Mae Young. When will this joke end?!!!!


Pre-Show Stalwart
I just got one question that I can't help but wonder after tonight's bikini contest with the divas and "shudders violently" Mae Young. How much more of this sick joke do we have to take? Who in the WWE finds this to be funny? Because I don't know about everyone else in the forum that watches smackdown, but I rather watch a 24 hour marathon of Lesnar vs Goldberg, Steiner vs Triple H and every single other godawful match that has ever been forged in pro wrestling than to watch Mae Young in a swimsuit. At least with that marathon of bad matches, I won't be dry-heaving from those like I would with Mae. Whoever is in charge of those stupid sketches and that is responsible for Mae flashing the crowd, END IT NOW!!!!! Because I think most of us fans of the WWE have had more than enough of this joke that was not funny then and is not funny now.
Vince. that is the answer to your question, Vince finds it funny, and I don't see him ever letting the joke die, in fact I would be surprised if we tune into WWE and see them doing this same horrible joke long after Mae Young dies, just imagine they have another stuid bikini contest then you hear the Mae Young music, and out comes her rotting corpse on puppet strings, flashing the crowd, personally I don't really pay to much attention SD! anymore and was watching Kaz vs. Raven from Hard Justice when the Bikini contest was happening, so I didn't see the whole Mae Young thing tonight, but would've chaged the channel if I was paying attention at the time
Yup,Vince is the one that find this funny. Vince is literally messed up in the head I think. This joke is old and not even funny. I never found it funny in the first place. Hell,It's fucking sick. O Yeah like an 84 year old hag really beat Torrie,Michelle,Krystal in a bikini contest.

Creative is dumb as hell. Honestly, I wouldn't doubt they book her to win that battle royal. She's rumored to appear, I would not be surprised if she actually shows up and wins. Vince and them have shown to be quite dumb.

But yeah this needs to stop. Nobody finds it funny.
I think Justin hit on the head that its all Vince's doing as he likes it and he thinks that the audience will find the humor in it. Truth be told we don't. The first few times it happened I gave chuckle but since then i have grew tired of it and just want it to stop but it wont. Plus you have to think that Mae and Moolah would just stop coming as they get paid per appearance and for them i guess comes back to money. It wont stop unless mae and Moolah stop it and I don't see that happening, It will go on till Mae dies .
I think a few of the segments were kind of funny like when she gave Eric Bichoff the bronco buster. However I agree some of the segments are just tasteless like when she went topless at Royal Rumble 20000, and lets not forget giving birth to the hand. I like to see the Dudleys come back put her to rest.
I'd like to see Mae Young transfer to TNA, and be put in a 3-on-1 handicap barbed wire-thumbtacks-c4 explosive-flaming tables match against Abyss, Raven and Sabu (when he turns up there).

Seriously, the joke isn't funny. Admittedly, the Eric Bischoff thing was good (Then Austin stunned her, which was great) but it needs to stop. How can Vince find it funny?
There was some funny things from Mae Young such as when Bubba Ray Dudley put her through the table off the second rope and when she gave Eric Bischoff the stink face. I don't why what's up with the dynamic duo of Mae Young & The Fabulous Moolah always making appearances nor do any of us has the answer.
I don't understand why they haven't realized how stupid this is! As Soon as Micheal Cole started to introduce her, the crowd realized and started to boo the living crap out of them!!! It needs to be stopped!:dark2: :dark2: :dark2: :dark2:
I don't think the joke will end at all, as someone said, till she's dead. And I'm Okay with that. Sure, she gave birth to a hand and Kane had sex with a corpse (or was it HHH?). She isn't the 1st to do sick jokes. Eddie Guerrero initially appeared to be a child-molester when they started that angle of him being Domenick's real father (hey young man want some candy) that was sick!!!

Watch the documentary "Lipstick and Dynamite", which is all about women wrestlers and you'll see that Mae, Moolah and the McMahon's go back to the beginning. Vince uses them occasionally out of loyalty to a couple of greats who helped him get to where he is and miserable.

And, I think the joke is about to get even bigger. Over on the 'Who is Vince's child' thread, I posted a message concerning who is Vince's child's MOM. They haven't brought that up yet, but my vote goes to Mae or Moolah.
I am glad I did not watch SD last night lol. This is not the last you will see of Mae Young trying to strip, in another 4 or 5 months she will be back again doing what she does best lol. I think they should keep her off T.V. all together because it is sad(and not to mention gross) that a near 90 year old woman is being made to look like a damn fool. Also, is she really off her rocker and doesn't know any better? Or is she just doing this to get a handsome paycheque from Vince and she knows what she is doing?
Even though,

I 100 % agree with u guys about this...and that is just disgusting...

I watched Sd! This past friday...and as much as i didnt like to see MAe Young in a thing....I thought it was entertainment!!

I'm prolly gonna get flamed for this lol or wtvr...but i thought it was enetertaining...not funny but just fun to watch!!

This doesn't mean that i like to see old ladies in their bikini's....bc i dont like that....but still it was funny when she grabbed the top of her thign lol i was laughing and turning my head.
I'm not gonna flame on nobody but I found it gross, not funny and most of all and this was already mentioned earlier in this tread, it's a shame to watch a woman at her age looking so foolish or in someof the bits with her, making her look like she is in a complete drunken stupor. Seeing her in either lingerie or a swimsuit or the Rumble in 2000, haven't felt that nautious since the movie Hostel.
I don't really like these segments with Mae Young either. Sometimes it can be funny, but usually it just weirds me out.

Don't get me wrong, I know she agrees to do them, but still people get the wrong impression of her. Some fans have no idea what kind of wrestler Mae used to be. I was watching Lipstick & Dynamite the other day (seriously if you haven't seen it, go and watch it) and Mae Young was an incredibly tough, vicious wrestler. The other female wrestlers in the movie didn't like the segments that Mae and Moolah did either, since they think it ridicules the older female wrestlers, which it kind of does. I have the utmost respect for Moolah and Mae Young, and I might be wrong, but that's just what it seems like to me.

Flames Out
The Only time the Moolah/Mae Young Joke has ever been funny is in the Sketch they did prior to Wrestlemania 21 with the Basic Instinct joke Trailer. With the end bit. That is the Only Time it has been funny. I respect those two too much to pay attention anymore when they come on because it is always going to be something that makes the Least sense and groses(sp?) people out.
The Only time the Moolah/Mae Young Joke has ever been funny is in the Sketch they did prior to Wrestlemania 21 with the Basic Instinct joke Trailer. With the end bit. That is the Only Time it has been funny. I respect those two too much to pay attention anymore when they come on because it is always going to be something that makes the Least sense and groses(sp?) people out.

Wow. Hold on. How could you not laugh when Mae got her puppies out. That is by far the funniest thing I have ever seen in wrestling. The Shockmaster falling over? Fuck that. Mae Youngs boobies. Fake or not made me short. And Big Jake doesn't snort wehn he laughs. That was the funniest think WWE has ever done. Certainly the only crued thing they've done that's been funny.
Don't know about it Mae Young is pretty Old so this joke is going to end soon Brother - Don't you worry about Mae Young. She is not funny and looks horrible. Don't know why WWE keeps on bringing her on stupid segments!?!

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