Low Ki/Kaval Not In NXT, Good Or Bad?


Brilliant Idiot
Some might assume this is automatically a bad thing. He'd be getting automatic ring/air time, more experience and get to built a fairly decent WWE following.

However, this isn't without risks. For one, this concept could completely fail. And even if it doesn't completely fail, it could do poorly and the wrestlers on the show could take partial blame.

Also, if he is forced to wait around, they might build him up and package him in a very solid way. He might not get the full main event deal, but it still might be a bigger deal.

So, the questions? Is it good or bad that Low Ki didn't get on the show? What do you think they'll do with him?

I think it is a good thing that Kaval isn't on the roster. I think he will get the call to the main roster sometime after Mania. I remember reading that they were thinking about calling him up to battle Mysterio, but he suffered some sort of injury. And if I'm not mistaken Rey is in need of surgery as well. So I'd have Kaval debut and feud with Mysterio. And then he could eventually take Rey Rey and put him on the shelf. It would get him some solid heat, as Mysterio is over. Then have Kaval go on a nice tear only to encounter Rey once Rey has recovered from his injury.
I don't think it's necessarily good or bad, it just means they're not using him on NXT. He can still debut on Raw or SD!, and from what I hear, Low Ki's "Kaval" character is the type that's ready to debut on one of the main shows. If not, then he'll probably be on the next season of NXT, although by then NXT shud be an established show, and think the next installment, WWE will go with a bunch of the 2nd generation stars they have, like Joe Hennig, Brett Dibiase (or is it Mike? There's too many Dibiase sons), and Ricky Steamboat Jr.
I was disappointed that he was not announced as part of the NXT roster (I was holding on to hope that I would get to see a Danielson/Low Ki match on the debut episode) There has to be a credible reason as to why he was not included. I refuse to believe that he was overlooked in anyway. He just has too much talent and too much to offer. I am going to assume that either at this point that his injury is not fully healed or the WWE plans to bring him in on the RAW or SD! roster. If his recent injury is the reason why he was not included in the debut of NXT, it doesn't mean we won't see him participate in the near future.
In my opinion, he wasn't included because there can only be one "winner" per season of NXT. If you stack the NXT roster with your Brett DiBiases and Joe Hennigs and Daniel Bryans and Kavals, it would be harder to pick a winner and many good wrestlers would be released or sent back to FCW without getting a real chance.

They're probably saving Kaval for next season or are planning on debuting him on another brand. As awesome as a Kaval/Bryan match would be, putting all your eggs in one basket can only lead to disaster.
IMO i also dont think its a bad thing.Yeah Kaval is a bad ass wrestler,But i guess WWE chose Bryan over him right now.

Also i really dont think that Bryan or Kaval really need to be in NXT.Both of these guys are awesome in the ring,They are quick and they sure know how to put on a show.
I agree that is a case of just saving him for the next season (if this one works out). I live in Michigan, so it's been hard to watch a lot of this guys matches, but from what I have seen on youtube and such, he is really good. They'll probably save him and few other names (DiBiase, Hennig, Steamboat) for the next 1 or 2 seasons of NXT.
I personally think that the reason why Kaval isn't being used on NXT is because they may be pushing him to the main roster sooner than the end of the first season of the show. I think that the only reason that it's taken him this long to get to the main roster is because of the knee injury.
I'd rather see him brought up and wrestle with a good gimmick and/or in a mask on smackdown. Move bourne, tatsu and some others to smackdown, and utilize people like Jimmy Yang. Bring some interest back to cruiser/lightweight wrestling in WWE. Everything is too generic in WWE and I think that's one of the problems in its ratings. No more interesting gimmicks, majority of new characters is same shape and size and lack creativity. It will be the day if we ever see a gimmick like the Undertaker let alone Kane again. I think such a character would still work today if done right. No more divisions like Hardcore, and other divisions are a second thought like IC/US titles. The PG rating also has a lot to do with it. TNA is doing some of these things right but has ways to go too.

Danielson and Kaval wrestled in FCW a few weeks ago, and it was a tremendous match. One of the best I've seen in months. Kaval went over here. That tells me that the company has a lot of faith in Kaval right now, and I think they just want to see if he's completely recovered from his major injury before calling him up to the main roster.

The Mysterio angle sounds very interesting. My only concern is that Mysterio has a track record of not liking to put over young talent, and he might not want to put Kaval over. For a guy making his debut, not going over in his first program is usually a death sentence for that wrestler, because they lose a lot of momentum that they otherwise might have had. Sure, there's no shame in losing to Rey Mysterio, but ask Dolph Ziggler how he's doing. Mysterio refused to put him over, and Morrison was in a position where he'd look weak if he lost the Intercontinental Title after a couple of weeks to Ziggler.

A Mysterio program, IF Mysterio was willing to put him over, would do wonders for Kaval and instantly make him a player in the company. With Kaval not getting named to the NXT brand, I think it shows that the company thinks that Danielson and Low-Ki would have too much of the spotlight without everyone else getting a fair look. I do think Kaval will bypass NXT and will be on the main roster by the beginning of April. As the match with Danielson shows, he's ready.
I don't see anyone FCW wrestlers going straight to the main roster anymore, not with NXT.

Everyone is looking at NXT as a way to build up Bryan, so he can be on Smackdown after season one. That's not the way I would hope things are going to turn out.

They need to build NXT up as a quality show, and you aren't going to do that by getting rid of the star Bryan after a couple of months. The show needs a title, and I expect Bryan to be the first champ.

The show starts, I don't know if Bryan will be a heel or a face but he goes down that route and gets a feud with the opposite to whatever he is. He goes over and starts proving how is the best of the rookies.

Then after a month or two Kaval gets added to the roster as a face/heel, oppoiste to whatever Bryan is and then you've got your main event feud for a long time.

It is not a good idea for a number of guys to go to the main roster after the end of a "season" because at least one of them will get lost in the shuffle. Just have people adavance when:

1.) They have the wrestling/promo skills and are over with the crowd
2.) Them leaving NXT will not hurt the show

NXT has to be kept strong for this process to work
I think Kaval will debut on NXT next season. I actually think that Rey should mentor him. Kaval and Rey would be a good pairing.
Why? Rey and Kaval have literally nothing in common in their in ring styles. Rey's a high flier. Kaval kicks your ass very hard in a variety of positions. In addition, Kaval can learn nothing useful from Rey so why bother pairing them up?

as to why he's not in NXT right now, that'd be because A) someone needs to hold down the fort while several of it's stars are busy with attempting to make it in the big leagues; B) WWE cant afford to put all its stars in one season. I mean if NXT season 1 has Backlund, Hennig, DiBiase, Kaval, Angel/Gabriel and Tarver, what other big stars do FCW have left while they're occupied; C) He might be coming up without NXT. WWE cant have all their newbies come up through NXT. For all we know they might be priming Kaval to have a shock debut and put Rey on the shelf for a while while he buggers off to have knee surgury (which would put him over in his first angle, let him take that and be anchored so that should Rey not put him over he wouldnt drop off the face of the earth ala Ziggler).
Why? Rey and Kaval have literally nothing in common in their in ring styles. Rey's a high flier. Kaval kicks your ass very hard in a variety of positions. In addition, Kaval can learn nothing useful from Rey so why bother pairing them up?

as to why he's not in NXT right now, that'd be because A) someone needs to hold down the fort while several of it's stars are busy with attempting to make it in the big leagues; B) WWE cant afford to put all its stars in one season. I mean if NXT season 1 has Backlund, Hennig, DiBiase, Kaval, Angel/Gabriel and Tarver, what other big stars do FCW have left while they're occupied; C) He might be coming up without NXT. WWE cant have all their newbies come up through NXT. For all we know they might be priming Kaval to have a shock debut and put Rey on the shelf for a while while he buggers off to have knee surgury (which would put him over in his first angle, let him take that and be anchored so that should Rey not put him over he wouldnt drop off the face of the earth ala Ziggler).

Because the idea that leaked out months ago apparently called for Kaval to compete under a mask and start bullying Mysterio with his harsh and very physical style. I guess that's the reason why people still bring up the two names in concert with one another. I think it could be a classic mismatch of styles type program but I could be wrong (and am proven so time and time again).

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