London & Kendrick's Title Reign.

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
I'm including the World Tag title's in this question. Will London & Kendrick's title go down as one of the great WWE tag team title reign's? They've held the title for over 300 day's I believe and I can see them beating (I think) Demolition as the longest reigning WWE tag champ's of all time.

But personally I dont think anybody will ever regard it as a great title reign. They've constantly put on good match's. But there just not very memorable (the team that is). When Demolition were tag champ's there were always new and intresting challenger's. L & K have feuded with the short lived Pitbull's, James & Stevens, Deuce & Domino and MNM. There hardly in the same league as the Bulldog's & Hart Foundation.
dont get me wrong they are the most entertaining tag team in the ring..the problem is they have NO promos between them and they are cruiserweights...even if the demolish demoliton..i still dont see them being the greatest tag team ever, maybe a tag team with more titles like the hardys
They are ok in the ring but are majorly under-used, sometimes i forget that smackdown even has a tag team title so their matches arent that memorible. It wont go down in history as much more than a half decent reign, and they still have a lot to do to get up to the callibre of the hardy's/edge and chrisitan were at. They definatly need more competition, which is why i say unite the tag title belts and have them over both brands.
im over their title reign have somebody else win the gold
im over their title reign have somebody else win the gold

like who?, their isn't really any competion for them, everytime they bring a new tag team onto SD!, they immeditly throw them into a title feud with L/K and then they get beat and L/K retain their titles, MNM is the only real serious challenge they have faced in their title reign, and they're the team L/K beat to become tag champs to begin with, maybe have them go up against Finley and Booker or BOD, but other than that I don't see any real challengers for them unless the put Jeff and Matt back together and have a couple of matches with them (I wouldn't mind seeing that, maybe have the feud end with a ladder match)
it would mean turning london and kendrick heels though because there is no way that the fans would choose them over the hardys, but that might not be a bad thing anyway, they are getting boring atm, and need to improve their mic work, which seems to be non-existant...
This is why I think the tag team championships should be an inter-brand division and not specific to each show. I mean you're already having a RAW guy or two jumping to Smackdown! to face them so why not just unify the two shows' championships and have the tag team division common to all three shows??

There are some good teams on RAW that are underused as well in the World's Greatest Tag Team, Cade & Murdoch, Cryme Tyme, the Highlanders, etc...they all deserve a chance to shine, and they won't be able to do that despite there being two (and possibly a 3rd) sets of tag team titles.

Unify them and have the teams work to earn their shots.
it would mean turning london and kendrick heels though because there is no way that the fans would choose them over the hardys, but that might not be a bad thing anyway, they are getting boring atm, and need to improve their mic work, which seems to be non-existant...
I agree, Ive never seen a promo about L/K they are getting very boring, I think Jeff Hardy should move to SD! to team up with Matt and win the tag titles from London and Kendrick
London & Kendrick are not boring. They have been underrated for months. They both have extraordinary athletic gifts and technical wrestling ability. While they don't cut any promos, they handle their business in the ring. The only tag team I enjoyed seeing them against that even looked good agains tthem was deuce & domino. MNM is garbage. Joey Mercury is holding back Nitro and needs to get the gate. MNM is Nitro and Melina. Nitro needs to stick to singles wrestling and stop lowering himself to tag team battles that they always lose... On to another subject-Ashley. She is getting so annoying I have to say. No wrestlking ability or toughness whatsoever and just because she's in playboy she gets shoved down our throats? I hope melina takes her to school and embarrasses her and puts her back to curtain jerker status where she belongs... A very similar outcome you are going to see in that match as to the match that happened with Trish vs. a young Christy Hemme...
L/K are one of my most fav tag teams in WWE. But they seem to be underrated even if they have a very good wrestling ability, and IMO they are kinda reminding me of HBK/Jannetty. They also have good mic skills, (Remember when Cena and Kendrick had a rap battle?). They are just not being used properly, and WWE lacks tag teams nowadays.
My 2 favorite tag teams have no feud anymore. K & L and D & D. Deuce's team is getting the shaft, for no reason. And Kendrick & London, no matter how manymatches they win, no matter how many no-talent fools they put over and outwrestle, they get no recognition. C'mon sell those guys as true babyfaces, that is what they are. The kids shud love them. Cute and cuddly. But real wrestlers, that is what they are. Just like they need to sell Kenny Dysktra and Nitro as babyfaces. Those guys could capture the audience in the right way. For their abilities and being good for kids... There are so many guys undder utilized and underrated, even if they have a belt. The problem stems from the 3 loser champions that nobody with a brain should recognize as "champions". Cena-Batista-Lashley. 3 guys who need to be fired, end of story...
I'd like to see Deuce and Domino win the tag titles this Friday. They might seem a bit silly, but they're great characters. I think WWE needs more of that.

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