[Lockdown] Velvet Sky v. Gail Kim (C) [TNA Knockouts Championship]

Who wins?

  • Velvet Sky

  • Gail Kim

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It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
Lockdown 2012
Velvet Sky v. Gail Kim (C)
TNA Knockouts Championship






All discussion here.​
FINALLY this match is gonna happen! been waiting for this sense velvet lost the title ill be surprised if velvet sky doesnt beat gail for the title here hopefully this time she gets the run she actullay deserves!
The Knockouts division has been struggling to develop and establish a nice one-on-one feud here based entirely around the title (and not anything else), so I'd be kinda surprised if Vel Vel doesn't get the nod here to drive this story heading into Slammiversary.
Hmm. . . . i am scared of the Cage Stimulation here. Hope they do not disappoint. I was personally wanting James vs. Kim in a Cage.

IHW's Prediction-
Gail Kim retains, i think.

Grandma's Prediction-
"Hmm. I think that Velvet Cake girl is pretty, but can she beat Gail. Plus Gail has Madison to help her. I will say Gail wins this time. Huh? Cage? Girls? Whats the link to that sports site? Okay, I will have to watch this part."
I'm calling Velvet here. I hope she wins, and I think she will.

Gail on top is getting stale, and Velvet is ridiculously over with the crowds.

Only thing is, if Storm wins - as all sensible bets points towards - and Devon retains, along with Aries basically being a face now, TNA will have all face champions. Is that wise? Admittedly Joe and Magnus are more like tweeners, and will most likely have to be the heels in a feud with the guns, they're still very popular.

But we won't know until it happens, so I'm still going with Velvet.
It makes sense storyline wise for Velvet to win. Kim comes into the company, beats Velvet for the title then runs through the entire KO Division by hook or by crook without giving Vel her rematch. Kim has been built to be the destroyer of worlds in a sense so the only logical way to end her reign is to end it at the hands of the woman it began with. I am all for Velvet winning. At the very least she can get a recent reign out of it.
I've seen Gail in the cage before against Kong and it was brutal. But I'm going with Velvet. Its been 6 months since she lost the title without getting a rematch. While not the best wrestler in the division, she's the most over face of the KO's, and probably the most over in general terms. She deserves the nod.
I predict a Velvet Sky W, perhaps with the unintentional aid of her former BP buddy Madison Rayne (or another KO run-in).
In terms of wrestling I call Kim, but it only makes since for Velvet to win; and the cage stipulation kinda' throws me off too. There is really no reason to have Velvet lose, and she the face of the KOs, so in terms of storyline I say Velvet!
I'm picking Velvet for the win here. She's been chasing her one on one rematch for quite some time, and Velvet should see her moment of triumph at Lockdown. Gail has had a pretty solid run as champion, but the Knockouts picture has felt very stale for months now. Velvet could become a breath of fresh air, and the Knockouts Championship needs new life. Gail has been enjoyable enough as champion, but it's time for a change.
I think Velvet wins this one.Like I said in the Storm/Roode topic it seems like Lockdown is the night the both Storm and Velvet finally long awaited 1 on 1 rematch for the championship and get their payback.

I actually simulated what I think will happen this Sunday using WWE 12 lol

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