The 1-2-3 Killam
Mid-Card Championship Winner
Screw Attack presents another episode of Death Battle, this time pitting two of the strongest warriors of all fiction history against each other. It's the age old question, who wins between Goku and Superman? Well, these geniuses actually sat down and did the math, and made their cases through masterfully rendered video. And when I say they "did the math", I mean they literally figured out the maximum estimated forces of Goku and Superman, their top speeds, among other important statistics.
I'm sure Echelon will be around shortly to say how their numbers about Goku are bullshit, and how he's "not actually much stronger in SSJ4 form" or some other argument I wanted to cunt punt him for in the BZT. Love you Ech! :3
Screw Attack presents another episode of Death Battle, this time pitting two of the strongest warriors of all fiction history against each other. It's the age old question, who wins between Goku and Superman? Well, these geniuses actually sat down and did the math, and made their cases through masterfully rendered video. And when I say they "did the math", I mean they literally figured out the maximum estimated forces of Goku and Superman, their top speeds, among other important statistics.
I'm sure Echelon will be around shortly to say how their numbers about Goku are bullshit, and how he's "not actually much stronger in SSJ4 form" or some other argument I wanted to cunt punt him for in the BZT. Love you Ech! :3