Major Change To TNA's Lockdown Format


Lord And Master
Staff member

TNA Lockdown will no longer be an all-Steel Cage match PPV. The plan within the company is to have the top matches inside a cage, but for the undercard matches to be standard ring setup matches.

The PPV has been all-cage matches since it began in 2005.

As noted earlier here on the website, TNA Lockdown will no longer be an all-Steel Cage match PPV. The plan within the company is to have the top matches inside a cage, but for the undercard matches to be standard ring setup matches. During a recent interview with Machinima Sports, Frankie Kazarian noted the following: “I’m not sure this year, the format may change. I think we may have a probably a Lethal Lockdown match and maybe perhaps the main event I’m not. I’m not sure they are doing the all-cage format this year.”

The PPV has been all-cage matches since it began in 2005. TNA Lockdown 2013 takes place on Sunday, March 10, 2013 at the Alamodome in San Antonio, Texas.

It seems they're going WWE style with Lockdown this year and just featuring the main event and Lethal Lockdown as cage matches this year.

To me, that's a shame. Yeah, it was overkill perhaps. But at the same time it did make the overall show feel special and unique. It's how it became TNA's second biggest PPV. It gave us moments like Elix Skipper walking the side of the cage, Kurt Angle's Moonsault off the top and his match with Mr. Anderson. If anything, I'll miss all matches being in the cage. It won't be the same.
Well, if the "top matches" are still within the cage, you can still get moments like Angle's moonsault, and even Elix Skipper's cage walk, because both those matches were high in the card at their respective Lockdowns.

I don't see the big deal here, except the inability to now call it the PPV where every match is in the steel cage. Ultimately, the matches that matter are the ones that likely "belong" in the cage to begin with, so I'm fine with the shift, because to me, it's not major, but minor, since they're not losing the cage – just how often it's on the card.
A gimmick match doesn't stand out when you do a bunch of other matches with the same gimmick on the same PPV.

TNA has been making a some nice decisions lately, I hope they stay the track.
I always thought TNA did well with Lockdown, the matches never felt stale or forced...

I thought it was always a good PPV, and it always felt like they put the effort in to make each match different.
Meh, no big deal really. As long as TNA is able to book the two cage matches with a lot of strength, then most people will be happy.

I always felt that having every single match take place in a cage was overkill. Some of the matches just never had the flow that some of the others have. That's something that can happen in any match, but having a cage match on the card is designed to help make the match stand out. It always puts me in mind of ECW and how there were pretty much no rules or stipulations to set any matches apart from the other. Every match on the card was basically a brawl.
The phrase "if it ain't broke don't fix it" comes do mind. There was nothing wrong with this PPV. The Lockdown PPV has been going for ages and is actually one of the reasons I became interested in TNA. They shouldn't change the format. Put average matches in a cage and they become instantly better. Perhaps, one would argue the better wrestlers don't need the gimmick but that is why they are good - they can adapt and still put on a good match. If this is true than it is a bad decision.
I disagree with alot of the opinions in this thread. I do agree with MCMG.

Lockdown is one of the things that makes TNA standout. I'm not really one of "those guys", but it seems to me that during the Hogan/Bishoff era it has become common-place to change things that are "inherently TNA" on a slow but steady basis. They are killing things that make the brand unique.

For example...
Getting rid of the six-sides was one thing. I see the argument for both sides(no pun intended), but ultimately it was probably for the best.

Attempting (atleast temporarily) to impose a weight-limit on the X-division was both blasphemy and idiocy. Just because Bischoff is close-minded and had trouble understanding the purpose of the division doesn't mean you kill what makes the division unique and special by attempting to pigeonhole it as a basic cruisers division.

As a person who has followed TNA throughout its existence I must say: dumping the all-cage format at Lockdown is a borderline travesty to me.

Hopefully this all a misunderstanding and is completely incorrect, because it is a massive blackmark which flies in the face of all of the positive decisions that TNA has been making lately, and it will also hurt the buyrates IMO. I buy every PPV TNA puts on. If they make this change, I will only stream Lockdown due to my justifed level of massive disapointment.
This is a HORRIBLE idea. This is coming from someone who never watches TNA wrestling but ALWAYS watches Lockdown. It is completely unique and I have never been disappointed watching one. This one PPV brings in alot of fans who dont watch TNA much, soley on the idea that every match is in a cage.

Bad move IMO
Some may disagree with me but I think this is a great idea. Lockdown will always be a special PPV for TNA. It is one of those few PPV's that will continue down the line for TNA because it has done wonders for them. Like others have said, some amazing moments that will never be forgotten were created in these cages. Some fans now feel 2013 is the turning point and never again will we get these great moments.

Wrong. Of course we will. If anything, these special moments will be even more special. Every match being in the Steel Cage is a bit of an overkill, and as long as Lethal Lockdown remains, as long as the top two or maybe three matches are in the cell, what's there to worry about. These moments people talk about come from the top billed matches anyway. If anything, the lower card matches are hindering the Steel Cage Match from being an even better and bigger draw. The less, the better, because then the moments will be remembered more.

Less means more in my opinion. People will watch more intensely to the few matches available in the cage now because they have to. This will do TNA well. In the end, if you say the popularity of the show will go down, you're wrong again. No one buys a PPV for a low-card match. They buy, especially for this PPV, for the Lethal Lockdown and main event bouts. The lower-card matches, if good, are bonuses, but the main draw isn't being lost.

Regardless of whether the Steel Cage Matches are being reduced or not, it simply does not matter because TNA will be in the same position either way after the event is over.
I agree with the people that said it is a good idea. I think when everything is in a cage it really takes away from the matches that need to be in a cage. I think it will add that much more to the main matches having only them in the cage. I think TNA has been making some really good decisions as of late and I hope they keep it up. I didn't mind all of the matches at Lockdown being cage matches, but I think it will freshen up the ppv only having the top matches inside.
The big deal is because they have done this bit bit by bit slowly since hogan and bischoff showed up, first it was x division , then ultimate x, then king of the mountain, fight for the right ect... they slowly becoming unoriginal by killing the concepts that made them unique

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