Low Ki Leaves TNA

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
@OneWorldWarrior: I have decided to part ways with @IMPACTWRESTLING. My very best to them in their future. Thank you to all the fans who joined the adventure.


Another one bites the dust.

Shame. Always loved Low Ki, and his being part of the BDC was one of the only really redeemable aspects of them existing at all.

Remember how everyone was joking about how the TNA World Tag Team titles were cursed, what with Eddie Edwards breaking his heel as the Wolves held them, and Jeff Hardy breaking his leg shortly after the Hardy Boys won them?

Well, I'm pretty sure being part of the BDC is equally cursed. It's a total revolving door these days. Joe? Gone. Homicide? Gone. Now Low Ki as well.

Just this fans' suggestion, but it may be time to let the BDC just... dissolve away.

Best of luck in the future, Ki!
It wouldn't surprise me to see Low Ki follow Joe to NXT. The WWE was high enough on him to put him in position to become the winner of NXT season 2, and if he didn't destroy his bridges there then I could see him being exactly the type of talent that the company is currently seeking to help float the top of the NXT card while guys like Zayn and Itami recover from injury, as well as fill a void as guys get elevated to main roster positions.

This is a massive loss for TNA, as Ki was over, known and respected by longtime TNA faithful, and clearly one of the top 5 workers on the roster.

On a related note, my poor sig...
Really...? I'm so much gutted and gobsmacked to hear this. Low Ki is one of the greatest talents and a great star in the TNA X-Division. Its really a shame that TNA had let him separate his ways. They should've made a better deal to keep him in nonetheless I'm not still aware of the reason why he left TNA.

TNA is losing their top stars one by one in the recent months. They probably had been aware of this situation but I still don't know why are they trying to make amends for this loss.

If I'm correct I've read somewhere that Austin Aries' contract is soon expiring with TNA if he decides to leave as well, then certainly TNA is in all sorts of trouble.

I think I'm one of the few that never bought into Low Ki. I've never thought he was that special. I find him to be talented, but I don't care if I see him or not. I'd rather see Matt Morgan and Crimson which they brought back, than Low-Ki. And I'd rather see Hernandez who is replacing him in the BDC. I like that TNA is keeping some stars, and revolving door others.

I still get to see Robert Roode, Angle, EC3, James Storm, Spud, and DJ Z.

I do hope they will keep A-Double, because he is one of my top 3 favorites, but AJ Styles was my favorite and I haven't really missed him in the story lines. I am incredibly happy for him that he has went on to be a star in Japan. He always deserved to be a star here.
Man I love the BDC but they have to be the WORST FACTION in history.....

They have had more members in a year than the ENTIRE HORSEMAN franchise.....


Fuck No Lashley, No Joe, No Homi and now No Low Ki.....

I actually think Hernandez is a tougher LOOKING Dude though so losing Low Ki for him isn't to bad but DAMN.....

THE BDC needs to pull off something BIG soon or they will be the biggest JOKE EVER!!!

No titles and revolving door members....


It will be very interesting to see where Low Ki ends up; I was always of the opinion that he jumped away from WWE too quickly after his NXT season 2 win (which was by no means guaranteed, as Alex Riley came across REALLY well in that season), as he'd only 'graduated' to the main roster about 2 months before he left; I guess, until anything is announced, we can all start dreaming fantasy matches involving him and current WWE/NXT stock...

I don't even think it matters too much if he did burn his bridges when he left (I doubt he did), as WWE under Triple H has proven time and again, if they think something will benefit the business, they will let bygones be bygones. Truthfully, there's only a handful of alumni that I doubt would ever get recognition/brought back into the fold (eg Nailz, Raven) so there is every chance that Low Ki could come to NXT in the near future. Quite frankly it's amazing - and brilliant - that WWE have manger to make their developmental territory a genuine alternative for Indy wrestlers to consider signing with.

The other place I personally would love to see Low Ki end up is Lucha Underground, as quite frankly his style is a perfect fit. It would be quite amusing to see him and Hernandez directly swap!

I've got a lot of time for Low Ki, having loosely followed his career from his days as a jobber on Sunday Night Heat (but, a rarity, one actually allowed to look good, I think WWE had designs on him way back in 2000) performing the first ever Phoenix splash I saw, through his TNA and NXT v.1 days, and finally was lucky enough to see him live at a Dragon Gate show in Miami on Wrestlemania weekend 2012. That day, he tore the house down with Pac, aka Adrian Neville. If Ki's path has a similar trajectory, we will be a happy bunch for a long time yet!
Awful news for TNA, BDC with MVP, Kenny King, Homicide & Low Ki was great while it lasted. Of course I hope to see him soon in ROH or NXT again
It's time to kill of the BDC. Like now. Low Ki was a good talent in the X division, but he was just kinda there in the BDC. And I didn't even know Homicide left again. Chances are Hernandez coming in isn't making a case for the BDC. With the revolving door of talent coming and going, maybe MVP and Kenny King should go at it as a tag team and leave it at that.
Low Ki always seems to branch out but he never truly leaves TNA. Bad joke I know. I do not mind that he is gone as he is replacable. We will more than likely see him in a year or so. This time he will come back as Senshi Jr or something. Honestly, it is not a huge loss in my eyes.
Low-Ki is a great talent, I don't think I've ever seen him and not been entertained. His style is so different from most other wrestlers and he's been a huge part of TNA's X-Division ever since the company began, with several different runs.

I reckon we'll see him in GFW or ROH pretty soon but I wouldn't be totally shocked if WWE picked him up again and made him one of the faces in NXT. He's had a short run with the 'E before and would have great matches with the likes of Finn Balor, Hideo Itami and of course, Samoa Joe.
Low Ki is not as good as he thinks he is, and comes off as a mark for himself with no loyalty for anything but his own ego. WWE booked him to win NXT Season 2 and he leaves within the year. TNA gave him a prominent role time and again and he can never stay put.

Great in-ring talent but 0 charisma who's never done anything important in the business, thanks to his own lack of fealty for any company he works for, not that he'd deserve a main event level push anywhere even if he stayed, and he probably knows that so he bounces around between mid-card all over the world and on the indies. Still, when the dust settles, no one will care about Low Ki, Senshi, Warrior, or whatever he calls himself now or next week.

Good riddance.
Problem with Low-Ki is that he burned bridges wherever he went. Remember when he said, and I quote "I am a professional wrestler. WWE wants entertainers. They want trained monkeys to play before the camera." during an interview soon after he left WWE? Don't think Stamford did not forget that. He also burned bridges in Japan with AJPW, accusing them of leaving him injured. The question is will ROH take back an ROH Original? Or, will he do the "hot dog and a handshake" circuit? Either way, he will have a hard time of it.
Problem with Low-Ki is that after a push when he arrives he all of a sudden just glides along and goes in circles.

How the hell guys like Grado are employed ahead of Low-Ki I'll never know, the BDC will survive, hopefully if Homicide & Hernandez are back full-time with TNA then the BDC now has the full package with the LAX going for the tag-titles, Kenny King in the X-Division & MVP going after the World Title.

The X-Division needs a shot in the arm, I don't think Low-Ki will be a huge blow to it, I think he was more interested in starting to wind down his career anyway.
Great in-ring talent but 0 charisma
Zero charisma? Is that serious? We must have a different opinion on all that can go in to making a wrestler charismatic, as I have always thought that Low Ki has a very charismatic presence, evidenced by how easily has gotten over everywhere that he has worked- from the smallest indies, to the biggest indies, to TNA, to across Japan, and even in WWE.

He seems to illicit a lot of reaction for a guy with "0 charisma".
It's a shame, he's always been good in the ring (not great, but his style being unique makes up for a lot) and personally I think he has upped his game on the mic during his BDC stint, being in a stable could have really helped him is that stable was, well, stable.

MVP, Low Ki, King and a big guy (i.e. not homicide) could have been a great way to elevate both Ki and King in the long term while we could have seen some awesome matches with them against the likes of the Wolves in the meantime.

Sadly it feels to me that Ki doesn't play well with others, this feels a lot like the WWE leaving where they wanted him to change a little and he would'nt, TNA probably want him to play a certain role in the BDC and he's decided he doesn't want to.

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