London & Kendrick

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
What's everyone's oppinion on the potential London & Kendrick split?

I think it's a stupid idea. For one there's only two tag teams on Smackdown and there's nothing remotley stale about them, unlike D-X.

Londons last tag partner was Billy Kidman and they were needlessly split up. I just dont see the point.

Hopefully this is just an angle so they can turn Ashley heel.
Yeah i agree, it would be completly stupid if the WWE split them up. The cruiserweight division is pretty rubbish at the moment and i know people will be like they will add to it but the WWE has never took the cruiserweight division seriously. They r a good tag team with potential to be great, spliting them would be a lack of imagination on the WWE part.
It is becasue Vince has it out for London since he told Vince that it was stupid to ban some certain moves... So thats why him and Kidman were split... So this might have something to do with him and Kendrick getting split...
Let's say they do spilt them up, who's gonna take the belts from them, KC James and Idol Stevens? Those guys are not even close to being ready to have the titles. If they brought Jeff over from Raw, that would be a different story. That's unlikely though, I think he's doing pretty good over there as the IC champ.
there's nothing remotley stale about them, unlike D-X.

I find it hillarious that a few people from the IWC find them "stale" but about 90% of people love DX.. Because you, think there stale doesnt mean they are... More critical statements, unlike fan statements.. Its really getting annoying how people are nitpicking that there notthe Old DX.. Guess what... They never will be the Old DX, but there still entertaining and funny.. But thats a whole different topic..

Hopefully this is just an angle so they can turn Ashley heel.

Why would they turn Ashley heel when she's coming out with a Playboy soon? You would think they would keep her as a face, to have her issues sell a lot more, and get more exposure.

The cruiserweight division is pretty rubbish at the moment and i know people will be like they will add to it but the WWE has never took the cruiserweight division seriously.

Thats probably the exact reason there splitting them.. The Gymni should be back soon, and they will porbably be the New Tag Champs.. And since the Cruiserweight Division has a lack of superstars, splitting them would be a great idea.. WWE wants the CW division to grow, but as of now, they have like 3 legit Cruiserweights that arent in the Tag Division.. Helms, Yang, Noble.

Splitting them imo is a good idea, but before they do so, they need to find a few Tag Teams, so they can also expand that division.. I honestly think the Teachers Pets are a horrible Tag Team and cant draw at all.. So before they split them up, bring in a new Tag Team, and work around them.
I would really hate to see them split as I think they have awesome, awesome chemistry as a tag team, and are one of the best tag teams in quite some time. IMO, the Tag division is more important than the cruiserweight. I think they should bring Haas and Shannon Moore to smackdown for that division.
i think something will happen with taker and kane reuniting, and then they will face kendrick and london at armageddon for the titles. BOD will win, in then they london/kendrick will argue after the match, and split up. thats just my opinion tho
They can't be split yet. The Smackdown tag division is empty and needs to be rebuilt. This is why they were given the titles in the first place. They went from jobbing to no-talent mongoloids Gymini who went over like a fart in church to being the champs inside of a couple of months. Not exactly consistency in the booking department, but then again, what else are you supposed to do when you've painted yourself into a corner? One of WWE's highest priorities should be starting and maintaining successful tag teams. I still think Benjamin and Haas should've stayed together as they had genuine chemistry and in-ring talent. Separated, those two guys have been fighting to find a stable identity (mostly Haas) that actually has merit ever since. The tag teams need unified personalities/gimmicks and uniform names like WWF used to do back in the day.
its already been proven light wretlers can draw [x division] but london and kendrick are so amazing its just crazy like they could be up there on the best if they go on for a while there are plenty of cruisers not getting used [mostly on raw 1 or 2 on ecw but only move them if there gonna be used]
Why can't they still compete for the Cruiserweight title while they are tag team champs? How many others have been Tag Team champs while holding another title? Quite a few.
I personally think WWE should confine the cruisers to one show, and the tag teams to one show. This way, they could use the cumulative amount of talent and make each show even more unique. It would also make the belts carry more weight as they only have one champion for that type of competition. London and Kendrick are amazing competitors and should definitely keep any semblance of a push going as they can out-work 99% of WWE's other wrestlers in their sleep.
Kasey said:
I personally think WWE should confine the cruisers to one show, and the tag teams to one show. This way, they could use the cumulative amount of talent and make each show even more unique. It would also make the belts carry more weight as they only have one champion for that type of competition. London and Kendrick are amazing competitors and should definitely keep any semblance of a push going as they can out-work 99% of WWE's other wrestlers in their sleep.

That could work, but I would think that the CW division would have to be on ECW if it was to happen (even though I hate seeing people complain about ECW having 1 title). The problem with SD is that they need more wrestlers, that are not just new guys. And yeah, Paul London is an amazing competitor. Some of the spots he's done have been amazing. The best I've seen is when he got clotheslined by Snitsky at the RR and he did a forward backflip to the mat below (ouch!!)
i dont care, i barely watch SMACKDOWN, i watch RAW adbn thats it...
Peterdea said:
i dont care, i barely watch SMACKDOWN, i watch RAW adbn thats it...

If you don't care its better to ignore the thread and not post in it. Right now you have added nothing to this debate and I suggest you rethink how you respond to threads.
I think they will split up, because on smackdown when London landed on Ashley, Kendrick came down to help after assisting Ashley back to her feet Ashley didn't thank Kendrick and went to check on London.
People like london and kendrick have true talent and should be given a good push rather than all these muscle-bound giants with little or no talent i.e. masters, batista, khali etc.

Im not saying PL/BK should be fighting for the major championships but splitting them would be disastorous as they have consistenly put on the best matches for several months now.

Smackdown would suffer greatly if they did!! :headbanger:
T Murdoch 4 President said:
That could work, but I would think that the CW division would have to be on ECW if it was to happen (even though I hate seeing people complain about ECW having 1 title). The problem with SD is that they need more wrestlers, that are not just new guys. And yeah, Paul London is an amazing competitor. Some of the spots he's done have been amazing. The best I've seen is when he got clotheslined by Snitsky at the RR and he did a forward backflip to the mat below (ouch!!)
Having it on ECW would be a good idea. They could use Guido and Mamaluke, and free up space on Smackdown for more heavyweights to contend for the US and World Titles. WWE is never at a legitmate shortage for talent as they can hire nearly anyone they want, whether it's an indy worker or someone from another company. They could even change the CW title to a TV title down the road if all goes well or if they couldn't get the cruiserweight division back out of the gutter. WWE has never been very good at booking cruiserweights because Vince and Shane don't really like them. London is the man, I just wished they let him work the way he did in TNA and ROH, because as good as he is now, he was INSANE back then.

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