Long Island Iced Z + New Nexus+?

The HEEL JuiceLee

Pre-Show Stalwart
So i just read the main page & saw that WWE creative is thinking of putting Zack Ryder with David Otunga & Joe Henning?I guess Ryder's 7 second promo last week was foreshadowing this.

What are your feeling's on this pairing???

Do you think this group will help or hurt Zack Ryder?
Will Zack Ryder help or hurt David & Joe(will never call him by his wwe nAme:disappointed:) Henning?
I believe it will help Ryder because he will be on raw actually
as for David & henning It will help them too because I will actually see them I haven't seen the tag titles be defended last it was on superstars
it will be a good thing for ryder he will get more tv time on raw hell he might have a chance of being some sort of champion but if he does join David and Joe he will have to turn heel again or David and Joe have to turn face
Being a huge fan of Zack Ryder, I think that pairing the "new" Nexus up with Ryder makes no sense what so ever. Zack Ryder and the members of the "new" nexus have completely different gimmicks that either wouldnt work well together as a group or wouldnt be taken seriously considering that ryder would be the leader when he's only been on RAW about 5 times this year. Unless WWE pushes Zack Ryder to a high mid card position, or where Ziggler stands, I dont see him having the ability to lead a stable. What's best for Zack Ryder is for him to have a singles career and work his way up, which he is doing, because that's what his fans and a lot of people want to see.

To sum it all up, Ryder and the "new" nexus would hurt eachother, because like I said, Ryder needs to focus on building himself, by himself back to the card and Otunga and Hennig need to stop being followers and actually make a name for themselves. I think what is best for Otunga and Hennig is for them to continue as a tag team (without Mason Ryan) and help eachother get over.
I don't get it. Why would they pair them up with Zack Ryder? Whether they want to admit it or not, Zack Ryder is a face. The only people who care about him are the older Internet fans, and we want to cheer him, not boo him. I don't think WWE gets how faces and heels work, anymore; faces are supposed to the entertaining, fun-having wrestlers, and the heels are supposed to be the ones that end the face's fun. You cheer the ones who you have fun watching, and you boo the ones that you don't. It couldn't be more simple. Therefore, why make Ryder a heel? Let him cut a promo where he sounds like an idiot, let him be funny, and the kids will laugh, too. Maybe if the group were a face faction, then I'd get around it. But, since I don't think Hennig will be a face and I don't think they're going to push Otunga enough to make him one, so this is going to be a heel group. It doesn't make sense to me.
Im also a ryder fan as well but i do not want to see him team with new nexus. Last week, when zack came out, i thought he was interested in the tag titles, then announced his partner later on, like curt hawkins. Zack ryder and nexus do not work well
im just saying
So my first thought when reading this was that Ryder would transform into another Nexus lackey--just like Otunga, Harris, etc., he would be some guy in black trunks who doesn't give promos, wrestles average matches, and has a moderately bad attitude.

But I think it's more likely that Otunga and McGillicutty will turn into Ryder's "bros," which could be very cool and funny. Otunga already has the "A-Lister" thing going--Ryder could talk about hanging out with Otunga and other celebrities in Long Island. As for McGillicutty, well, any personality whatsoever is better than what he's been given so far, which is Average Heel #41.

If it's not just speculation, I think they could feasibly make it work.
I can see Ryder and Otunga working working out, because on the first season of NXT, David Otunga was know as David "A-List" Otunga. I think if they brought those two gimmicks together, there could be a lot of potential there... I don't know where Hennig would fit in, maybe he can act as a straight man to Ryder and Otunga antics, that could possibly work, other than I cant see how he would fit in.... However, if they bring Percy Watson instead of Hennig, that would work out better and seem more logical....
Like CM Ben when I first heard people suggesting this was in the pipeline I thought, not that Zack Ryder would become a Nexus lackey, but rather that he will adopt them and make him his bros & styling them up and making them The New Broskis or something.

Still would rather they didn't do this as this is a good time to add more weight to an improving tag division!
Can't help but scratch my head at the Ryder fans that question whether or not this would be a good thing. Anything that gets Ryder on Raw more, in particular competing in matches, is a good thing for him. What does he have to lose? The Internet Championship?

As for Otunga and McGillicutty - I'd argue that anything that keeps them on Raw is a good thing. It's not like they're doing much as it is. The only reason they have the tag titles is because the WWE was ready to take them off of Show and Kane and needed somewhere to put them.
Yeah, I think the point would be not to indoctrinate Ryder into the New Nexus, but rather to break up Nexus and give Otunga/Hennig a different personality. Otunga's "A-List" gimmick that they mention but never really flesh out could work wonderfully with Ryder. And Hennig, well, he uhh..might fit with that?

(Also, a PSA: For everyone refusing to call Joe Hennig by his WWE name, please at least get his actual name right. It's Hennig, not HenniNg.)
You can put Otunga next to anyone and it will never help him, CM Punk, Wade Barrett, hell anyone else that he has been in the ring with. So this won't help him out and surely can't hurt him ether because he is really low on the totem pole.

McGillicutty on the otherhand isn't completely damaged merchandise. He is still low on the totem but I think exposure might help him out a bit. He is a victim of the Nexus being a sizzled out stable when he joined. So being in a team with Ryder and getting on the show for more than just an asswhooping will be a good thing

Ryder will benefit. He is on T.V. but is this the best thing for him? I don't think so. I think that he should be singles but I'm not going to say that being on T.V. will hurt him in anyway.
It would be good for Ryder to be on Raw yes but not teaming with McGillicutty/Otunga. Put him with Hawkins and Baretta and stick to the Long Island theme. I think That'd work better if they want to put him with anyone. I think McGillicutty needs to go to smackdown with Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase. Join in with them. All being 2nd 3rd Generation wrestlers could help him. Then maybe let Otunga show is he can work with the gimmick he used on NXT. Use the fact he's married to Jennifer Hudson to get him over. Maybe give him a bodyguard but I think he has be charisma to make it, just needs to work on his wrestling ability.
I think it can work out; they would have to change the dynamics of the group; they probably just need to scrap nexus and start them all over in as a new group. They need to give Otunga the mic back and have him do his A list gimmick though. I actually can see them being something like Paparazzi Productions. I would later ad a couple other components like Primo, Curt Hawkins, or bring someone up like Percy Watkin as Aglegend01 said.
I saw that article and thought it was a good idea. It explains why Ryder randomly showed up for Nexus' match on Raw recently. He was seeing if they will be worth bringing into a faction with him. I do not see why Nexus has to end if Punk leaves. It should never have been about Punk in the first place. Ryder could lead it. Whether it is Ryder taking over Nexus or leading a new faction with Otunga and McGillicutty then it will lead to good things for all of them because Ryder will finally be onscreen other than cameos and the survivors of Nexus splitting will be out of Punk's shadow.
It really all depends on where creative wants to take Nexus. If they want to try and re-establish Nexus as a serious force, then introducing Ryder would be an extremely bad idea, simply because he is a comedic character who will not be taken seriously with his current goofy gimmick. However, if Nexus goes in a more less serious direction, then introducing Ryder could work, although I seriously doubt it. Adding members to Nexus at this point isn't just beating a dead horse, it's shoving a nuke up a dead horses anus.
I think it's ridiculous that they're trying to pair Ryder, who has tons of personality, with two complete losers who have absolutely no personality whatsoever. Obviously they want to get these hacks over any way they can, but if they were smart, they'd concentrate on actually pushing Ryder by himself as he has the ability to actually become popular on his own, as we've seen. I will keep saying this until they're all gone; if Punk can't get you over, you're useless, and you have no place being a star in WWE. Period. These two are no exception, and at the very least they should just leave them as a tag team and let Ryder flourish on his own. No need to halt a guy who could become a main eventer someday because you want to push Mr. Hudson and Perfect's not-so-perfect son.

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