Low Ki returning to ROH?

mr. krinkle

Getting Noticed By Management
i know this has been mentioned before, since he was recently released by TNA, i wonder if he will return... i have read in the past how he is not welcome there anymore, due to some sort of backstage altercation, i dont know exactly what happened, i have heard rumors that he knocked out one of Cornette's teeth, but, in wrestling never say never...
anyways the reason i bring this up is because on ROH's website, there is an article talking about this weekend's shows in NYC (PPV #5. Final Battle 07) that Tammy Sytch, Daniel Puder, and Bushwhaker Luke will all be in attendance...
in reference to Puder, they say he simply wants to see ROH live for himself, to experience the hard hitting style for himself, it also asks "will he remain low key" while there
is that some sort of subliminal message?

that would be fucking awesome if he got in the ring and cut a promo about how much of a badass he is and for him to talk up his MMA shit, only to get a surprise ass beating at the hands of a returning Low KI

probably not, but hey, anything can happen
It's a possibility...that would be nice to see Puder catch a few of those Low-Ki rapid fire kicks to the head. I think it would make sense to see Low-Ki in ROH for at least a bit. He may stop at a few of his other old stomping grounds (JAPW for instance), probably go to Japan for a while. I'm sure he's not hurting financially....
No, most likely he will not. Him and Gabe have alot of differences and there is a great amount of hate between the two. In case you've missed ROH for the past two years, they had a huge storyline involving Jim Cornette in which Low Ki knocked out his tooth and was suspended from Ring Of Honor for life.

Anyways, they don't need Ki anymore. Let him be as he has been, a legend and an important figuere in the ROH timeline. He has nothing else left to do or prove. If he does return anywhere however, It should be NOAH because Ki/Shiozaki, Ki/Akiyama and Ki/Morishima all sound like dream matches to me.
I cn see this going either way. Ki wouldn't be really helpful in ROH imo, they have a deep roster already and bringing in a big name like Ki would mess up the booking. I belive he is going to Japan for a while where he can make a lot more money since he is already established over there, seems more like his style. I could see him coming to ROH in a one time shot aginst Puder which would be somewhat entertaining (haven't seen puder the ring yet, we will see how that goes). It didn't go down in NY so i am guessing it would be a while
well, i read the other day that Ki defeated Bryan Danielson for the PWG title, so i doubt that he will come back to ROH...maybe the bridge is burned for good, i dont really know...anyways, some of ROH's wrestlers also compete for PWG, so i may pick up a couple dvds down the road...i do want to get my hands on the show where Ki and Dragon battle for the title

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