Looks like we never need to have a Battlezone Tournament again...

The 1-2-3 Killam

Mid-Card Championship Winner

Screw Attack presents another episode of Death Battle, this time pitting two of the strongest warriors of all fiction history against each other. It's the age old question, who wins between Goku and Superman? Well, these geniuses actually sat down and did the math, and made their cases through masterfully rendered video. And when I say they "did the math", I mean they literally figured out the maximum estimated forces of Goku and Superman, their top speeds, among other important statistics.

I'm sure Echelon will be around shortly to say how their numbers about Goku are bullshit, and how he's "not actually much stronger in SSJ4 form" or some other argument I wanted to cunt punt him for in the BZT. Love you Ech! :3
I think this further just proves the point that for the next BZT we really need to leave out some of the powerhouses like Goku, and any character from the DC universe. That being said I was linked this video on another sight I was on and I gotta say, I love what I watched so far.
Superman vs Goku is basically a popularity contest.

No. No it's not. That's the point of this video. The Battlezone tournament is a popularity contest. These guys actually broke down the facts and real measurements of power, stamina and speed offered by the creators and writers of both DBZ and Superman throughout the years. They stayed as consistent and unbiased as humanly possible given the subject matter at hand, and made the single most compelling argument ever offered for Superman vs. Goku.
No. No it's not. That's the point of this video. The Battlezone tournament is a popularity contest. These guys actually broke down the facts and real measurements of power, stamina and speed offered by the creators and writers of both DBZ and Superman throughout the years. They stayed as consistent and unbiased as humanly possible given the subject matter at hand, and made the single most compelling argument ever offered for Superman vs. Goku.

The Battlezone Tournament shouldn't be a popularity contest, if that was your point.

In the spirit of avoiding the canon argument - mainly due to your counterargument being as terrible as saying Cena sucks because he only does 5 moves - I'll ignore it.
The Battlezone Tournament shouldn't be a popularity contest, if that was your point.

In the spirit of avoiding the canon argument - mainly due to your counterargument being as terrible as saying Cena sucks because he only does 5 moves - I'll ignore it.

My counter-argument was that people took 30 minutes to display collected facts to support a hypothesis. That is in fact, the opposite of saying Cena sucks because he has five moves. I don't argue with you Ech, because I always get more frustrated than it's worth. And I genuinely like you, so it's doubly not worth it.

Also, the threat title wasn't meant to be antagonistic. I love the BZ tournament. It was more like "well, these guys solved the ultimate argument, looks like we're done." I would actually hate if the BZ tournament didn't come up again later this year. That would be a sad time indeed.
My counter-argument was that people took 30 minutes to display collected facts to support a hypothesis. That is in fact, the opposite of saying Cena sucks because he has five moves. I don't argue with you Ech, because I always get more frustrated than it's worth. And I genuinely like you, so it's doubly not worth it.

Also, the threat title wasn't meant to be antagonistic. I love the BZ tournament. It was more like "well, these guys solved the ultimate argument, looks like we're done." I would actually hate if the BZ tournament didn't come up again later this year. That would be a sad time indeed.

Me too; hopefully next year I can convince Doc and J to use HST characters instead.

EDIT: And I enjoy your company as well.
The Battlezone Tournament made the Wrestlezone Tournament look like a bastion of objectivity and reasoned debate.
They stayed as consistent and unbiased as humanly possible given the subject matter at hand, and made the single most compelling argument ever offered for Superman vs. Goku.74HC132
Meh, death battle lost it's credibility (at least to me) when they made doomguy lose to master chief, madness I say

screwattack's a good group though, worth checking out their old news room skits and the top tens

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