Logan Burnside

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
Real Name: Logan Harrow.

Gimmick Name: "The Beast" Logan Burnside.

Nickname: The Beast

Height: 6ft 5

Weight: 283 pounds

Hometown: Liverpool, England.

Billed From: Atlanta, Georgia.


- Very short hair of undistinguishable colour, but seemingly dark. Almost bald.

- Dull blue eyes.

- Little facial hair. Even stubble at it's longest.

- Topless. Wears fairly plain black shorts with single horizontal white stripe near the top. Heavily taped fists. Quite hairy but rather evenly. Black nondescript wrestling boots.

- Often still topless, but trading the shorts for training pants and trainers/sneakers. If not that, then clad in black jeans and heavy, hooded-leather jacket and boots.

- Various scars of various sizes and shapes. Most obvious is a scar running from just beneath the eyebrow above the right eye down to jaw. Well-defined jaw and a small cranium compared to his size.

- His arms are over 50% covered in tattoos, most of which relate to fighting, depictions and philosophies (amongst them a metallic snake running from shoulder to wrist and a grenade) and some religious representation including a bible passage on the left tricep. Dogtags are tattood onto his upper chest area where they would lie if actually present. Finally, a large tattoo on the back of a rampaging bull stampeding into the foreground.

Allignment: Heel

Main gimmick: Logan is essentially considered a man who is as much pure beast as he is human. This is driven by his overly physical approach to dealing with people assisted by his low intellect.

2 Characteristics of Gimmick: Very untrusting of most people.
His low intellect makes it hard for other to relate to him in conversation and so, whilst not antisocial, he doesn't have very many friends or allies.


W1 - His low intelligence makes him and easy target for being distracted by external factors in his match (ie interference)
2 - His stamina is less than that of the average athlete.
3 - The scar above his eye gies him unbalanced vision, meaning he is more susceptible to attacks from that side.

S1 - Very high pain threshold.
2 - His linear focus means he has an unholy grip in submissions and it is very difficult to break his holds.
3 - Despite the fact he can be distracted by outside happenings, his linear focus means he isn't gullible inside the ring and is not easily fooled by opponents in a 1-on-1 setting due to his history with people.

Sample Pic:

Brief History: His demeanor is a product of fights he had when younger and being bullied as he was a late developer and only hit puberty at the age of 15 onwards. In one instance, the back of his head was banged against a wall leaving him instantly knocked out and later concussed. This is thought to have had a direct impact upon his intelligence, formerly being an average student in terms of behaviour and academics, he then became disruptive, violent and failed examinations. This lead to a couple of school expulsions in his mid-late teens. As soon as he was eligible, it was decided that he join the army to match his temperament and then well-grown physical attributes.

His time in the army was equally riddled with trouble. Whilst he excelled at physical challenges (he held the record for push-ups in his particular camp) he found it difficult to co-exist with other soldiers and even his own superiors. His service ended abruptly and he was sent back to the US after a dispute with a rooming serviceman ended in him carving the opposing officers' face to something unresembling of a face. Regardless, he considers his time in the service with pride and prefers to concentrate on the positive things he achieved whilst there.

Currently, he does physical labour and heavy lifting for a major supermarket chain. Realizing his physical potential to be as yet unfulfilled, he attempts to join WZCW as a place to offset the steam that builds in his system on an average day where he serves 'little flabby men' for a living. He comes to the company with a fairly lengthy criminal record but with nothing that hasn't been atoned and accounted for by law.

Entrance Music:
Entrance Description: Logan walks out to the top of the stage, pauses, spreads his arms wide and clenches his fists, never stopping to look at the crowd. He walks down the ramp with eyes fixed only on the ring, giving stiff, painful high fives to any outstretched arms. He slides in the ring and walks around on the knuckles of his fists before jumping to his feet and staring into the camera.

Finishing Moves: Primary - The animal within (Gallows Pole)
Secondary - Gory special

15 Most Used Moves:

- Fallaway Slam (rabid release)
- Throat thrust
- T-bone suplex
- Running knee
- Samoan Drop
- Big boot
- Discus clothesline (feral thrust)
- Corner chokehold
- High-collar backdrop
- Diving forearm
- Pendulum backbreaker
- Arm drag
- Barely legal
- Running corner shoulder block
- Single leg boston crab

Sample RP:

The cameras switch on as we join Leon Kensworth interviewing yet another potential star looking to make it big in the WZCW.

Kensworth: Are we roll- Hello everybody! You join me now with the newest potential acquisition of the WZCW show. He is... Lllllllllogan, am, Burnside? That's right yeah? OK. Logan, I just have to start off with asking you; Why now? What do you have to offer our company, what skills can you bring to the table, and why do you feel this is the right time for you to make you're début into this company, or in fact your début into wresting... well... in general?

Burnside: I've, uh, got a lot to prove to the, um, people in my life that, umm, didn't think I couldn't really make it anywhere in life. I've always been a bit of an, umm, outcast... The kids that I used to, ah, hang around with would always y'know make fun of me and I, I got into a lot of, umm, fights when I was a kid. Then I got into the army and that didn't really work out good for me neither. So I figure, where's better than a place like this where a guy only gets judged on how bad he can mess up another guy. That's, umm, really a place for a guy... like me y'know.

Kensworth: Alright. And do you, y'know, feel that you've got a good shot of really making it here in WZCW. What would you say is unique about you that'll take you far in this company against, really, the stiffest competition you're going to find anywhere?

Burnside: Well, I reckon that I've really got that experience of, y'know, real fighting that I think alotta guys, they don't really have. I think I could really show some of these guy, y'know, what it's like to, umm, really slug it out with a guy. I been in plenty o' fights and I won a lot o' fights too. I think that's what I really got over, er, most of the guys that you got competing over here, so...

Kensworth: If you may, I'd like to talk a little bit about your past. We went digging and found out a few things about your time before you were here. Would you care to comment on your 2 year long tenure as a serviceman, and the circumstances behind why that ended?

Logan waits a few seconds until he realises that's his cue. He begins to rifle through his pockets. Firstly, he digs into the right pocket of his intimidating thick leather jacket, followed swiftly by the right. He then reaches down to his right pants pocket before pulling out a folded piece of paper, frayed and dirty on the edges. He slowly begins to unfold the paper, unaware of the evident pressures on him to perform quickly as a previously untested performer. After fully unfolding the paper, he starts to study it, turning it around almost in search of the right keyword as a prompt for when to begins reading.

Burnside: Umm..... I do not wish to... comment on , umm, anything regarding my life prior to wrestling. As you know, whatever mistakes I've made have all been- Sorry what's this word?

He passes over the paper.

Kenworth: Atoned f-

Burnside raises his finger to the camera, but his eyes stay fixed on the paper.

Burnside: Atoned for, yeah. I will be glad to answer any, umm, further questions you have about my desire to... wrestle at this great company.

Kensworth: OK then, no problem. You... sure you wouldn't like to comment on these allegations that have been made in the past about your issues to do with anger. There's plenty of reports that say-

Burnside: I don't wish to comment on my life prrrrrior?..... to wrestling, sorry. What's, what's prior?

Kensworth: Means before. OK. In that case, what can we look forward to seeing from you if you manage to get signed here at WZCW?

He regains his focus and tosses the paper on the ground near his feet.

Burnside: Uh, if I get to work here, you're not gonna see any real pretty wrestling. I aint gonna wow anybody with my moves. But I know how to make a guy hurt real bad and a guy of my size, y'know, I can really, umm, do it to anybody. There's nobody I won't face. There's a reason why they call me the beast.

Kensworth: There's you have it ladies and gentleman. Mr. Logan Burnside vying for your opinions and support, leave us feedback on our twitter #WZCW and as always we'll be having a look over the coming week. Thanks you all for watching.

Camera guy: aaaaaaaand cut.

Lensworth: Alriiiiiight. Hey man, reaching out his hand I wish you the best of luck, and hope you can get-

Burnside doesn't stop to exchange pleasantries and walks away as if no handshake had ever been offered, and no interview had ever taken place. He barely stops to let people pass him as he walks towards the exit of the building. He reaches the archway and begins to slow, all the while the camera crew and Kensworth himself are looking on out of curiosity. Feintly a voice can be heard to say: Good work. Good, but not great. C'mon.

Kensworth: The nerve of some people! What an ass.

Leon bends over to retrieve the paper that was tossed onto the floor and uncrumples it. The sheet is covered in bold underlined words in immaculate handwriting, which are supported by a few eloquent lines of text, supposedly to counteract for any questions which may have arisen during the interview. Amongst the literary passages are colourful doodles, and in the corner of the page the letters CK. Leon just stares on confused, before putting the paper rightfully in the bin and thinking little else of it.
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