macho man madness

Fuel The Fire

Getting Noticed By Management
ok well just got back from being banned for spam just having a discussion with someone on rocky but o well life goes on and I'm back again. Not sure if anyone really cares lol. But i was thinking about the macho man d.v.d that is coming out soon and thought i would discuss it a little bit. I did a search to see if there where any other topics on this and didn't find any so sorry if this has been talked about oready but just got some questions going threw my head.
With this d.v.d coming out its got to get you thinking about a few things.
1. The old story about him and Stephanie.. I think we can put that to rest and say its not true.
2. Will this turn into a warrior bash fest also or did they learn there lesson last time?
3. Will he finaly get in to the hall of fame?
4. What does this say on how Vince feels about him now?
Just really got me thinking and i don't know the answers on any of it really. But why would Vince make this d.v.d if the macho man is blacklisted. Is it because Vince if a good business man and he knows this is a good business. I don't know but just thought i would start the conversation and see what people thought
#1 If the story about Stephanie was true then he'd probably have spent some time in prison.

#2 The DVD? It's just a collection of matches. And Randy Savage was one of the best workers from his era. The only thing you can bash about him is his hair.

#3 Maybe, they're running out of people to put in. Intresting note about the DVD. Vince McMahon says his Hall Of Fame bound on commentary during the Yokozuna match.

#4 It doesn't say a thing. Vince knows he's popular, it's his right as the owner of a massive video library to use it as he wishes. The DVD was done because there was a demand, and it'll make him money. It's done and Vince can pretty much be done with Randy Savage in every way now.

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