest link... goodbye...
In my opinion, what use to make the WWE basicly untochable was the fact that they always had the element of surprise, there were moments that no one knew what to expect, in today's WWE we see a lot of Cena, CM Punk, Sheamus and ADR with the same stuff, same complaints, same comments, back then we also use to see a lot of Stone Cold, but the difference is that with Stone Cold was always something different, every time he hit the ring it was something new, one time he went and made fun of Vince McMahon, then later he went and gave someone else a stunner and have a beer bash, and if he hit the ring one more time it was to trash talk someone else, or Vince McMahon again but with something different, now if we see CM Punk or Cena 3 times a night is with the same crap, demanding respect, or rise above hate, and in today's WWE, for the main events it always has to involve Cena, Punk, Sheamus or Randy Orton to make it kind of relevant, because they don't have anything creative for anyone else, and back then it could be anybody in the main event and it was great, because, like i said, there was the element of surprise, or something happened that no one could see comming, mostly something shocking, and another point, the last time someone cashed the money in the bank contract that was actually shocking and unexpected, it was when Edge did it the firs time, now everytime someone else does it, it's too predictible, i'm not saying that the WWE need to go back to the attitude era, but they need something similar to those days, if the WWE doesn't want Paul Heyman to be at the top of creative control, he should at least supervise them........
6. A rough outline of my WM29 Card

WWE Title
Rock (c) v. Cena v. Punk

Ziggler (c) v Jericho

Streak vs, Streak
Undertaker v Ryback

Sheamus v Brock Lesnar (if WWE is serious about Sheamus, and I'd assume Lesnar will lose at Mania if he doesn't sign an extension, this is a great chance to put over Sheamus)

Orton vs. Barrett (finally finish their feud)

First of all, congrats to WWE finally getting rid of Gerwitz. That guy has been brain-dead for awhile, and how he ever got to be head-writer is beyond me. He is like a poor man's Vince Russo. He has never really, truly, been good(unlike Russo who actually HAS had some great moments).

I haven't posted here in awhile, but this stood out a bit. I'm a bit conerned with your putting Ryback against the Undertaker; I don't think the phenom at his age should go into a match with a guy as rough around the edges and awkward in the ring as Ryback for the sake of his own health. Though I am also unsure of Ryback being able to pull his weight in an Undertaker streak match for Wrestlemania. Maybe in a few years, but as he is now, I don't think he can pull it off.

As for ADR, he really is a great worker, but you're getting the vibes you have about him because Creative doesn't know how to book him(this comes from Gerwitz' brain-dead arse). Couple that with he and Sheamus not having very good chemistry together and you have a recipe for disaster. But I would say ADR needs to work with someone like a Ziggler, or a Barrett. Not someone who no-sells your offense like The Great White No-Seller Sheamus. Orton vs Alberto Del Rio vs Barrett, for example, seems like a good main event for the WHC.

Anyway. Yes, good riddance to Gerwitz, and may WWE finally start to move in the right direction without this [expletive] mucking things up.
The one major creative difference between the modern WWE and the last boom period when they were the WWF: a reason to care.

Just compare the lowcard of that era to this era. Back then you had Al Snow, Crash and Hardcore Holly, Gangrel, Steve Blackman, etc. Compare that to the lowcard of this era with the likes of Yoshi Tatsu, Zack Ryder, Santino, Jinder Mahal, etc. The difference between then and now, is that the lowcarders back then actually had a storyline to make you care about each wrestler on the roster.

The problem with the WWE isn't talent and finding the next big star. The problem is that the WWE is bursting at the seams with talent and can barely find a way to give a third of those guys a decent storyline. Earlier I described the low card, but even the upper card and main event is cluttered with guys without a damned thing to do.

Ziggler is boring with the briefcase. Miz, Barrett, and ADR off the top of my head have nothing to do. The title scene is cluttered with repeat challengers, to the point where it is absurd to disagree with your MAIN HEEL ON RAW because he makes a valid point that he has already beaten Cena plenty of times. I just don't see how beating Cena for the zillionth time (and this is after Cena lost in Boston) is supposed to do anything for CM Punk. It is illogical as all hell.
You want change, how about not having the same PPV matches 3-5 PPV's in a row. What about stopping with the predicable Cena matches.

That's the biggest problem in all of wrestling. It's so obvious yet nobody ever fixes it. Promoters just can't figure out fans don't want to keep watching the same damn thing week in, week out. Seriously why does CM Punk need to beat Cena? He's beaten him 6 times already. And every single week you always watch the same guys doing the same stuff over and over again. Why should you pay for a pay per view just to watch the same matches you've been seeing all month on free TV?

Seriously with the size of WWE's main roster not counting guys and gals in developmental, there is just no excuse for it. You say you can't build up any new stars? Well how are these new stars supposed to be built up if they never get any TV time? You also can't keep relying on Stone Cold, Triple H, The Rock, Mr. McMahon, and whatever other old fossils you can pull out of the mothballs to pop the ratings and PPV buys. The new stars don't get their chance to shine. The fans figure "Who cares about those goomers, we got Stone Cold." It's sorta like being a divorced woman's new boyfriend while the ex is still hangin' around.

Another thing, Larry King? Does anybody under 80 actually watch this guy? Hell did anybody under 80 even watch him back in the day? Get some people who are in touch with modern pop culture.
Those reports about Vince being confronted backstage by talent made me say to myself "Finally!". I really believe that change is urgent. Im not saying it needs to go back to the crazy days of the attitude era, it just needs something fresh. Cena remains the big star, and whilst I am not a fan of his personally, I feel they actually need to utilise him a lot better. His feuds are ALWAYS the same thing, it never feels like it really gets personal. And when a feud feels personal it makes it more gripping. The last time I felt like Cena was really involved in a bitter and personal rivalry was with Edge.

Now all of Cena's exposure on television is just him coming out, and just shouting alot focussing mainly on the fact that in order to be the best you have to beat him (even though he has lost, quite a lot.) It just feels like Cena has got so big, they don't even really need to put a lot of effort in, and I doubt even he is completely happy about the direction of some of his storylines to be honest.
There won't be any changes until Vince stops running the day-to-day operations, which probably won't happen anytime soon.

While I agree the main event of Cena/Punk every PPV needs to change, i like the direction they are going in some of the other talent. The "Team Hell No" angle of Kane and Daniel Bryan has been very entertaining. I think Ryback push is something that is needed, as he appears to be way over now, rather than pushing someone like Tensai or Brodus Clay. The tag team division has been good, and i'm excited for guys like Sandow and Cesario on where they could go.

One of the issues is that they haven't been able to get any heel characters over, and it has had hurt options for storylines and PPV matches. They keep pushing guys like Del Rio and Barrett, and Big Show because they have to.
I'm pleasantly surprised by the shows that WWE has put on since going to three hours. Last night was a lot of fun (other than the Larry King's wife segment). The week before was drab and uninteresting. Not that I'm keeping track but I would guess that I enjoy two out of every three shows that WWE puts together. I don't think I enjoyed two-thirds of the shows that came out of the precious Attitude Era.

Ryback's push has been interesting, Punk is hitting (pun intended) a good stride with his heel character, Heyman's involvement was a nice surprise, Brodus is a lot of fun, the tag division has value and some good teams, DB has become a star, Kane is standing out as a performer, Sheamus has done some good work, AJ is hit or miss, I like Eve as a champion, Cole has become tolerable, JBL is a nice addition on commentary, I don't like him but it seems others like Antonio Cesaro, and Cena/Punk has great chemistry.

I wouldn't be surprised if this is another fake story put out by WWE to get people to watch. To get people to think something big is going to happen or change only to get the fans to tune in and then forget why they tuned in in the first place.
I'm still not buying into Kane and Bryan revitalizing the tag team division because I've seen it try and fail too many times to count. Maybe, they'll change my mind but I have to see what happens once they break up.

I still hate the fact that guys like Dolph Ziggler and The Miz lose all the time when they're supposed to be two of the top heels in the WWE. What I'm more concerned with is the lack of a top midcard face. Any name you want to throw out is a name that is in a tag team which is why I hope Kofi and Truth split up because Kofi can be that guy. He's basically been sort of irrelevant since his feud with Orton and maybe a feud with Miz can elevate him although it would be better if Miz actually wins more than he has.
If Vince really listened, he'd listen to the fans. People for the most part are sick of the roid freaks he pushes. You want change, how about not having the same PPV matches 3-5 PPV's in a row. What about stopping with the predicable Cena matches.

How many times do we need to see Cena vs Punk? I have to agree with Punk and his view on respect here. How many times does he need to beat Cena in order to earn respect?

A good example is the upcoming hell in a cell and there is no way wwe creative can live up to expectations of past hitc matchs when blood blows to the head and risky spots are not aloud at all its a bit silly really vince is expecting too much off creative he just needs to loosen their leash a bit before he starts firing people

Hell In A Cell has more or less become your standard cage match. With HIAC I WANT BLOOD! This type of match should be brutal instead of the pillow-fight in a pod that it has become.

What I'm more concerned with is the lack of a top midcard face.

May I throw a suggestion here?

Have Ryback win BOTH the US and Intercontinental Titles, and defend them both. Come Royal Rumble/Road to Wrestlemania time, have him go along the lines of, "You know what? I'm still hungry. I want World titles." C'mon WWE, I want some unpredictability. You want to build up Ryback as this unstoppable/"hungry" monster? Then give him some titles, and have him chasing the big two (WHC and WWE belts).
Who to say it is just one persons fault that WWE failing. You still got to go through VKM. At the end of the day its still all up to him. I also allot of other things have a factor on everything in WWE. Such as Linda Running for office. So I don’t thinks it’s just one person, I think as a whole they have no clue anymore. It just seems they are not even trying. I will say HHH pushing the tag teams are doing a lot better now.
Whoever blew up on Vince backstage that night ( I can only speculate it was Punk based on what was rumored to be said), was more than justified. Ask yourselves this, what has Vince ever learned from his trials and tribulations. What has he ever learned from his failures.

If he had had his way before the attitude era we would remember Steve Austin as a high mid-carder called The Rinmaster. If things went the way Vince wanted them to go, Rocky Mavia would have been a third generation footnote dressed in silly purple tights, with ridiculous hair, pandering to a crowd that hated him.

The WWE would be dead if Vince had had his way.

Vince being this far into running this business and still not being able to grasp that his biggest boom periods came when he loosened the reigns and let the talent get themselves over. When he realized other people could have great ideas as well, and that he himself is at his best as an on air talent and creative filter.

The truth is I think his lack of humility and inability to learn from his mistakes, means until he retires we have no chance of ever seeing another boom period in wrestling. Even a marginal increase is unlikely.

Not until someone who trusts the talent to get themselves over is in charge. Not until someone who learns from their mistakes takes over...

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