Main Event or Bust...


Pre-Show Stalwart
CM Punk
John Morrison
Shelton Benjamin
Mr. Kennedy
Matt Hardy
Jeff Hardy
Rey Mysterio

You pick TWO guys to get a HUGE main event push for the remainder of 2009. The catch is, the rest of the guys must stay at the main event level for the rest of the year. All of these guys have been flirting with going main event, and some have had former shots at it...but for now, they're all mid-card wrestlers with great potential for being the top star.
So, pick your two guys, why the deserve the shot, and also why you didn't pick some of the other guys. For example, mine would be:

(1) Kane and (2) John Morrison.
I know many will disagree and say that Benjamin and MVP need main event pushes, but I'm a firm believer in mid-card talents. I think every decade so far in WWE has had major mid-card wrestlers to keep the division alive. I think it's good to have a solid base like that. I also like Benjamin and MVP way too much as US and Intercontinental Title holders. If they can feud against each other and other athletic mid-carders, then do it...
As for Morrison, he's a great mid-carder, but I also think that people are very much right in comparing him to HBK. If he's giving a good IC Title run for a few months, and ditches the title to go after a bigger prize, maybe helping a main event team win Survivor Series, he could go on to be a fantastic upper card talent.
And Kane...well, let's face it, he's not going to be around for much longer, and he deserves a title shot before he goes. I'd rather it be now, when they can still make him look like a decent monster heel, then four years from now when he's injured and completely forgotten.

Matt and Jeff should continue feuding, and maybe Matt and Kennedy can face off. Keep each other at an upper-mid card range. I didn't like him as a main eventer, and I think CM Punk is too boring and Cena-ish to main event. I didn't believe him as champion before, and I don't want him shoved down my throat any longer...
1. John Morrison

John Morrison's time is now. He was the Tough Enough John Hennigan, then Johnny Nitro, THEN a successful tag team with Joey Mercury with M&M, AFTER THAT, he became ECW Champion, and has sense taken a couple of steps backwards. Now that he's a singles competitor again, a Main Event push is a must at this point. Some kind of story has to get him in that status. Hopefully, he'll launch himself by winning the IC title or the Briefcase from CM Punk

2. MVP

MVP was hyped as the 'Big Free Agent Aquisition' who hasn't panned out to much. Now, he's United States Champion and is on Raw, where many more people can see him than Smackdown. It's just a matter of avoiding the politics backstage. Personally, I think MVP's shown flashes of brilliance, and with the right program with the right Main Eventer, he can breakout and become a star.

Kennedy has a shot, too, only if he's back at close to 100 percent. If not, then I'll stick with MVP and Morrison.
Hmmm, with that many guys already leaving, and now the news of Jeff Hardy not renewing his deal, it's going to take more than 2. So I'll take 3 and a wildcard.

CM Punk
John Morrison
Shelton Benjamin
Mr. Kennedy
Matt Hardy
Jeff Hardy
Rey Mysterio

Punk, MVP, Kennedy (heel), and Matt Hardy.

MVP and Kennedy have shown flashes of greatness, and now that they're both on the same show together which happens to be the flagship, they'll get more exposure and will hopefully give us a hell of a feud. Those two, without a doubt are the two guys with the most potential IMO.

Punk, is still Punk. But I'd be lying if I said I didn't see a slight bit of improvement since his title win last year. His reign failed, but it also helped him gain more of a fanbase. He's alot more over now than he was last year and he's the clean cut, type of babyface Vince is looking for.

Matt Hardy or Christian should be the WC.

I would have picked Christian, but he's getting to carry his own brand right now. Which is enough. He'll have enough cred on his name alone if they want to bump him up to the main event sometime next year.

Matt's now a heel, and has a new beginning. He's improved on the mic, and now has the opportunity to prove himself on RAW. There's alot of feuds there. The time to shine is now for him, he and Kennedy would make two good midcard heels.

The above are guys that need to be considered for a Rumble win next year. It needs to go to a young rising star this year.

Those are guys I could see getting on that level in the next year. It's going to take longer with Morrison, or I'd put him on here. If all goes well for him on Smackdown, he may be a good pick for the MITB next year.
MVP & SHELTON BENJAMIN! MVP should go back to being the cocky baller we came to know him as, or WWE should him in a program that allows him to develop as a character more! Give the Gold Standard a manager & let him ride!
Main Event Hopefuls said:
CM Punk
John Morrison
Shelton Benjamin
Mr. Kennedy
Matt Hardy
Jeff Hardy
Rey Mysterio

My two choices would be..

C.M Punk: I call the guy a fluke as many times as anyone, and rightfully so. I can willingly and literally prove why he doesn't deserve to be in the Main Event. I can even prove why he's a failure, time and time again.. but that doesn't mean I want him to be.

So on this note, I like Punk's look. He's small, but not tiny. He's 'Straight Edge' but that doesn't bother me, or effect my opinion on him in one way or another. If anything, it's a gimmick that can be tapped for future heel (cockiness) ventures.

I think his biggest failure was the way Creative pushed him, or should I say, neglected to push him. They gave him an opportunity that never should've been given to him as early as it was. Technically, it was Hardy (Jeff's) opportunity to begin with, and just thrown to Punk out of randomness. That lead to a blunder in putting a Heavyweight Champion on Raw, which lead to a failed reign as Champion, filled with several questionable losses and only under 4-5 total victories.

I think Punk could be a good future Champion. A nice future Main Eventer, the likes of Jericho and Orton. Neither of them have great size, but they make up for it with their unique style and ability to wrestle. Punk can wrestle a unique style, which makes him unlike most others. On top of this, if they finally get their head's out of their asses.. I'm sure they can find ways to work around Punk's flaws, and center on his abilities.

John Morrison: This is a personal hope, but more importantly, it's to make a one-time developmental show look amazing. John Morrison found himself in the W.W.E by-way of the former Tough Enough television contest show. How great would it be, for a guy's "road to greatness" rewind and be explained that he started based off doing this?

Sure, people bitch that he didn't break into the business the hard way, by working through the stages, and climbing traditional ladders and ranks.. but if anything, Morrison's path to the W.W.E may of been harder. Why? Because he had to earn the respect, through an alternative path.. that of already being IN the company, dealing with everyone who hated him being there through a contest victory.

Morrison has been called the future Shawn Michaels. No. There will never be another Shawn Michaels, but that doesn't mean there can't be a future John Morrison. He has the in-ring ability, he just needs more focus on mic-skills. I firmly believe he can become Heavyweight Champion in the small amount of a year's time, especially if pushed suddenly fast and hard.. earning victories over the likes of Shawn Michaels, and others.

Outcasts: I didn't pick guys like The Hardys, Mysterio, Kennedy or M.V.P because outside of M.V.P, I truly don't think any of the rest deserve a Main Event push.. or just simply work greater in the mid-card role.

M.V.P, on the other hand, does not need my help in finding his way there. I firmly believe he will within a year or two, regardless.
Woooo!!! (no pun intended) I can finally post something... my 1st post...

Ohkay... time to do business...

1. Kane... Mr Jacobs has done a lot for the WWE over his whole career. What's he got to show for it on the part of the WWE??? The record for eliminating the most competitors in the RR & a hell of a lot of tag team title runs. Most of his title wins make Kane look weak. For example, he beat chavo for the ecw tiitle one on one but lost when versing 2 guys his own size. Since Kane is very well over, a large following no matter heel or face, & still in okay shape... why not one more demented monster heel run with the title??? Vince owes Kane.

2. Hmmm... tough choice. My original thoughts was Christian but he is to ECW as HBK is to RAW & taker is to SD! so i'd build him up for a later main event run. So, even though I will get crapped on for this choice but Jeff Hardy. Simply because he has got pretty much every title on his resume in the WWE like Edge did before he got into the Main Event picture. It would be a mockery to Jeff if stayed to compete for the IC & tag titles the rest of his career whilst someone who was in jeffs position (aka edge) got the push. I mean, these guys fueded with each other & produced, among others, some of the best matches of all time. Only however, if Jeff straightens himself up for good & everyone else stops knocking him back (aka Trips)
My first choice is CM Punk. He's kind of a safe choice, because it's clear that WWE loves to push the guy more that Pamela Anderson loves contracting std's, but that's besides the point. I think CM Punk will do great with the MTB briefcase this go-round, because this time it was planned. I think they'll put him in a good feud over the briefcase with someone relevant (maybe Shelton?), and this will establish him as a real Main Eventer, and he'll be able to cash it in similar to the way RVD is, and win at a PPV.

My second choice is MVP, partially because he is one of my favorite wrestlers, but also because a lot has been going well for Mr. Porter right now. He picked up the US belt, put on a pretty good show at Wrestlemania (much better than Wrestlemania 24, where is biggest highlight was getting knocked off the ladder by a returning Matt Hardy). His most recent accomplishment was getting drafted to the flagship show, RAW. Now I know there have been plenty of guys drafted who played a major role on their former show and then fade into obscurity on the new one, but I really think the WWE is ready to push MVP and give him another great US title run, and then who knows, maybe we'll see him chase after the World Championship belt.

I also wanna mention that Jeff Hardy would be too easy to pick. He's already pretty much in the main event (if your feud is big enough to make it to Wrestlemania, you're pretty much in) and after this feud with Matt is over, he'll be right back in the main event picture at Smackdown.
well ofcourse jeff hardy would be the simplest pick because he is more over then any1 in the wwe, (but i heard that he is leaving wwe)
if thats true then ide have to go with JO-MO he is ready for main events he put on an incredible match with evan bourne on ecw, he has a look witch every male alive would want, he's cocky, young, talanted on both the mick and in the ring + he hasnt had a fued with any1 on smackdown realy so they have many match up for him,

my number 2 pick is the big red machine kane, yeh he is my all time favourite so i favour him but he trully does deserve a damn title, i meen it wouldent even be a risk putting him as world champion because he knows he's shit, he can work the mic and can pull some magic like he has in the past, + he deserve's for all his hard work and bullshit he's had to go through, it would be a great way to send of one of the hardest workers ever in wwe.

my number 3 pick is saddly cm punk, i dispise this guy i tihnk he's a piece of trash he looks like an idiot is ok on the mic and booring like hell in the ring + now the crowd doesent even like him all to well, but i chose him simply because vince loves to shove punk cock in our throats and what vince wants vince gets, he also has the mitb brief case meening he will win the world title somehow, i'm guessing by beating edge HOW ORIGINAL,

but anyways those are my picks

also can anyone who knows the details of the so called jeff hardy leaving wwe please post me on whats going on
Anyone but KANE!!!

God I wish people would get over it. The gimmicks dead, its boring and the reason he hasnt been pushed is cos Vince damm well knows it wont go over with the crowd anyone! The 'big red machine' myth left him years ago along with the mask and has now lost any momentum he ever had. I'd be bored stiff, if Kane headline a PPV with a title shot/reign.

Dont get me wrong I appreciate what Glen Jacobs has done and how hard he's worked for the company but that doesnt guarentee him any world title shots with a gimmick that's long run its course.
My first pick would be Kane. Like others have said, I think he deserves it and I still like the gimmick. All he needs is a push, that way he could become relevant again. I'll admit, when it comes to Kane, the WWE make some baffling booking decisions at times....if they were consistant with him then he would be in a much better position than he currently is. Therefore, I say give Kane a major push and I would prefer it over the Hardys, Mysterio, Kennedy any day...they all have one thing Kane doesn't and that is ample time for major pushes in the future.

Second pick would be Umaga...I find him to be entertaining and is credible as a monster heel. He's athletic, can work a match but maybe his gimmick could do with some the moment he's very one dimensional but it doesn't really bother me but it might affect his longevity. But overall, I would say push him and see what happens...
Jeff Hardy is already main event. Only question is if he re-signs, to be pushed even higher. Punk has already kind of been a main eventer. He's working mid-card now, but I think he'll move back up soon enough.

My two choices would be Matt Hardy and John Morrison.

Matt- Obviously if Jeff is completely putting him over he'll win again at Backlash. I think Matt has made a lot of postitive strides in this past year. He's been a main stay on the PPV level, he carried ECW on his back, and he's done some really good work with his brother.

Morrison- To me, he'll benefit more than the Miz from the split of their tag team. Morrison has shown a lot of promise and I think he's an easy sell. He also was sent to the right show, now he can flirt with the main event more quickly on SD! than he would on Raw, and obviously main eventing ECW isn't making it big.

Umaga and Mr. Kennedy would be main eventing now if they weren't injury prone. They have both recieved massive pushes only to be stalled by injuries.
reading what ppl have to say abt this topic. its kinda interesting cause i think one person who can main event is carlito. sure hes a unifed tag team champion even though i wish the wwe would just say wwe tag team champion. but think abt it. it was what 3 yrs ago when he was in the elimnation chamber match and came close to winning. sure he has had problems with creative feeling hes lazy in the ring and not showing passion, kinda like shelton. but he had that whole flair angle but was cut short. but i think teaming up with primo has proven hes an exciting worker. so say what u want carlito should be main eventing.
I think its over for Mysterio in the main event picture. He had his world title reign and will probably never headline another ppv unless its in the company of others like the Elimination Chamer or Royal Rumble.

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