Love the heel vs heel and heel/face alliances


Pre-Show Stalwart
Gotta say well done WWE. I really love the direction they are taking in regards to Faces, Heels and Tweeners.

The interaction between known Heels is just so refreshing from the good vs bad we have being so used to the last 3 decades! Loved the Edge and Jericho spot with Nexus. And again, I loved the Sheamus and Mix thing they did. It seems everyone is in battle with everyone! WWE are making bad "cool" again! Although bad has always been cool to me.

This reminds me of the Invasion angle. When WWE joined forces. Kurt Angle, Jericho were heels but put their differences aside to aid Taker, Rock etc etc.

Think the main event at Summerslam looks good aswell. Can definately see Cena turning heel. Probably on Bret...that would recieve alot of heat. I'm glad Morrison is in the spotlight. Good to see Edge and Jericho joining forces and gotta say I am pleased to see Khali there aswell. He has such a presence, even though he's not that great.

Well done WWE, really enjoy your show at the moment!
I gotta say, I am too, RAW has actually been pretty good recently, Excluding the Diva's and Guest Host segments.

The Nexus was "fresh", And the reason for them invading RAW was pretty good in itself. SmackDown has been okay recently, Kane winning the World Title after winning MiTB was a huge shock for me, Big Show has been suprisingly good, but the Undertaker "vegetated state" thing is kinda stupid IMO.

The Miz has brought HUGE credibility back into the U.S Title aswell IMO. Now that he's Mr Money in the Bank, I hope he cashes in and becomes WWE Champ, His push better not get wasted. Sheamus has been good recently , Playing the cowardly heel Champion, and his Orton fued should be good.

But lately I've been really impressed with WWE T.V recently, I hope the keep up the good work
I agree. I may get heat for that or will just be called stupid, but I'd like to see a promotion or era which does not work with a real heel/face concept and creating feuds according to this. More like every wrestler a tweener with personality attributes some love and some hate. No bland faces and just hateable heels, but people who combine that. A lot of the greatest fueds were those when there was no clear face or heel (at least for the audience), like Austin/Rock, Taker/HBK or Bret/HBK. Let the people decide who they love and create splitted crowds. Don't let them succeed by being a loveable or hateable guy, but by being a character.
Niño Vega;2236381 said:
I agree. I may get heat for that or will just be called stupid, but I'd like to see a promotion or era which does not work with a real heel/face concept and creating feuds according to this. More like every wrestler a tweener with personality attributes some love and some hate. No bland faces and just hateable heels, but people who combine that. A lot of the greatest fueds were those when there was no clear face or heel (at least for the audience), like Austin/Rock, Taker/HBK or Bret/HBK. Let the people decide who they love and create splitted crowds. Don't let them succeed by being a loveable or hateable guy, but by being a character.

I completely agree. I would really enjoy something like that.

On to the topic, RAW has been frickin' awesome as of late. I really find it quite entertaining. RAW last night was full of decent matches, hell even vlad got a decent pop. I was almost 100% Cena was going to join nexus, but seeing that group he made was just as good or better. I freaked when Jericho came out to join them but i was kind of expecting it at the same time.

Summerslam is looking to be good already, and they are really mixing things up and making shit interesting, good job WWE, good job.
This too; an apparent "tweener" mysterious general manager is also working out great.

I just hope that the "E" realizes they have a good thing going here and that they don't f*ck it up by:

1) Revealing the GM (keep it a mystery, it's great this way).
2) Making the GM the leader of Nexus (that's just lame).
3) Turning Cena heel (trust me, it won't sell and blow up in thier face).
4) Making the leader of Nexus HHH (Paul, go out to pasture please.)
5) Not keeping Nexus' 'BIGGER PLAN' (as Wade says) a mystery.

Things are going well and time is now on your side 'E', there is no rush to do shit! If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
I also must agree with all that you said, finally for the first time in quite a few years Raw is the A show with all the faces of the WWE being shown to the whole world each week with hardly any superstars bein lost in the "Raw shuffle" anymore.

Santino and even Zack Ryder (woo woo woo) are on tv every week now and the Morrison/Ted/Maryse storyline is also being progressed every week. As you mainly referenced to the whole heel vs heel and all the different combinations at the moment have to be contributing and are making the show much cunner to watch. The nexus have added a fresh new edge to the show. Just to put it simple the show as a whole is just getting better just in time for Summerslam.

For the first time in quite a while I look forward to Raw and when it ends each week I wish I could skip forward and see what happens next week, everything is simply heating up.
You guys are forgetting if HHH is the leader of the nexus he doesnt have to be the champ or even the mouthpiece he can be a Godfather type roll. Where takes over raw and has Barrett in control of the title and the wrestling aspect....But as far as raw goes, I havent been this excited to watch raw every week since the attitude era. This Nexus angle is really making the show exciting. Also there were great matches, I mean Orton, Jericho and Edge triple threat was amazing. And Bourne and Shaemus put on a decent match as well. I can't wait for The Miz to win the belt but that kind of makes me mad because orton could very easily be champ as well. but hey thats the E for ya
Great post! I gotta agree that in a pg era the blurring of the lines between heel and face is the most successful way of keeping everything fresh andnallowing us to suspend belief that bit more to make the shows more enjoyable.
I also agree that this really shouldn't be rushed. Personally I feel like summerslam may be a bit too soon to have this kind of match, unless nexus win it. I hope they do, it will really only validate them as a threat to the rest of the locker room, I think a defeat in this match will take away the great momentum they have built. And please please please wwe don't give us a heel turn from cena, or even worse bret.
At the moment wwe are showing tna just how story development should work, and raw is really something to look forward to again.
This too; an apparent "tweener" mysterious general manager is also working out great.

I just hope that the "E" realizes they have a good thing going here and that they don't f*ck it up by:

1) Revealing the GM (keep it a mystery, it's great this way).
2) Making the GM the leader of Nexus (that's just lame).
3) Turning Cena heel (trust me, it won't sell and blow up in thier face).
4) Making the leader of Nexus HHH (Paul, go out to pasture please.)
5) Not keeping Nexus' 'BIGGER PLAN' (as Wade says) a mystery.

Things are going well and time is now on your side 'E', there is no rush to do shit! If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

I'm sorry but I just don't agree with you... Nexus eventually is gonna need a star in their group to remain credible. They alone are not gonna get an upper hand on the WWE. Not one of your opinions help NEXUS in anyway... If the bigger plan is not revealed soon then people will just start loosing interest in the angle, and if either Cena, Triple H or the new GM are not a member of Nexus, who do you suggest is on their side? You may not like Triple H, but face it he will not go away for years to come.. he's the son in law of the CEO for crying out loud
I feel like the Black Sheep here. This Nexus storyline is getting absurd in my opinion. Why not make Cena's team guys who need a push? Not just that, but earlier in the show you have R-Truth stop Miz from cashing in, but then put him in the SS match. Either Truth vs Miz isn't a feud that will happen, making that run in dumb, or Miz (which I think) is behind Nexus. Danielson gets fired, and Miz can play it off like it was his idea. It's a huge heel push for him and can make his first title run memorable.

John Morrison runs in to attack DiBiase, but then is also placed in the SS match. Does this mean DiBiase is paying Nexus? No.

Those two are fine to have on Cena's side, but shouldn't be doing this other stuff too. But why are Edge and Jericho there? They don't need to be there and they're taking a push away from people who need it or make more sense (Evan Bourne, Mark Henry). They throw the Great Khali in there but not two guys who have already been having beef with Nexus. It's lazy writing. With Edge and Jericho in there they don't have to make a new storyline for them, but they're taking away a good opportunity to build the reputations of some other guys who aren't established.

Another waste of a spot is Bret Hart. I'd rather see Goldust, who has run out to help Cena every time "they cleared the back" then see Bret Hart. His last run was an embarrassment and as good and exciting as it was to see him come back to the WWE (the first time in 12 years), it would've been better if he stopped after that and left. I was uncomfortable watching him in the ring that night. All the excitement was BEFORE he actually stood in the ring and you felt bad for him.

I've had the opposite feeling. I've been watching Raw every week struggling to get through it. When the Nexus debuted, it was something exciting. But since then, it's been going back to what it was before. When Nexus circles the ring for 25 minutes, I change the channel. This team assembled just seems like a case of laziness.
But what if cena's team loses? Where is the advantage of guys who need a push being on a team beaten by a bunch of 'rookies'? If anything it is the nexus guys who still need individual credibility and therefore you need guys like Jericho and edge on the team. And I don't see how putting guys like r-truth and Morrison into the mix is lazy writing just because they have feuds and story lines going on elsewhere. If anything that is sensible writing as it only adds to this feud with nexus as being a bigger issue for the wwe locker room and blurs the lines of storytelling rather than giving us the same old linear boredom week in week out. As you say it doesn't mean the miz is running nexus or that dibiase is paying nexus.
Bret being in there also makes perfect storytelling sense since his firing as gm was connected to the entire nexus storyline. Who's to say he won't end up being the guy behind nexus? I doubt it personally, but you can't really question the logic of him being there when it fits with what has occurred or could lend a hand to the future story telling.
It's a shame you are not enjoying the angle though, as it really is the best thing coming out of the wwe in a long long time.
I gotta jump on the train as well. Seeing Cena next to Edge after everything they've been through against each other was really mark-worthy.

And it bothers me that they don't do Heel vs. Heel more often. A lot of heels are hateful and malicious people, and I'm supposed to believe that despite the fact they'll try to decapitate a face, they'll still be friendly with each other? They shouldn't do it too often, but make it believable. If Jericho is a hateful person, he's just as likely to hate Edge as he is likely to hate Cena.

In any case, I know it's only because they've kinda booked themselves in a corner, but it is very refreshing.
1) Revealing the GM (keep it a mystery, it's great this way).
2) Making the GM the leader of Nexus (that's just lame).
3) Turning Cena heel (trust me, it won't sell and blow up in thier face).
4) Making the leader of Nexus HHH (Paul, go out to pasture please.)
5) Not keeping Nexus' 'BIGGER PLAN' (as Wade says) a mystery.

i have to disagree with some of this

1. you have to reveal the gm sooner or later because i got a feeling its going to be big when it happens wwe wont tease something then not follow through

2. i doubt the gm will be the leader

3. i think that wouldnt make a difference people seem to hate cena anyways + it gives wwe a chance to make a new 'hero' for the kids

4. im kinda mixed with HHH being the leader although i think people dont give HHH enough credit just cause he is married to steph doesnt mean he has control and only wants himself to be the champ he has done much more for young guys aswell, i just dont like HHH as a heel

5. they wont keep the bigger picture a secret they just cant have everything going on at 1 time otherwise it be the end of the storyline
The thing that's making the storylines so interesting now is that the writers are forcing us to ask questions. It used to be pretty obvious what the good guys and bad guys were going to do, but it isn't now.

-You've got Wade Barrett, who's used to going 7-on-1, accusing John Cena of cowardice? Plus, Nexus goes after anyone, heel or face. Who's next?

-You've got Cena forming a faction of 7 to oppose Nexus. You would think he would pick 6 faces, right?......but he doesn't. Or, if he's picking a cross-section, you would think he'd pick 3 good guys along with 3 bad guys. Instead, he's got 5 good guys and only 2 bad guys. Further, the two heels (Edge & Jericho) have current heat with each other. Can they be counted on to oppose Nexus without indulging their own feud?

Then too, all the guys on Team Cena have been attacked by Nexus. They have their individual grudges against Wade's guys, but will that translate to a team effort to destroy them, or will Cena's guys not be able to resist the urge to go after each other?

-And what about Sheamus and Miz? Where is this heel-heel heat coming from? Who do you root for? And how might Nexus become involved?

-Additionally, there's Cena and Sheamus. They're enemies, but they might ally against a common enemy. Or will they? And what happens if Cena turns heel?

I can't remember a time when there were so many possible directions for so many people. Pro wrestling writers have always dealt with conflicts, obviously, but it almost always involved good vs. bad storylines. Now, the lines have been blurred to the extent that we don't know where they're going to hit us next.

It's golden.
I wonder where poor little Evan Bourne will be left in all of this. He's been getting a decent push lately. He was attacked by Nexus in the back last week---after that redic StaRKO.

With Sheamus-Orton...Bourne is kinda just left behind. He has heat with both men lately but I seriously doubt he'll be invovled in that fued at all.

I would have rather seen Bourne put in the SS match on Cena's team (after all Cena teamed up with Bourne last month, and Bourne was attacked by Nexus)

and seen R-Truth left out and put in with The Miz.
This is exactly what the WWE needs, and the fact that the deviation of the typical heel/face paradigm is happening outside the Nexus storyline with Miz/Sheamus is encouraging.

Nino Vega said something about shifting away from the heel/face paradigm compeltely. While that would be interesting, it wouldn't really work. There still needs to be faces and heels for the strong crowd reactions. However, seeing more tweeners arounds as well as more heel/heel, face/face enounters or heel/face alliances will do a lot to freshen up pro wrestling. Dare I say it, but a movement in that direction could revolutionize pro wrestling in a way similar to the attitude era.
I must say Creative has finally come out with some very compelling TV.

The blurring of faces and heels in this battle with Nexus is edge of the seat interesting and the introduction of Bret Hart is just brilliant planning.

I would say Khali's spot should've gone to someone else (Bourne perhaps) but still good stellar storytelling.

Can I just say this....

What if at SummerSlam only Wade Barrett and John Cena survived till the end and Cena had the STF locked in and a guy in a mask attacks him and puts Barrett back on top of Cena.

After their victory, the Nexus come in the ring, and the masked man takes of his mask and its..........


and then he proceeds to Sweet Chin Music Bret Hart!!
I feel like the Black Sheep here. This Nexus storyline is getting absurd in my opinion. Why not make Cena's team guys who need a push? Not just that, but earlier in the show you have R-Truth stop Miz from cashing in, but then put him in the SS match. Either Truth vs Miz isn't a feud that will happen, making that run in dumb, or Miz (which I think) is behind Nexus. Danielson gets fired, and Miz can play it off like it was his idea. It's a huge heel push for him and can make his first title run memorable.

John Morrison runs in to attack DiBiase, but then is also placed in the SS match. Does this mean DiBiase is paying Nexus? No.

Those two are fine to have on Cena's side, but shouldn't be doing this other stuff too. But why are Edge and Jericho there? They don't need to be there and they're taking a push away from people who need it or make more sense (Evan Bourne, Mark Henry). They throw the Great Khali in there but not two guys who have already been having beef with Nexus. It's lazy writing. With Edge and Jericho in there they don't have to make a new storyline for them, but they're taking away a good opportunity to build the reputations of some other guys who aren't established.

Another waste of a spot is Bret Hart. I'd rather see Goldust, who has run out to help Cena every time "they cleared the back" then see Bret Hart. His last run was an embarrassment and as good and exciting as it was to see him come back to the WWE (the first time in 12 years), it would've been better if he stopped after that and left. I was uncomfortable watching him in the ring that night. All the excitement was BEFORE he actually stood in the ring and you felt bad for him.

I've had the opposite feeling. I've been watching Raw every week struggling to get through it. When the Nexus debuted, it was something exciting. But since then, it's been going back to what it was before. When Nexus circles the ring for 25 minutes, I change the channel. This team assembled just seems like a case of laziness.

Im not all that fond of Bret Hart being the final member of Cena's team either. I dont know how close HHH is to being back but I was hoping he would be the last member as its gonna be either him or Cena turning out to be the leader of Nexus. I honestly hope HHH is the leader as that would make the most sense. Trips is an awesome heel. Cena is even more annoying as a heel than he is a face.

The story lines with HHH as the head man would be great. They could say he has been organizing this since Sheamus put him out but they been sparing Sheamus till he gets back. HHH could turn on his team at Summerslam then come out and cost Sheamus the title. Doing this would accomplish 2 things. It would effectively make HHH a heel for turning on his team but later with the attack on Sheamus it could make Nexus more of a mixture kind of like DX used to be. From that point on, Nexus could wreak havoc on Raw, attacking any and everyone. Trips wouldn't have to be in the ring all the time but he could make his presence felt through Nexus.

The storyline didn't go that way with HHH being the final member but they could still go that way. Im actually surprised Evan Bourne isn't a part of this team. Who is he supposed to fight with? Hope they don't forget about him
WWE has definitely proved a bit of worth as of late. The conversations back and forth and interferences and building tension between both heels as well as faces have been great as of late.

The Nexus and Sheamus interacting with each other has been golden. Just as well as Chris Jericho & Edge. Not to forget John Cena and The Nexus.

I think it's all coming down to the fact that it is actually all due to The Nexus. They've been a part of the interactions there has been going on. Some of the pairings that has been needed.

So yes the WWE has been doing great with a lot of things as of late. This is just yet another thing. Kinda makes you wonder when there's a "Praise WWE" thread coming up.
Yeah, I have to agree with this thread and more importantly the original post.

For me, wrestling has become less predictable over the last month or two and that has to be praised. Before WrestleMania, I was just finding it hard to watch Raw and Smackdown because I basically knew how everything was going to play out before I even seen it happen. It seemed that me, the casual wrestling fan, was on the same wrestling wavelength as the WWE Creative Team and that was hugely disappointing. However, over the last month or two, I have found it harder and harder to predict what was going to happen and I have been eating up everything that the WWE have been doing recently.

More importantly, it seems as though they have thrown out the old manual of how to do things and have actually given us things to get discussion rolling. For example, the subject matter of this thread is enough to get people excited as they see alliances forming between people that we would normally get to see. We also get to see feuds that we necessarily wouldn’t get to see either. I think it all started back when Sheamus was feuding with Randy Orton, right before Randy Orton turned face. To me, that was the start of the more unpredictable WWE product and it has carried on to today’s product… Thankfully!

Right now, I have to agree that the WWE needs to be applauded for what they are doing. The only thing that the WWE needs to do to be successful is to keep us watching and by throwing out the old playbook and incorporating this new way of doing business, they have managed to keep me watching for sure. I am loving seeing The Miz beat the shit out of everyone and the same goes for the Nexus angle too. To me, it just comes down to making new feuds and interesting matches and the WWE have pulled that off to perfection recently.
i brought this up in a forum yesterday. I do love the Heel Vs heel and Face vs face. it shows that is more like a sport. You can fight anyone, not just the good guys or the bad guys.
It's fun to see because it's so out of the ordinary. When in the past have you seen Edge or Chris Jericho on the same side as John Cena? Their two of his biggest rivals he has had in the WWE, but this one group has terrorized their company they wrestle for and they have had enough of the Nexus' shit so they join forces with the one man that hates Nexus the most: John Cena.

Cena also has face stars that are also sick and tired of the Nexus' shenanigans in John Morrison, R-Truth, The Great Khali, and Bret Hart on the quest to take out the Nexus. Still the fact that the heels are paring up with the faces is enough to show how truly dominate the Nexus have been since the group has come into fruition. Face stars are not enough so the heel stars are putting their differences with the faces for one alliance that will hopefully take out the real threat they may impact their careers. Truly brillant stuff we have been seeing with this angle since it's inception.

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