Low-Ki signs with WWE

Minor League Brian

Master of the Legendary Triple Post
As we had reported in our coverage of the recent New Japan Tokyo Dome show, Low Ki was telling folk there he had signed with WWE. We noted then that he lived in Tampa and could show up in FCW, as he did last night.

The following is posted at www.low-ki.com

Associated Press: It is with great excitement that we announce "The World Warrior" LOW-KI has joined World Wrestling Entertainment! Speculation had been in circulation after he participated in a non televised match November 4, 2008. Nothing was confirmed or reported, since it was assumed that he was still contractually obligated to compete in New Japan Pro Wrestling and was the IWGP Jr Heavyweight Champion. After NJPW's "Wrestle Kingdom" events, contract negotiations begin for the new year. Terms apparently were not agreed upon and in his debut match, LOW-KI was victorious, putting away Florida Championship Wrestling's Trent Berretta with the "Warrior's Way". Words cannot describe the excitement we feel here and we would like to congratulate "The World Warrior" on his incredible success!

1st time I went to the site the post was not there, but I deleted cookies and tried again and there it was.

I think this is great, I always loved Low Ki.

Then again, how good can he really be in WWE? I don't think his style will mesh AT ALL with WWE's style, although I was surprised to read he was allowed to use the Warrior's War. I figured that'd be a banned move.

Well, speculation of how he'll be used, where he'll go, and how long till he's released/jobbed out.
I find it highly unlikely he'll succeed. In fact, I'll be surprised if he even makes it to WWE. I'll eat expired prawns if he gets anyway further than acting as ECW filler.

I'm not that surprised he's been signed to a developmental contract - which is what I assume he's been signed to; if Colt Cabana can't go straight to WWE, Low Ki definitely can't. I'm surprised he took it, it must be pretty good pay. With guys like Styles, Joe and Homicide off the market, guys like Aries and Ki make a killing - I don't see why he'd jeopardise that unless he got a really good offer.
He has the ability to get over quickly with his style and in general his personality even without much mic time will allow him to be something big if booked correctly. His moveset makes him be one of the smaller guys who is able to work competitive matches with some of the larger guys on the roster. I could see him being a very successful heel if they put him on raw in a rivalry with Rey like speculated previously, or as a face on ECW. If he did end up on Smackdown somehow to see a feud with him and Shelton would be the most athletic and competitve sequences of matches that WWE could put on. He basically can fill any role because he can be a face or heel so i think he is one of the few indy guys who would be perfect for WWE. I just recently saw a match with him and Kenny Omega live where they fought all over the gym, at one point he supplexed Kenny on my jacket which i thought was pretty nerdy cool. But thats not here nor there, his stiff style my ruffle some feathers if he keeps it up while he is new but I can see him being the Rob Van Damn of the next 5-7 yrs
Low-Ki is a no charisma High flyer. Let me point oud other no charisma high flyers: Paul London, Super Crazy, Shannon Moore. They were jobbers now they are unemployed. This is why Low-Ki will not succede in WWE, unlike TNA you need soem charisma, plus he wont be able to wrestle his style. The E is notorious for grounding cruiserweights and kepping stiff styles in check. Low-Ki will be a different wrestler and wont succede. Now you many want to compare him to Rey or Van Dam but they could get an huge fane base/had a huge fan base. Low-ki dosent have that luxery and no gimmick will help. He should take a tip From Harris and make sure he has a backup job.
This could either turn out to be horrible, or average. I see no good coming out of this. He will either be another guy in the WWE who does neat moves, like Paul London, then is booked to ba jobber, like London, and get released, like London. WWE is bringing in younger guys, that is obvious, but most of them are more technical, mat wrestlers, such as DiBiase, Smith, Manu and others. They are not the high fliers that are good in independent wrestling promotions. I will be happy if they can have him put on a few good matches, but in general, I cannot see much success for this excellent wrestler in the WWE.
Like others have said I really don't think anything is going to come out of these. Either he will stay in development and get released or be used as a jobber. Low Ki is good in the ring and a good highflyer but like it's been said he has the charisma of a rock(not the rock). And while some wrestlers can get away with no charisma, the smaller guys need it if they want to go anywhere(Mysterio, Bourne, Kendrick all have decent charisma).

Also anybody believing that his name alone will be enough to spark interest and fan support is fooling themselves. A guy like Chris Harris who had fan support from TNA and other places got little to no reaction. Even a guy like Ron Killings got reaction and fan support was tossed a side. I just don't think Low Ki will make any sort of impact(but I hope I'm wrong since I'm a fan of his).
I'm all for the talent that Low-Ki has/had, but it's not the right type of package deal that the W.W.E. looks for. If they would've still had the cruiserweight division intact, maybe, but the best he'd ever do is a random insertion on E.C.W. or worse, Smackdown. (yeah, worse because he'd be a jobber for life)

Low-Ki didn't really have a big charisma type character to me. Infact, he flat-out bored me in T.N.A. and I often found that while it was remotely nice (being nice) to watch his matches, it wasn't as if they were so stand-out that he was a great deal.

I agree with Sam in the fact that I'm willing to bet he won't even make it beyond the minor leagues of the W.W.E. dark matches. Unless they repackage him as another side-show freak to go along with KizArny. :lmao:

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