[Lockdown] Robbie E. v. Devon (C) [TNA Television Championship]

Who wins?

  • Robbie E.

  • Devon

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The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
Lockdown 2012
Robbie E. v. Devon (C)
TNA Television Championship






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not really looking forward to this match but maybe it will surprise me i see devon retaining its about that time of year for robbie e to disapeer until the next season of jersery shore starts :suspic:
Eh. Devon shall win, but I couldn't care less. His last win would be pointless if he lost, oh wait, it already is pointless?

IHW's Prediction-

Grandma's Prediction-
Devon to retain.

Robbie E to dissapear for a while and get a gimmick change - hopefully ditching Robbie T too. He's not all that bad in the ring, or on the stick, but his gimmick is so horrible and tacky. I'm sure it seemed somewhat zeitgeisty when they first farted it out, but it's just dated and annoying now. He doesn't even need to change his basic character - a cocky, cowardly heel, like a lower mid-card TNA unholy union of Miz and Zack Ryder - just ditch this horrible Jersey Shore thing.
I also couldn't care less either as there has been barely an build up to this match at all. I don't think i've seen either on Impact since the PPV (in regards to the feud). I think Devon should retain as i don't really see the point in Robbie dropping the title at one PPV only to win it pack at the next PPV. Plus i wouldn't mind seeing what Devon can do as a singles star, because Bully Ray seems to be doing very very well.

Devon to retain.
I like Devon, but I'm straight on this rematch with Robbie. He needs a new gimmick bad and isn't all that great in the ring. Some feel the same about Devon in that he should retire and such. But if he was featured more on TV to actually defend the title, maybe interest would spark in the title itself. Anyway, Devon wins this one.
Devon should retain here. TNA tried to create a feel good moment at Victory Road, when Devon won the title, and Robbie. E didn't do anything special during his reign as champ, so I don't expect him to win back the title so soon. This match could be worth watching, but I don't have any high hopes for this one.
I'm going with Devon on this one, he just won the title and hasn't even cut a promo or competed in a match on TV since then.I just see no point in him losing the title against Robbie E in a rematch.

And here's my more detailed prediction/simulation for this match
This seems like nothing more than filler, to be honest. Devon has been the TV Champion since Victory Road -- just barely under a month -- but he hasn't done much with the title. I don't see any way he loses it here, I just think they're trying to finish up with Robbie E, get the rematch out of the way, and let Devon move on. Devon's been okay as of late, but he's clearly not the singles star that Bubba is, so I don't expect him to do huge things on the singles front. That doesn't mean he can't be a good midcarder, though. With this title, he can really take the time to establish himself, and that's what this match is all about -- letting Devon start building a resume of guys he's beaten.

As TV Champion, I think Devon can "rejuvinate" the title, so to speak. He's a fresh face, in terms of being around that title, so they can really work off of him as a clean slate. Going over Robbie will only be the first step. That being said, I'm not expecting much from the match tonight. It'll be pretty standard stuff, which they probably could have fit in on Impact, they probably just needed to round out the PPV. I'd be absolutely shocked if this is anything more than a glorified squash for Devon, but I'd be STUNNED if Robbie won. Devon's the new champion, he'll go over here.

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