Lou Thesz Induction

Mac Attack

I'm neat.
So as I have just seen Lou Thesz has been included into the Hall of Fame. I think he is someone who deserves the Hall of Fame although not in my own personal Top 5. Lou Thesz had a large impact on the wrestling community for being a true wrestler. He made himself known through wrestling and I think anyone who can do this deserves to be put into a wrestling Hall of Fame. I think a lot of people will be pleased with his induction and I even did smile when seeing his induction.

My Questions

Is he Top 5 Material?

What was your reaction to him being included?

Should he have been higher up in the Top 5?

I think that he is Top 5 material as he would probaly be my overall number 6I think if anything he should have been number 4 ahead of Andre the Giant because of his overall impact, my overall reaction was a smile because he deserves HOF notice.
Considering that Lou Thesz is generally looked at as THE wrestler of the first half of the twentieth century, I would say, yes, he is top five worthy. He was a 6-time world titlist, singularly had the second longest world title reign in wrestling history after Sammartino’s, and was the public face of the sport for the better part of thirty years.

While I may sound like a broken record by now, Thesz was one of the wrestlers I was fronting for, so my reaction was a mixture of vindication and unmitigated glee (YAYYY:lol::worship:).

I would personally put Thesz at number three or so, but as these members of the top five were selected within a few weeks of one another, and as this isn’t an official ranking, it is less relevant how they rank in comparison to one another than it is that the worthy ones are inducted at all. I’m glad to see Thesz is honored here, as he rightly should be.

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