Macios has helped me but can you?

Pole Smoker

Pre-Show Stalwart
Ok so Macios has been helping me with my drinking problem but I want to know if anyone else can help me with tips on what to do about it?

Respect to Macios.
It's at the point where if I see a beer I almost need to drink it. Macios has gotten me through a lot so far though.
Drink liquid drain cleaner everytime you think of drinking a beer.

If you do it often enough, you'll begin to associate alcohol with cleaning supplies.

It worked for me, good luck slaying this demon.
So if I understand this correctly...

You're an attention ****e, but acting drunk on a wrestling forum didn't get you noticed enough or people just got annoyed which isn't what you wanted.

So then you go from a drunk, to an alcoholic with a major problem in the space of what 24 hours (and I seem to remember you claiming this was the first time you'd had a drink in months?) to fish for sympathy and get the right kind of attention.

And Macios is playing the role of the internet white knight.

Am I close?

(oh yeah and this is all on a wrestling forum)
Kip, you got it right.

CM_Punk12, I'm going to give you some advice.

Right now people hate you, so stop posting about you're alcohol problem and just post wrestling.

Stay away from spam areas like the cage. This was the worst idea ever and I guess you didn't read the rules of the cage you silly ******.

Don't piss off the mods. You rub a mod the wrong way, it's only a matter of time before you're gone.

I'm pretty sure you're only like 14 or 15, so quit acting like you're tough shit and quit saying you can kick peoples ass over the internet.

So to some up what I just said in a few word: "GO DIE!"
If its that much of a difficulty for you, and I say this in all seriousness, go to Rehab. Do you have medical insurance that would cover it? Its not exactly a pleasant experience from what Ive seen from others who've gone, but they've come out the other side better for it.

It depends on how bad the problem is. If you cant stop on your own, go to Rehab. They'll get you on medication to deal with whatever side effects you may experience from the alcohol withdrawal, AND they'll teach you ways to re-program your thinking. If you really believe youre an alcoholic, and cannot stop on your own, this is your best course of action.

I dont know how bad your problem is though. Thats the best I have for you.
If its that much of a difficulty for you, and I say this in all seriousness, go to Rehab. Do you have medical insurance that would cover it? Its not exactly a pleasant experience from what Ive seen from others who've gone, but they've come out the other side better for it.

It depends on how bad the problem is. If you cant stop on your own, go to Rehab. They'll get you on medication to deal with whatever side effects you may experience from the alcohol withdrawal, AND they'll teach you ways to re-program your thinking. If you really believe youre an alcoholic, and cannot stop on your own, this is your best course of action.

I dont know how bad your problem is though. Thats the best I have for you.

Thanks for the help.

By the way to the guy who said it I was drunk when I said I hadn't drunk in a month so.
Thanks for the help.

By the way to the guy who said it I was drunk when I said I hadn't drunk in a month so.

I cant read that last line, are you saying you hadn't had a drink in a month?

Then how can you have a drink problem if you can stay of it for months at a time?

If you get hammered after not drinking for a month then fine, that's not a problem. Stop being such an attention ****e and get over yourself.
Just remember: LSN wouldn't offer the same advice if you were a sex addict. Because that's not a real thing.

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