Low-Ki/Senshi set to debut on Smackdown

Turd Ferguson

PWInsider hasn't been that reliable in awhile, but hey, let's speculate why not?

-- Low Ki (a.k.a. "Kaval") is expected to debut soon on SmackDown and begin a feud with Rey Mysterio. He will debut under a mask and programmed as someone from Mysterio's past in Mexico. Officials first discussed the idea early last year, but plans were thwarted when the former TNA X Division champion suffered a serious leg injury. (source: PWInsider.com)

IF this is true, I'm really surprised, given that Rey's knee is pretty messed up at this point, and I thought at most, they would go ahead and finish the feud with Batista to really put him out of commission while he went ahead and got surgery done. I thought he was out getting surgery and wasn't coming back any time soon until he wrestled a house show this past weekend. I'm really skeptical that this is the plan, considering Rey's knee problems. Maybe it was the plan at one point, but things obviously may have changed with his knee issue.

But less talk about Rey, who I really can't stand right now for refusing to job to Ziggler, and more talk about Low-Ki/Senshi. I always thought he was a really good wrestler, and one of the most exciting wrestlers in TNA. He's got some amazing and brutal (in a good way) offense, and starting him off against Rey, if Rey really plans on continuing on with his knee in rough shape, is very good for him. He's only a little bigger than Rey, so he won't look too out of place interacting with him. It also shows that the WWE views him as a future star, starting him off with someone who is in such a high position in the company like Rey is.

If Low-Ki quickly gets over and really impresses, putting on good matches with Mysterio, then one thing will naturally lead to another, and we could have a future World Champion on our hands. He's that good, and hopefully he's matured from the alleged backstage issues he had with TNA.

What do you guys think about Low-Ki and his chances?
PWInsider isn't that unreliable Guy. The Observer is where it's at though. I'll buy this though, the WWE obviously saw something in Low-Ki (I will never call him Senshi) from his work in TNA and in the indies, so it's obvious that they wanted to get him into the WWE as soon as possible. All of his injuries have prevented that though. If he's finally healthy now though, I could definitely see the WWE doing this, all depending on where they go with the Rey Mysterio-Batista storyline. I imagine they'll probably want to build it up to Wrestlemania (atleast that's what makes the most sense for the both of them from a booking standpoint currently), but if they don't, then I could see Mysterio feuding with another newcomer, he's done it for several of the midcarders in the WWE already from Ziggler to Morrison. Or perhaps they'll even incorporate Low-Ki into the storyline with Batista, having him be an ally to Batista to help build up suspense for the eventual showdown with Batista by first having to take out his new ally who wrestles a very similar style to Mysterio himself as some supposed stranger from his past in Mexico, perhaps someone that Batista claims was also "betrayed" by Mysterio like he thinks he's been.

Wow, I just did some serious speculating there, but hey, it all would make sense, no? If this is indeed true, I'm really looking forward to seeing how he can do in the WWE. He's a hell of a performer who has been out of the public eye for far too long since he was signed and sent to developmental.
I could see this happening, the fact is Low-Ki is an amazing athlete especially for someone with a similar style to mysterious, I just hope they dont just use Low- Ki as fodder in the mysterio/batista feud as they did Hardy.

If booked properly I think Low-ki will make a huge addition to the WWE roster.

As for his adformentioned issues with TNA, i think Low - Ki actually left the company due to management asking if anyone had a problem (Basically calling wrestlers out), more of if you dont like our company and the way we do things then leave, so he did.

So i doubt Low-ki is a diva backstage and will probably work his hardes for the company as seen previously in his TNA stint.
I don't see any reason for this to be fake, it fits really nicely and would make a good angle.

Senshi is a good worker, he puts on decent matches and he can work with pretty much anyone. I didn't see alot of him in TNA, but I could tell that much. And as a cruiserweight, he's definately better than most of the pack, so a feud with Rey Mysterio could be really good, their styles would compliment each other.

I'm just curious about the angle. When WWE has big plans for a wrestler and big plans for an angle and they really want to make it work, they can pull it off perfectly. If Senshi is playing a character from Mysterio's past, then I'm thinking along the lines of Undertaker/Kane. Except less dark and they're not brothers... Unless, in the angle, they do turn out to be brothers... How's that for a twist. Anyway, I'm thinkin Wrestlemania blow-off is the angle becomes gets over, which is should considering it sounds good and it involved Mysterio.
If this comes true this is great news for me and the Smackdown roster.

Low-Ki wrestles a very unique style that will bring more people to watch this new superstar. I'm glad they're investing in Low-Ki showing they see potential in this athletic superstar. His original moveset is very un-WWE, so I will interested to see how they tone it down. I've read he is still using the Ghetto Stomp, one of my favorite moves, and that makes him stand out as a hard hitting superstar. The storyline intrigues me and I hope to watch it pan out.
I love Low-Ki. This guy is overflowing with talent and so exciting to watch. He does have a fairly unique style, so it will be interesting to see how much of that uniqueness the WWE is going to allow him to keep. If this news is indeed true, then Low-Ki is getting the opportunity to debut with a solid feud. I can only speculate that the WWE is pretty high on Low-Ki since they are willing to throw him into a program with one of their top stars in Mysterio right out of the gate.

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