Lucid Dreams

...Look it up Milenko. Lucid dreaming is when you self-aware in a dream, and often leads to you being able to control your dream. I'm actually an extremely lucid and vivid dreamer, I almost always remember atleast two of my dreams every night and often find myself realizing I'm in a dream and being able to do whatever I want (most often thing I choose to do: Fuck a beautiful woman...and fuck another beautiful woman. And fly, for some reason I'm constantly flying in my dreams).

Incredibly random sidenote: me and and my friends used to eat mushrooms and just keep enunciating the word "lucidity" over and over because of how great it feels to on the tongue to say.

Psilocybin = The Bee's Knees, kids
That hurts Shadow.

I haven't done mushrooms in a while. Pretty much the only thing I do anymore is drink and smoke pot, and if I do end up getting this job then I'm going to need to quit the pot too. The lovable stoner inside of me may die forever...
It's not something you can intentionally make happen, it's completely random. It's absolutely fantastic when it does happen though, you can literally do ANYTHING you want to.
What really sucks is when you wake up, but you can't open your eyes.

Quite random, but fits in the dreams discussion.

Possibly the freakiest thing I regularly encounter.

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