London & Kendrick opinions.


Break Me Down.
Who agrees with me that these two are WWE's best Tag Team at the moment? And yes I do realise that the tag division in WWE sucks. Personally I was delighted that they retained the titles at No Mercy because I know WWE are usually determined to put the Tag Titles on new teams quite quickly so that result definitely surprised me, Kudos to WWE lol.

WWE should keep these two as a Tag Team for a long run, they had a similar team two years ago with Paul London and Billy Kidman but Vince AGAIN thought the logical thing to do was split them up and have them feud. I hope they don't do the same with these two though because there definitely entertaining wrestlers with talent.
I really like them it's just a shame there is no other tag teams other than K.C. James and Idol Stevens to feud with. I think they should reunite the W.G.T.T. and have them move to Smackdown. Ideally I think the Tag Titles should be dual brand that way they will mean more and there will be plenty of tag teams. On a similar note the Raw tag divisonn suddenly seems to have an influx of teams, it's just a shame that they are made to look worthless by D-X.
i agree wwe needs more high flyers and tag teams like that i liked las night when they teamed up with that jimmy yang dude...werent they trained by hbk?
Yes, London & Kendrick are the second best tag team in the U.S. right now (behind the dream team of Styles & Daniels, of course). Given that they could both carry titles in the spectacular RoH, it's great that they are a tag team. They could be great for a long time, but they'll eventually split. And if they split, ship them to ECW
Maybe London and Kendrick should be in the Cruiserweight Tag divison.
It looks like they're trying to hold on to this team. When they added Ashley as a valet, it was no secret they wanted to make them into Team Extreme. And the only thing that broke up the Hardy Boyz was brand expansion.
I want nothing more than for London and Kendrick to succeed, but I will face the fact that they were nothing more to WWE management than a Plan B. They were forced to job to a couple of talentless hacks like Gymini months back...and all of a sudden they can rebound and be the best tag team on Smackdown? What logic. WWE has no real direction for these guys because (with the exception of Mysterio) they've never had the wherewithall to book Juniors. This was evident with numerous others they wasted in the company. Low Ki, Taka, Essa Rios, Ultimo Dragon, Kidman are the prime ones. Because London and Kendrick are not roid-munching nimrods who are 6'5", then they don't get any respect and they're never booked in an intelligent fashion. This is why Kendrick's original WWE run had him delivering singing telegrams to the Undertaker and getting nearly maimed by Lesnar. Instead of being utilized for their skills, they are used as a stopgap because Smackdown has zero other credible tag teams and has booked themselves into a corner time and time again. They should get out of WWE and go elsewhere so their remaining years in wrestling can actually mean something.
the way these guys are going they are going to hold on to these titles for a long time which I don't mind since they are entertaining. Also I'm glad wwe doesn't have that many high flyers because it makes you appreciate them more rather expecting to an acrobats show, like some companies, however WWE should bring in a few more.
I think these guys are great. They have an unique style and are also very innovative... btw... did you know that Paul London and Brian Kendrick are the longest reigning Smackdown! tag team champions in WWE history? They beat MNM's previous record of 142 days... congrats to the tag team champs...
Y 2 Jake said:
I really like them it's just a shame there is no other tag teams other than K.C. James and Idol Stevens to feud with. I think they should reunite the W.G.T.T. and have them move to Smackdown. Ideally I think the Tag Titles should be dual brand that way they will mean more and there will be plenty of tag teams. On a similar note the Raw tag divisonn suddenly seems to have an influx of teams, it's just a shame that they are made to look worthless by D-X.

Ideally it would be, and from a fan perspective that would be great and it seems so easy but it isn't. The travel to get back and forth is killer, so they for the most part don't do cross promotional things. I agree that would make the division mean something. So if we are speaking ideally, ideally they woldnt make a second singles title on ECW and instead put the tag belt there and load it with great tag teams and a couple singles guys to go for the ECW title and a few other singles fueds. I say use ECW for this because it wouldn't hurt them, and they aren't trying to be a true ECW anymore so might as well.Thats how I would like to see it.

Yes Kendrick and London are good, I hope they stick together. I would like to see Jeff Hardy jump to SD! when his IC title run ends, and reunite with matt and have a good fued.

I can't stop thinking about if they had Cryme Tyme, Highlanders, Redneck Recking Crew, the spirit squad split into 2 tag teams (Ken Doane stays on raw as singles), Vis and Haas, London and Kendrick, reunited WGTT, Hardy Boyz, so on and so forth on a show and made the tag title mean something.
If Paul London had stade with TNA,he would have become the new AJ styles by now. Its such a shame hes essentially wasted in the wwe, on the worst show, and competing in the worst division. And its such a shame that he hasnt been given a joint cruiserweight run with the title.
An idea id like to see is that kendrick or london win the cruiserwight strap, whilst holding the tag titles. Eventually, the other partner becomes the #1 contender, and giths his partner for the gold on the same ppv as they defend the title. However, as the rivallry heats up, they start to grow a dislike for each other, and start fighting each other during the tag title match, and as a result, cost each other the titles. As a result of there antics, teddy long makes it a 3 way for the cruserweight belt, and the 3rd competitor wins the gold.
I think that these two guys got Half the talent available on Smackdown they can really Fly they are the best Highflying guys I have ever seen.
They should split and not go on as a Tag team because thats holding them back as for my opinion.
These guys are trained by the living legend Shawn Micheals thats why they are so good.
As WWE Tag Team Champions, Kendrick and London would go on to successfully defend their titles against other tag teams on the SmackDown! brand; including The Mexicools, The Pit Bulls, and K.C. James and Idol Stevens. On October 14, 2006 London and Kendrick became the longest reigning WWE Tag Team Champions in history.
Prior to teaming together on SmackDown!, both London and Kendrick were students at Rudy Boy Gonzales and Shawn Michaels' Texas Wrestling Academy.

The pair first began teaming with each other in 2003 back when Kendrick was known by the ring name Spanky. The team would become a mainstay on SmackDown!'s sister show, WWE Velocity, until Spanky left the company

The WWE needs to push these guys to the Edge and then they will Rise just like the Midnight Rockkers Micheals and Marty.


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