

Master of the Aussie kiss
christian Battlez is an admin on another wrestling forum. the same one that Blaze was an admin on a while ago. I might see how long it takes for me to become admin. :lmao:
I've been an admin on a forum for two or three years.

A different, not terrible forum though.
Sparky, weren't you an admin of a shit forum not that long ago, too?

Razor something, if I do recall. I seem to remember you begging me to join it and become admin or something with you. Back during the time I was still actually modding this forum.
Is it the same forum I'm an Admin on? If so, then it's not that hard.

Seriously, my ass is an Admin he started it back in November. If my shitty posts allow that, then, fuck......Shake could become one....
I'm thinking I need to look more into this admin thing.

I mean. Originally I thought it was a prolific position. Jake and Jonny seemed strong. Irish was to Chris Cash as McIntyre is to McMahon. Luther.. .. Sly seems like the best yet.

Now I'm finding out guys like Sparky, and Battlez, and Dewey and even other randoms have been admin. I'm slightly interested now on why its worth giving up time over.
I'm thinking I need to look more into this admin thing.

I mean. Originally I thought it was a prolific position. Jake and Jonny seemed strong. Irish was to Chris Cash as McIntyre is to McMahon. Luther.. .. Sly seems like the best yet.

Now I'm finding out guys like Sparky, and Battlez, and Dewey and even other randoms have been admin. I'm slightly interested now on why its worth giving up time over.

I'm not even sure it's the same one. He started a forum back in October, and asked me to Mod his music section. Dipshit couldn't even figure out how to mod someone, so he adminned me. I posted once or twice, and quit going. It was lamer than Conservapedia...
I don't know if anyone remembers the guy or not.. but WZ-Will, who was partners with Chris Cash in the very beginning, then quit being associated with him..

Anyways.. this Will guy added me on MSN and asked if I wanted to admin a forum he was starting up. I said no, because at the time I was a mod here and to me - I figured if I'm gonna devote time to a wrestling forum, it should only be one. Especially since talking about the same thing, on two different forums, would be stupid.

Just figured I'd point out how much I actually cared for any type of admin spot, when one was originally offered. Albeit, in respect to WZ.. this forum is big.. and his would've been just starting. And seriously, it takes YEARS for a forum to truly get off the ground.
I joined a forum so I could get torrnets off of it once. I never once made a post and had not done anything there yet. I was offered an admin spot there.

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