

Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
That's a good way to describe my mood at the moment. My 80+ year old professor that hasn't done a damn thing since the 70s because of the fucking ridiculous idea of tenure gave us an exam over a bunch of facts straight from his presentations. He teaches for all of 10 minutes a class and the rest is nothing but complaining about not living in Michigan and how he hates electronics and bitching about interruptions such as someone sneezing. Retire you old fuck. You fail at your job. So ,my uncle picks me up as he has for the past two days because it's been raining a good bit and sicne I have to walk 25 minutes both ways to my car and he's been at the VA which is two minutes away, he's been taking me to school since Tuesday. We get home and there's a cop next to my car and our neighbor Jan. I get out and they ask if I'm me and I say I am. The cop hands me a ticket for 160 dollars. I ask what the ticket is for, and my neighbor, another 80 something year old, cuts him off. Apparently I'm in violation of the neighborhood constitution or something, as I haven't moved MY car from in front of MY driveway, and it's considered "unsightly." I drive a 2003 blue Saturn. Not the nicest car in the world, but it's not bad. I point out that there's been a rusted out brown station wagon in front of her house for years now. Apparently it's ok because she moves it every 48 hours. So I realize something. I walk away from her while she's talking, get in my car, and pull forward about 2 inches. I get out, and say that my car is now moved and therefore is no longer in the same spot, meaning that I'm no longer in violation of the ordinance. She says that I still owe the neighborhood association the money, so to shut her fat mouth up I ask who to make the check out to. In a stunning turn of events, it's her. Now since this woman has caused issues with my family in the past, namely bitching at us over never doing anything in the community, I get my wallet out and hand her 200 dollars, telling he to use the other 40 to buy a life and head inside.

I get in and my room smells like smoke. No one in my family smokes, and I have a bad reaction to it already, so this isn't good. I look in the corner and my cousins are in my room, messing with my computer. I ask what they're doing, and I get a puff of smoke in my face. Apparently my idiot of a cousin has taken a computer course at a community college and thought she'd "fix" my laptop. I ask if she could stop smoking and she doesn't seem to mind. I look at my computer and notice the virus warning going off. I checked it: 9 viruses so far. It was fine when I left this morning. I asked Sandy what she was doing here and amazingly, she wanted money. She asks for 500 dollars as she blows more smoke in my face. I say why should I give you more whne you owe me already. She says it's none of your business what it's for and blows it in my face again. I say that I'd rather like to know what I'd be giving my money to someone for so if she's not going to answer she's getting nothing. Apparently she doesn't like this, so she and her son start cussing me out and talk about hwo I must have some horrible mother to raise such a rude person. Since I'm already pissed off, this doesn't go well with me. I knock the cigarette she's lighting up out of her hand and tell them to get out. Her son, the guy with 4 kids by four women and no job to support any of them, shoves me and tells me not to talk to her mother that way. In something I've wanted to do for years, I punched him in the jaw and yelled at them to get out. I'm told I'll regret that and they leave after slamming my laptop shut which knocks it to the floor. I follow him out and tell him he would be paying for that if he wasn't such a failure at life. The only good thing all day happens as the cop is sitll there. One thing leads to another and he escorted to his car and told to not come back. That was greatness.

So finally, I go back inside and go in my closet to pull out an old wrestling tape to throw in since there's nothing on. I look in my box, and it's empty. My tapes are gone. I go ask my mother, the only person that would have been in there, and am told that she got rid of them. When asked why, I'm told this: You're too old for that stupid stuff so I threw them in the trash two days ago. In other words, my mother threw away about 120 tapes, which is about 2/3 of my collection.

Oh and I have jury duty the night Smackdown is going to be in Louisville and likely won't be able to go. Not bad for a 30 minute stretch.
Murder in the first degree, or the third degree? I'd be on the borderline of both at that point.
I swear to God, you are more understanding than I am. I would have kicked every single one of their deadbeat asses. Except your mother of course. That bitch with car would have gotten a swift kick in the pussy and so would have your cousin. I would not have stopped at punching the little douchebag either.

You are wayyyyy more patient and understanding than I am.
the little douchebag is 34. He's a crack head, alcoholic diabetic that eats more sugar than a 4 year old fat kid.
I literally cannot believe that dude. All of it just... Shocking!


I'm going to go break something. Just reading this pissed me off beyond belief.
Yeah, reading this made me enraged too.

File a restraining order on your asshole relatives. I like how you're "the rude person" when they're there to mooch off of you to begin with and they cuss you out for at the very least asking what it was for, on top of everything else. Hang in there man.

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