Looks like no Cena or Undertaker at Wrestlemania this year


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Normally, around Wrestlemania time, we would get visits by part-timers like John Cena or the Undertaker, coming out and promoting their matches for Wrestlemania.

However, twenty days before Wrestlemania, and neither man has yet made an appearance on TV.

So it looks likely that neither man will appear at this year's version of Wrestlemania.

I was anticipating that maybe Cena would return and refer to his match against Taker last year. Cena would challenge him again this year, but this time, he isn't going to wait for an answer, and he is going to go find Taker and confront him this time.

Now, some would be saying no Cena or Taker is probably a good thing, and is maybe a sign that WWE is moving away from having part-timers on Wrestlemania (or maybe not as many of them, since Brock and Batista still have matches).

Maybe this is true. Most of these guys work hard all year, and have earned a WM spot, rather than guys who show up once or twice a year.

It does make last year's Cena v Taker feud more meaningless, though, as it seemed to be teasing a follow-up (since Cena was squashed by Taker). Maybe they should have not had Cena or Taker last year either, such was the weakness of the build-up for their match last year.

So, do you think that this is a sign of a new direction, by moving away from part-timers? Do you think their absence will hurt WM interest, or will it make the show seem fresher (especially with Taker struggling to do a WM match every year)?
The lack of top talents like Undertaker and John Cena makes this WrestleMania seem boring and clichè. It just seems like any other PPV, besides Batista there. John Cena and Undertaker MUST be on the card.
I think Cena may still make the card. Got a feeling we may have a Samoa Joe - Cena moment on Smackdown tonight. Plan is to move the US Title back to Raw so why not give it a very high profile match at Mania. A fatal 4 way with Rey, Joe, Truth, & Andrade would be a waste for Wrestlemania in my opinion.
Both of their absences will not hurt the show at all. I am one of the fans that just got tired of seeing Cena & Taker at Mania every year. I do like both of them, but I think that Taker is done and if he is officialy done, he will end up working behind the scenes for NXT probably. Cena will not break Flair's record and will probably ahow up once in a while to wrestle.
I think Cena will still be the one to face Kurt with how much Vince has changed his mind on tv recently.
For cena, i feel they are waiting to see if he's available or not to do something in the ring or not as cena's career is pretty much controlled by hollywood now. At best, he could come in after angle destroyed corbin and celebrate angle's victory and maybe even hit corbin with the attitude adjustment after the match.

But the last thing i want is to see a over the hill kurt angle face a guy like cena who hasn't had a one on one match in what seem like forever. If we thought the corbin match will be bad, the cena match will be worst.

As far as taker is concern, i still think he might make a apparence at mania. I think he's finally decided to retired which is about time as his last few matches where pretty awful. When you're saying that his best match last year was the cena squash match at mania, you know that it's time to retired.
Taker and Cena will be there. They just won't advertise them. They need to use their young guys to sell the event because the old guys' clocks are ticking.
Taker and Cena will be there. They just won't advertise them. They need to use their young guys to sell the event because the old guys' clocks are ticking.

Young guys don't sell the event, veterans do. Nobody is buying tickets to see Ricochet or Aleister Black or Andrade.
Young guys don't sell the event, veterans do. Nobody is buying tickets to see Ricochet or Aleister Black or Andrade.

Cena and Taker aren't going to be around forever. Whether they miss this year or not really doesn't make a huge difference considering that they'll probably both be gone within the next two years or so.

Besides, they're really not that important in terms of drawing in casuals when you have Lesnar, Rousey, HHH, and Batista on the card this year.
Cena and Taker aren't going to be around forever. Whether they miss this year or not really doesn't make a huge difference considering that they'll probably both be gone within the next two years or so.

Besides, they're really not that important in terms of drawing in casuals when you have Lesnar, Rousey, HHH, and Batista on the card this year.

People have been saying "Undertaker will be gone in the next two years" for literally a decade and a half. He'll be around until he doesn't want to be, simple as that. Cena has wrestled smart and could have a good six or seven years left on his part-time schedule. There's NO reason to not have them on WrestleMania if they're willing to work it.
People have been saying "Undertaker will be gone in the next two years" for literally a decade and a half. He'll be around until he doesn't want to be, simple as that. Cena has wrestled smart and could have a good six or seven years left on his part-time schedule. There's NO reason to not have them on WrestleMania if they're willing to work it.

I think I heard that Cena might be doing a movie, so is unavailable.

On Taker, sure people have said that he won't be around in two years, but if he has retired, it would be all over the internet, and they would make a big deal of it. When Taker retires, he will be put into the HoF the previous night, and then wrestle his last match the next night at Wrestlemania. Yet we have heard nothing.

Something else I heard someone suggest, and I will be pissed off if it is true, that they are being kept for the Saudi Arabia PPV, which, is ture, sucks, because it means that the shows in Saudi Arabia are being treated as more important than Wrestlemania.
I think I heard that Cena might be doing a movie, so is unavailable.

On Taker, sure people have said that he won't be around in two years, but if he has retired, it would be all over the internet, and they would make a big deal of it. When Taker retires, he will be put into the HoF the previous night, and then wrestle his last match the next night at Wrestlemania. Yet we have heard nothing.

Something else I heard someone suggest, and I will be pissed off if it is true, that they are being kept for the Saudi Arabia PPV, which, is ture, sucks, because it means that the shows in Saudi Arabia are being treated as more important than Wrestlemania.

I've heard that as well. It looks like the Saudis are basically in control of WWE now, as Vince is willing to bend over backwards for them. Vince only cares about two things, money and Roman.
Cena is definitely facing Kurt at WM. WWE isn't this stupid..
I mean, I see it as either they didn't expect the backlash against Corbin to be this huge and now will definitely change the match..
This was always meant to be a swerve (and that Cena was always meant to replace Corbin) and Corbin was just to get that reaction from us..
In any way we're getting a Cena-Angle match.. (Since the probables like AJ, Joe, Lashley, all have programs at WM)
i don't think Cena will face Angle at the PPV. First of all, Cena hasn't done a one on one match in almost a year with his last match being his match with HHH at the greatest royal rumble and it was a horrible match. Secondly, i think he's either filming a movie or the reboot of are you smarter then a 5th grader is about to start production so either way they won't want to see him get injured by doing a full match which they're a good chance that he will if he goes with somebody like angle.

Love angle but he shouldn't have return in the first place has he tarnished his legacy since his return. The guy can't go anymore. He had trouble doing a 5 minute match with chad gable, how in the hell will he be able to do a full match with Cena without getting injured or even injuring Cena.

The best for angle is to do a quick squash match with Corbin, look real strong on his last match then have cena show up to celebrate with angle, corbin try to attack them but cena see it and give him a Attitude adjustment and then leave.

You could also use Cena as the special ref for the match and do the exact scenario i just mention as well but the last thing i want to see, is a has been kurt angle wrestled a guy that isn't in ring shape try to put on a classic because if fans think that the corbin/angle match will be shit, Cena vs Angle will be 10 times worst.
If Undertaker doesn't compete at WrestleMania, but does compete at the Saudi event, what's left of his legacy is dead. It will confirm that he keeps competing only for money, not for love of the business.
If Undertaker doesn't compete at WrestleMania, but does compete at the Saudi event, what's left of his legacy is dead. It will confirm that he keeps competing only for money, not for love of the business.

he's already doing that by charging a lot of money for doing appearances at conventions, so the whole doing this for money is already done.

He doesn't need to do this for the love of the business anymore, the guy as done everything for the WWE fans when he didn't need to do it. He could have went to WCW during the monday night wars but didn't based on loyalty. At this point in my eyes i think anything he does will kill his legacy.

So if WWE wants him for the saudi show but not wrestlemania, what's the big deal, it's just another pay day for taker and quite frankly he deserve it after everything he's done for WWE. Quite frankly i feel sometimes some fans take this wrestling thing way too seriously.
he's already doing that by charging a lot of money for doing appearances at conventions, so the whole doing this for money is already done.

He doesn't need to do this for the love of the business anymore, the guy as done everything for the WWE fans when he didn't need to do it. He could have went to WCW during the monday night wars but didn't based on loyalty. At this point in my eyes i think anything he does will kill his legacy.

So if WWE wants him for the saudi show but not wrestlemania, what's the big deal, it's just another pay day for taker and quite frankly he deserve it after everything he's done for WWE. Quite frankly i feel sometimes some fans take this wrestling thing way too seriously.

If you're not taking it seriously, you're not a fan. Undertaker not being at WrestleMania but competing at some Saudi show for a payday is an insult to every WWE fan who supported him through the years. WrestleMania is what matters.
If you're not taking it seriously, you're not a fan. Undertaker not being at WrestleMania but competing at some Saudi show for a payday is an insult to every WWE fan who supported him through the years. WrestleMania is what matters.

I don't get how your logic even make sense. Your not a fan if you don't take it seriously. That make no sense. You can enjoy a product without taking it to seriously, being a fan doesn't mean that you have to be outrage to everything that the company is doing.

The other thing that make no sense, how is it a insult if he show up at the saudi show and not at mania? Really, he doesn't own any of us anything.

That's what i mean by saying that some fans take this product to seriously. I've been a wwe fans for 30 years. I've enjoy the high and the lows of the company but i always remembered that this was just entertainment and i shouldn't take it seriously. I don't care what a talent decide to do and actually i don't see it as a slap in the face if he decide to do something i don't agree with. In the end, i'm a fans of wwe, the same way as i'm a fan of KISS or watching movies. I see them as entertainment and then when the show is over, i move on. I love talking about it because i love interacting with other fans about something i love, just like i do with other stuff in entertainment that i love.

But in the end, if you think that you need to take wrestling seriously to be a fan, that's great for you but for me, i don't see it that way. Taker doesn't owe me anything and if he doesn't want to do mania and want to do the saudi show, i say good for him, i will enjoy his match anyway.
Undertaker will be at mania. He is going to be the person to interrupt Elias this year. Elias talks a lot about eliminating the older veterans. It’s the perfect opportunity for takers music to hit in the middle of elias’s Music concert, then come out, and take out Elias. That will then serve as a way set up the taker match at Saudi Arabia and have him wrestle Elias.
Undertaker will be at mania. He is going to be the person to interrupt Elias this year. Elias talks a lot about eliminating the older veterans. It’s the perfect opportunity for takers music to hit in the middle of elias’s Music concert, then come out, and take out Elias. That will then serve as a way set up the taker match at Saudi Arabia and have him wrestle Elias.

The thought of Undertaker showing up at WRESTLEMANIA to set up a match for some Saudi PPV is absolutely disgusting.
Undertaker will be at mania. He is going to be the person to interrupt Elias this year. Elias talks a lot about eliminating the older veterans. It’s the perfect opportunity for takers music to hit in the middle of elias’s Music concert, then come out, and take out Elias. That will then serve as a way set up the taker match at Saudi Arabia and have him wrestle Elias.

Elias actually doesn't have a match this year at WM. So maybe the same thing will happen, but there will be an impromptu match between Taker and Elias at "Wrestlemania"
The thought of Undertaker showing up at WRESTLEMANIA to set up a match for some Saudi PPV is absolutely disgusting.
It’s more about taker vs Elias than it is to set up Saudi Arabia. Taker can’t go long in a match any more (hence the quick squash of Cena last year), so the easiest way to get him on the show for a few min, is to have him interrupt Elias, and then squash him. The crowd will pop huge when the gong hits to interrupt Elias. Wwe didn’t know taker would do Saudi Arabia before they decided to do this at mania, so it ends up working out they can then use this to make a quick match in Saudi Arabia for taker.
It’s more about taker vs Elias than it is to set up Saudi Arabia. Taker can’t go long in a match any more (hence the quick squash of Cena last year), so the easiest way to get him on the show for a few min, is to have him interrupt Elias, and then squash him. The crowd will pop huge when the gong hits to interrupt Elias. Wwe didn’t know taker would do Saudi Arabia before they decided to do this at mania, so it ends up working out they can then use this to make a quick match in Saudi Arabia for taker.

"Taker can't go too long in a match anyore".

Except that Taker wrestled twice in Saudi Arabia and also in Australia last year.

I was at "Super Showdown" and the Undertaker v Triple H match took a while. It certainly wasn't short.

A month later, the Brothers Of Destruction fought DX at "Crown Jewel" and given that Triple H broke his arm during the match, Taker, Kane and HBK would have to carry the match.

So Taker can still do matches that go a while.

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