Lose a Title BY DQ

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lol I can't beleive people forgot about it. I never did. It definately sounds like Vince Russo to me. Last time I heard an update on the rule where you could lose the title by DQ was years ago around the time they debuted on FSN.

Either way, I'm happy Abyss won because he deserves the title.
I taped the ppv so I went back to hear it again and Tenay said during the broadcast "since the inception since TNA the rule has been in place that you can lose the title by dq" and than West said that I can't remember the rule being enforced. So this is probably the first time they have actually used the rule
Vince Russo is behind all this. Sucks Sting just won the title from JJ and loses it like a month later. Well Abyss kind of deserves it after being in TNA for like 2 to 3 years maybe.
personally I don't mind the rule, and since TNA officals are extremly leaneate, and the only time they seem to DQ any one is when they attack an officals, I'm glad they took the belt off sting and gave it to Abyss, sting doesn't really do many tv apoperences and Abyss is their for every tapeing and has gon through some of the tmost brutal matches ever this guy deserves the title
justinsayne said:
personally I don't mind the rule, and since TNA officals are extremly leaneate, and the only time they seem to DQ any one is when they attack an officals, I'm glad they took the belt off sting and gave it to Abyss, sting doesn't really do many tv apoperences and Abyss is their for every tapeing and has gon through some of the tmost brutal matches ever this guy deserves the title

Yeah I agree, I mean the guy won the belt and he didn't even get to raise it on the ppv because he was laying in barbed wire lol He will probably lose it to Angle or Joe though at the next ppv.
How the hell does a company hype a champion, his first title defense then GIVE it to his first opponent??I mean if Abyss had beat Sting with a Black Hole Slam...I could have accepted that, that would have been alright....at least he would have beaten him with a FINISHING MOVE...but to GIVE it to him on a DQ was soooooooooooo "WWE" like....Was very disappointed in the decision to do that after the kickass match Sting had with Jeff Jarrett...to lose it in his very next match to a DQ is just lame....sure they have that rule in place but I think titles should be decided by pinfall or submission.....Like how Samoa Joe lost by SUBMISSION...he didn't lose by DQ....that would have been lame for his first loss.....thats my thought...
they must have a hell of an angle in mind. maybe they'll use this to turn sting heel. just say that hes on a rampage or something. look at the potential from this ppv. they could very well turn styles, sting, angle all heels after this ppv if they decide to book it like that. seems interesting though.
Remembering that this is all scripted lol...

Well its a good idea, if you can remember the run of Triple H and JBL world title retain-ments (is that a word), I guess they are showing you can't get yourself DQ'd to defend the title.....
I love the rule. I'd rather see a dirty pinfall over a goddamn DQ any day of the week. TNA's title matches always end in someone doing the job, but when they don't want to lay down, they don't get to keep their belt. DQ's without a title change are a nice way of a company saying "one of these dicks doesn't want to do the job...but we'll take your ticket money anyway, stupid." I'm still in shock that Sting went down on the tacks....




What's next? Hulk Hogan doing a plancha?
I liked the direction they took with the match. Best Sting match I remember seeing like ever. I loved the Sting in rage mode bit too. BUT they could have ended it different - why did they go for this? Why did Jarrett let it happen? Why do they not understand that the TNA fan is a different monster to the WWE fan and that this is gonna get nothing but pure disgust from the TNA fans. Hell even complete idiot marks hate this sought of thing. Why have they not learnt their lesson from years and years of people expressing how much they hate bullshit finishes with inconsistent rules coming up out of nowhere, i.e. title change on DQ? Why did they let this happen?

Other than that I thought the match was solid. I also thought Abyss would never be champion, as much as he deserved it, and woah!! they actually had the balls to give him the strap. The only problem was the DQ ending. They better address this on Impact! and make one hell of a big deal out of it, coz ignoring the inconsistency will do nothing but get Russo and TNA more and more heat. This better lead to a rematch ordered by TNA management, and the referee of the match should be put on warning for giving his personal situation priority over the professionalism required of an official in officiating a friggin NWA World title match.

And the LAX thing is bullshit too. I just hope that they refuse to relinquish the belts and then have Low-Ki come out to beat down Cornette in the middle of the ring. Joe should have beat Angle too, but thats another matter altogether.
justinsayne said:
personally I don't mind the rule, and since TNA officals are extremly leaneate, and the only time they seem to DQ any one is when they attack an officals, I'm glad they took the belt off sting and gave it to Abyss, sting doesn't really do many tv apoperences and Abyss is their for every tapeing and has gon through some of the tmost brutal matches ever this guy deserves the title

i agree i was at the ppv last night and abyss deserves it hes a hard workin guy he takes more hard core than any one else there he is the man and he needs to be champ for longer than a half week but i think there going to do a kinda kane story line with him but i hope not

thats awesome. more people would be champion instead of one guy for like 40 years. like in wwe, cena was champ for almost a year, and in tna of course, they are going to center the nwa title around kurt angle for years to come and it should be gay. im sure. thank god for dq's.
Vince Russo does just fine. Someone just needs to calm him the fuck down. He overthinks things and pushes himself to stack so much into a night of wrestling. He needs someone to point out that wrestling fans enjoy simplicity just as much as a surprise. I loved that Abyss won the title, but why like this? Why bother doing the LAX thing? Why bother with all the X-Division twists and turns? Some of it is good, but its overkill. Just way too much at once. And its wrestling for fucks sake, not rocket science. Having all this going on forces fans to think about all of it way more than they want to.

Another major problem with Russo, is his booking needs an editor. And I dont mean that in the way evryone else says it. He doesn't need someone to edit his booking (although it wouldn't be a bad thing). His style requires a lot of good post-production work. Because he puts so much into an event, Russo's booking comes off as just a barrage of segements and matches. He has no flow. They need someone to get a sense of flow from one segement/match to the next.

Like I said there is a lot wrong with Russo, but for the most part he has a lot to give. Someone just needs to calm him down, get him to become more simple about the way he puts a show together and bring some flow to his booking. And its imperative that someone tell him to stop with all this swerve after swerve bullshit.

At the same time I think he cops a lot of shit too. In WWE they hotshotted 3 titles on RAW in the space of one week. Becoz it was WWE nothing was said. Russo hotshots the X-Division title (just the one belt) over a three week period and evryone is out for his head. Even if it wasn't Russo behind it all, he would get shit just for the fact that he is Russo.
I will say this....I have NO PROB with Abyss being the Champ...but it lost a bit of legitimacy as a Champion to win it on a DQ...He is one badass motherfucker who I am sure his time was due....But it the win is ultimately tarnished because of a DQ win....Why wouldn't they just LET HIM win it on his own than just give it to him on a DQ???He's got the moves and the strength....My thought was why?why?why? would you not just let him win it on his own???Woulda set up a PERFECT rematch...Remember Sting vs Van Vader in WCW??Sting lost to him and they had some awesome matches...
this was one of the stupisist things i have ever heard of, losing the titlt on a dq, for one its one thing to have a heel lose that way and another thing to have a face like sting lose the titlte that way it was horrible and if i had paid to see t aht match i would want my money back, plus i though tthey were going to push a christian vs. sting fued soon. which is what they should have done. if they want to take the belt off sting they should have had abyss pin him fair or have christian interfeer and cost him the belt that way so that it would have furthered that storyline. it just goes to show me that tna often has no idea what they are doing with their storylines. sur ethey have a good one here or there but overall they dont have good storylines. i mean yeah they have good matches often times, except for the sucky ending to this match, but why should i care if you dont get me emotionally involved in the match. make me care about the match and tna does not do a good job of that. they had a better build up to the christian/rhino cage match than they did any of their ppv matches besides maybe the angle and joe match but even then they just through these guys together and called it the match of the century with out giving us a good reason to believe that so for me tna dosnt know how to do storylines or engage the audience and often i think the audience just gets involved becuase they feel they are supposed to rather than actually being emotionally involved. i mean just look at the vkm thing they started last week. it is the stupist thing ive ever heard, sure it made me laugh a little bt it was just stupid, give me something to care about tna, im begging you, i watch the shows now give me a reason to be engaged in the shows and the storylines, and for heavens sake dont try to build up a heel by having them get the crap kicked out of them and then win the title by a dq, be a little more creative than that.
Also on the LAX angle....these two are badass....Coulda set up their own rivalries as Champs kinda like AMW did....but to order them to give up the belts when they are kicking ass like they are???What purpose does that serve??
seinfeld83 said:
this was one of the stupisist things i have ever heard of, losing the titlt on a dq, for one its one thing to have a heel lose that way and another thing to have a face like sting lose the titlte that way it was horrible and if i had paid to see t aht match i would want my money back, plus i though tthey were going to push a christian vs. sting fued soon. which is what they should have done. if they want to take the belt off sting they should have had abyss pin him fair or have christian interfeer and cost him the belt that way so that it would have furthered that storyline. it just goes to show me that tna often has no idea what they are doing with their storylines.

Good point, I can agree with this too..Having Christian interfere would have brought more legitimacy to it....I was ultimately shocked when they announced that Abyss was the Champ cause of DQ.....I was like WHAT???You are kidding me????I was actually pretty mad about this when I was watching the PPV at home
like i just said tna dosnt know what they are doing, they are just trying to through things together and it seems to me to be a jumbled mess, as i siad earlier their match of the week in all honesty, even with the big unengaging unemotional build to the angle and joe match, was the christian and rhino cage match on impact thursday and not one of their ppv matched, this shows they dont know what they are doing, to end your title match on a dq and have a heel win shows that either you dont know what you are doing or you hve complete idiots writing for you.
seinfeld83 said:
like i just said tna dosnt know what they are doing, they are just trying to through things together and it seems to me to be a jumbled mess, as i siad earlier their match of the week in all honesty, even with the big unengaging unemotional build to the angle and joe match, was the christian and rhino cage match on impact thursday and not one of their ppv matched, this shows they dont know what they are doing, to end your title match on a dq and have a heel win shows that either you dont know what you are doing or you hve complete idiots writing for you.

LMAO....Someone definitely dropped the ball on that one I tell ya as far as the Sting match is concerned.
All I know is if Vince Russo had ANYTHING to do with the Sting match and he's the reason why it ended that way...I am going to say that stupid moves like this are going to turn TNA into another WWE and I will be done with wrestling altogether...sorry I ain't gonna pay for PPV's to watch lame ass endings like that one
This rule has been a rule since the existance of TNA. Plus giving the title to Abyss will then hype for Styles to get it and him to be the new face of TNA.
Then we can see Styles vs Angle or Joe vs Styles for the title. Abyss will just be a transtition champion. Because they also want to do a Cage vs Sting deal that has been boiling since HARD JUSTICE.
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