Lone Survivor


It's pretty gut wrenching. I've never experienced war so I don't know if it truly depicts war accurately.

Most war movies in the past you leave the theater thinking "Wow! War is neat." Whereas this movie essentially made me think "Uh...War is fucking...fuck."

Go see it. Good movie.
Tried, and failed, to watch it. It spends a lot of time nudging the audience and going "Hey. War sure sucks, am I right?" but it's not as acceptable as when Dallas Buyers Club goes "Hey. AIDS sure sucks, am I right?" because DBC has a good script and great performances.
Tried, and failed, to watch it. It spends a lot of time nudging the audience and going "Hey. War sure sucks, am I right?" but it's not as acceptable as when Dallas Buyers Club goes "Hey. AIDS sure sucks, am I right?" because DBC has a good script and great performances.

I do agree with there were plenty of nudges about "Hey. War sure sucks, am I right?" comment. However, I didn't think the script was awful either. A lot of the things they did/showed were supposed to be depicted as accurate not so much dramatic.

At least that's what I took from it.
So its not just another "man those war guys are great, they warred them bad guys real good" kinda movies?

I like Mark Wahlberg because I know I've already seen all of his facial expressions.
I don't think I've ever left any movie about a war and thought "WOW, War sure is neato!!".

Not exactly what you meant but...


...I left the shit out of it, and afterwards anything seemed "neato" by comparison.

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