Lockdown: Xscape Match

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic

X-Division Championship Match
Xscape Match​

Jay Lethal vs. Curry Man vs. Sonjay Dutt vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ???​

Despite the stupid name. These matches usually deliver. They're pretty solid. Then again most TNA matches are. Again it's hard to get Xcited (see what I did there?) about this match when you have about 7 other cage matches.

Although with this match and the Lethal Lockdown match I'm struggling to think up other matches. I can guess a few, but not a whole card. Looks like a lot of them will be going long.
I think I need an Xplanation. This is the match where everybody but the last two are pinned to be eliminated, and then the last two must, uh, Xscape the cage, right? I don't think they've promoted one of these for a while. Oh, and I haven't seen Impact yet, by the way.

I'm guessing as the first to be announced, Black Machismo and Curry Man are the only two in the running to win this? Sorry, Black Machismo is the only one in the running to win this. It'd be nice for TNA to give us a surprise and have something like Lethal being eliminated early, but I'm confident that Lethal will beat Daniels in the final two. Too predictable, but it'll have some lovely spots.
I got Lethal, Curry Danielman, sonjay, sharkboy, and i want to say shelley and sabin but i think they might be in lethal lockdown so thats not plausible. I really have no idea who the last two could be unless they wised up and made it Jimmy Rave and Kaz. Regardless of that i think this is the start to the long lasting Lethal/Dutt feud. The best way to start this would be to have Val accidentally cost Lethal and then have Sonjay go and hug Val. Personally I would rather have the X belt on someone like Kaz then Lethal at the moment cause i think it opens up more rivalries but with the belt on Lethal the only legit challenger to him is his best friend Sonjay. So I'm going with Sonjay even though Lethal will walk out with the belt because its TNA booking
Confusing this match. Not the rules, because I totally understood it last year (2007's Xscape match was very good imo), I just can't tell who's going to compete. The only people I can think of our Sharkboy, Sabin, Shelley and Petey Williams. But then there'd be 5 faces and 1 heel. Hmmmm.

Maybe MCMG will turn heel? Johnny Devine will be added to the match? Maybe even Kaz?
Well, there are four spots remaining, so I can take a wild stab in the dark at a possible four names to be thrown in.

Petey Williams: Yes, he lost to Curry Man, but somehow I see Scott Steiner getting him reinvolved as to not drop him from the list. Plus, how can you not put Petey Williams in a match like this. He has the ability and should be honestly next in line to win that Championship in my eyes.

Sharkboy: I'd much rather not, but he is one of the cornerstones of today's X-Division. I can't believe how sad it is to write that either. Although, Curry Man is in, which means Sharkboy will likely follow since they're something of a team now.

Sonjay Dutt: If you ask my true opinion, you're looking at the possible next X-Division Champion to continue the weird angle with Sonjay and So Cal Val. I'm telling you, its reliving the Savage/Hogan/Liz days. But would Sonjay truly play the part of Hogan? :lmao: I can see Val giving congrats to Dutt, then Lethal begins getting jealous.

Kaz: Like it or not, hes still a prime member of the X-Division, and the fact is he'd be a great name to win the Championship. For him, winning the Championship wouldn't be hurtful because the X-Division title is often seen as an equal to the World Championship, depending on how its creatively carried. Therefore, Kaz being involved in this match is a huge possibility, and likely.

Possible Others: I'm not going to say either of the Motor City MachineGuns couldn't be involved, and in some manner it doesn't look like they're doing anything with them to begin with. However I'm still holding out hope that they could possibly join up with Christian Cage in the Letal Lockdown match.

Obviously if either Gun is entered into this thing, then you'd have to consider Johnny Devine to be a likely top choice to be entered in as well. Was Devine an X-Division Champion? I know thats almost stupid to ask, because I think he was, but I don't honestly think he ever carried a single match as Champion. I think he won it in a single's match (of sorts) then lost it in a 6 Man Tag Team match. Either way, Devine could be another possibility.

Finally, what about Elix Skipper? He always seems to surface around this time to play a role in these types of matches. Him and Low Ki both normally do. However I think Low Ki is gone, technically for good, but I also think hes injured. And I don't know if Skipper is even still around.
Should be quite a solid match, want to wait really until more X wrestlers ate involved, I realised that TNA dont seem to have that many any more but ah well! Last years match was quite good so Xspect to see this one good as well I would aslo think that the last two men would be Sonjay and Lethal starting thier long lasting feud. I think that perhaps the belt needs to change here, I feel if Machismo wins TNA mihgt be increasing the risk of the gimmick and Lethal beating everyone getting repetitve and stale but you knows, Should be a good match probaly the start match.
Well, last year's match delivered, and had some sweet spots...plus, there were signs of MCMG in the future with the awesome cohesion between Sabin and Shelley...anyway, the last 4 spots may be:

Petey Williams: Of course. Unless they have him and Steiner in a one-on-one matchup over the briefcases. But I think it's too soon to start that. Perhaps after this PPV

Shark Boy:
WTF else is there for him to do?

Kaz: Why the hell not? I would really like to see a one-on-one bout between him and Black Machismo. Hopefully it'll come down to these two, but that may not be likely, with the signs of a Dutt - Lethal program.

Sonjay Dutt:
Speaking of which, perhaps we may see Dutt get his first title win here, after which he celebrates with SoCal Val, and is clocked by Lethal, setting up their feud. That would be a good way to begin the rivalry and a way to finally get the X-Division belt around Dutt's waist.

These are just some thoughts...
Dutt has been confirmed for this match. I totally predicted that. I'm also predicting that he doesn't win it. The point of Sonjay is totally lost on me. He get's TV time for no reason. Nobody dislikes the guy. But is anybody a big fan? He doesn't do anything to make himslef stand out. Other than the backne and strange hair.
Sonjay Dutt will finlay be X champion he deserves it and the time is right
i could see him screwing Lethal outta the win and turning heel
he deserves a X title run anyway he good
This will be great, but I doubt that Jay will lose the belt, and with all the Hype for Creed it will most likely be those two at the end with Jay getting a lucky win like Sabin did last year. But that means Curry Man will have to take a fall, which I don't like and don't know if it's smart booking.

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